
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Emerging economies, risk and development, and intelligent technology : proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (RACR 2015), Tangier, Morocco, 1-3 June 2015 / International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response Tangier, Morocco), 2015 : author. (5th : [2015] 風險社會
Book Emerging markets and sovereign risk / 2015. 風險社會
Book Emerging security threats in the Middle East : the impact of climate change and globalization / Swain, Ashok, author. [2016] 風險社會
Book Empowering climate-change strategies with Bernard Lonergan's method / Raymaker, John. c2015. 風險社會
Book Encyclopedia of global environmental governance and politics / 2015. 風險社會
Book Energy accounts : architectural representations of energy, climate, and the future / 2017. 風險社會
Book Energy and climate : vision for the future / McElroy, Michael B., author. [2016] 風險社會
Book Energy efficiency : building a clean, secure economy / Sweeney, James L., author. [2016] 風險社會
Book Energy policy of the European Union / Schubert, Samuel R., author. 2016. 風險社會
Book Energy security in Asia and Eurasia / 2017. 風險社會
Book Energy security, equality and justice / Sovacool, Benjamin K., author. 2014. 風險社會
Book Energy transition in East Asia : a social science perspective / 2018. 風險社會
Book Energy transitions : global and national perspectives / Smil, Vaclav, author. [2017] 風險社會
Book Energy transitions : regulatory and policy trends / [2017] 風險社會
Book Energy transitions in Japan and China : mine closures, rail developments, and energy narratives / Lim, Tai-Wei, author. [2017] 風險社會
Book Energy, capitalism and world order : towards a new agenda in international political economy / 2016. 風險社會
Book Energy, cities and sustainability : an historical approach / Margalit, Harry, author. 2016. 風險社會
Book Energy, foresight and strategy / 2016. 風險社會
Book Energy, governance and sustainability / [2016] 風險社會
Book Energy, resources and welfare : exploration of social frameworks for sustainable development / Sørensen, Bent, 1941- author. [2016] 風險社會
Book Engineering the climate : the ethics of solar radiation management / Preston, Christopher J. 1968- (Christopher James), ©2012. 風險社會
Book Engineering uncertainty and risk analysis : a balanced approach to probability, statistics, stochastic modeling, and stochastic differential equations / Serrano, Sergio E., author. ©2011. 風險社會
Book Enterprise risk management in finance / Wu, Desheng Dash, author. [2015] 風險社會
Book Environment, modernization and development in East Asia : perspectives from environmental history / 2016. 風險社會
Book Environmental Sustainability at Historic Sites and Museums / Sutton, Sarah, 1961 August 16- author. [2015] 風險社會
Book Environmental design perspectives : viewpoints on the profession, education and research / [2016] 風險社會
Book Environmental governance : institutions, policies and actions / Vatn, Arild, author. [2015] 風險社會
Book Environmental governance in Europe : a comparative analysis of new environmental policy instruments / Wurzel, Rüdiger, author. [2013] 風險社會
Book Environmental health and toxicology / [2016] 風險社會
Book Environmental materials and waste : resource recovery and pollution prevention / [2016] 風險社會
Book Environmental planning in context / White, Iain, author. 2015. 風險社會
Book Environmental policy and politics in the European Union / Delreux, Tom, author. 2016. 風險社會
Book Environmental policymaking and stakeholder collaboration : theory and practice / Orr, Shannon K., author. 2014. 風險社會
Book Environmental politics and policy in the west / [2016] 風險社會
Book Environmental politics in Latin America : elite dynamics, the left tide and sustainable development / 2015. 風險社會
Book Environmental security in the Asia-Pacific / 2015. 風險社會
Book Environmentalism gone mad : how a former Sierra Club activist and senior EPA analyst discovered a radical green energy fantasy / Carlin, Alan. ©2015. 風險社會
Book Environments, risks and health : social perspectives / Eyles, John, author. 2017. 風險社會
Book Ethical values and the integrity of the climate change regime / [2015] 風險社會
Book Ethics, environmental justice and climate change / [2016] 風險社會
Book Europe's long energy journey : towards an energy union? / Buchan, David, 1947- author. 2015. 風險社會
Book European agencies and risk governance in EU financial market law / Weismann, Paul, author. 2016. 風險社會
Book Explaining risk analysis : protecting health and the environment / Greenberg, Michael R., author. 2017. 風險社會
Book Explorations in urban theory / Smith, Michael P., author. [2017] 風險社會
Book Exploring civic innovation for social and economic transformation / 2016. 風險社會
Book Extreme weather : forty years of the Tornado and Storm Research Organisation (TORRO) / 2016. 風險社會
Book Facing climate change : an integrated path to the future / Kiehl, J. T. author. (Jeffrey T.), [2016] 風險社會
Book Facing the anthropocene : fossil capitalism and the crisis of the earth system / Angus, Ian, 1945- author. [2016] 風險社會
Book Fact and fiction in global energy policy : fifteen contentious questions / Sovacool, Benjamin K., author. 2016. 風險社會
Book Fair economics : nature, money and people, beyond neoclassical thinking / Schoene, Irene H., author. 2015. 風險社會