
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Bronze artefact production in late Bronze Age Ireland : a survey / Ó FaoláinSimon. 2004. 聚落考古學
Book Bronze lamps in the Istanbul Archaeological Museum : an illustrated catalogue / Atasoy, Sümer. 2005. 聚落考古學
Book Bronzeworking centres of Western Asia, c. 1000-539 B.C. / 1988. 聚落考古學
Book Bronzeworking on late Minoan Crete : a diachronic study / Hakulin, Lena. c2004. 聚落考古學
Book Broyage et abrasion au Néolithique ancien : caractérisation technique et fonctionnelle des outillages en grès du Bassin parisien / Hamon, Caroline. 2006. 聚落考古學
Book Building Portsmouth : the neighborhoods & architecture of New Hampshire's oldest city / Candee, Richard M., 1942- c2006. 聚落考古學
Book Building memories : the Neolithic Cotswold long barrow at Ascott-Under-Wychwood, Oxfordshire / c2007. 聚落考古學
Book Building on the past : a guide to the archaeology and development process / McGill, Greg. 1995. 聚落考古學
Book Built in Washington : 12,000 years of Pacific Northwest archaeological sites and historic buildings / 1989. 聚落考古學
Book Burgesses and Burgess law in the Latin Kingdoms of Jerusalem and Cyprus, 1099-1325 / Nader, Marwan. c2006. 聚落考古學
Book Burning bush : a fire history of Australia / Pyne, Stephen J., 1949- 1998. 聚落考古學
Book Business geography and new real estate market analysis / Thrall, Grant Ian. 2002. 聚落考古學
Book Buzz-Cut Dune and Fremont foraging at the margin of horticulture / Madsen, David B. 2005. 聚落考古學
Book By a crystal brook : early riverside settlement and a medieval chapel at Sutton Poyntz, Dorset / Rawlings, Mick. 2007. 聚落考古學
Book By airship to the North Pole : an archaeology of human exploration / Capelotti, P. J. 1960- (Peter Joseph), c1999. 聚落考古學
Book Byzantium in the mirror : the Message of Skylitzes Matritensis and Hagia Sophia in Constantinople / Piltz, Elisabeth. 2005. 聚落考古學
Book CAA 96 : computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology / 2000. 聚落考古學
Book CRARA '77 : papers from the fourth biennial conference of the Canadian Rock Art Research Associates, October 27-30, 1977, Victoria, British Columbia / Canadian Rock Art Research Associates. 1979. 聚落考古學
Book Caesarea Philippi : Banias, the lost city of Pan / Wilson, John Francis. 2004. 聚落考古學
Book Cahokia's countryside : household archaeology, settlement patterns, and social power / Mehrer, Mark. 1995. 聚落考古學
Book Cahokia, the great Native American metropolis / Young, Biloine W., 1926- 2000. 聚落考古學
Book California archaeology / Moratto, Michael J. 2004. 聚落考古學
Book California prehistory : colonization, culture, and complexity / c2007. 聚落考古學
Book Cambodian linguistics, literature and history : collected articles / Jacob, Judith M. c1993. 聚落考古學
Book Camden : historical archaeology in the South Carolina backcountry / Lewis, Kenneth E. c2006. 聚落考古學
Book Camels Back Cave / c2005. 聚落考古學
Book Canadian patterns of settlement / Radley-Walters, Maureen Elizabeth Anne Walsh, 1949- 1973. 聚落考古學
Book Canal boats along the Illinois and Michigan Canal : a study in archaeological variability / Mansberger, Floyd R. 2000. 聚落考古學
Book Canhasan sites 1 / French, D. H. (David H.) 1998- 聚落考古學
Book Canyon de Chelly, its people and rock art / Grant, Campbell, 1909- c1978. 聚落考古學
Book Canyon gardens : the Ancient Pueblo landscapes of the American Southwest / c2006. 聚落考古學
Book Captain Cook and the Pacific / Sylvester, D. W. (David William) 1971. 聚落考古學
Book Captive management and conservation of amphibians and reptiles / 1994. 聚落考古學
Book Captives & cousins : slavery, kinship, and community in the Southwest borderlands / Brooks, James, 1955- c2002. 聚落考古學
Book Capturing Troy : the narrative functions of landscape in archaic and early classical Greek art / Hedreen, Guy Michael, 1958- c2001. 聚落考古學
Book Capuanische Grabsteine : Untersuchungen zu den Grabsteinen römischer Freigelassener aus Capua / Eckert, Michael. 1988. 聚落考古學
Book Caractérisation et gestion du silex des sites mésolithiques et néolithiques du Nord-Ouest de l'arc alpin : une approche pétrographique at [sic] géochimique / Bressy, Céline. 2003. 聚落考古學
Book Carausius : a consideration of the historical, archaeological and numismatic aspects of his reign / Williams, Hugh P. G. 2004. 聚落考古學
Book Careers for history buffs & others who learn from the past / Camenson, Blythe. c2002. 聚落考古學
Book Careers in architecture / Camenson, Blythe. c2002. 聚落考古學
Book Carolina's historical landscapes : archaeological perspectives / c1997. 聚落考古學
Book Carried to the wall : American memory and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial / Hass, Kristin Ann, 1965- c1998. 聚落考古學
Book Carrstone in Norfolk buildings : distribution, use, associates and influences / Allen, John R. L. 2004. 聚落考古學
Book Carved in stone : clues about cultures / Morrison, Yvonne, 1972- 2008. 聚落考古學
Book Case studies in European prehistory / c1993. 聚落考古學
Book Case studies in archaeology and world religion : the proceedings of the Cambridge Conference / 1999. 聚落考古學
Book Case studies in environmental archaeology / c2008. 聚落考古學
Book Castillo de Doña Blanca : archaeo-environmental investigations in the Bay of Cádiz, Spain (750-500 B.C.) / 1994. 聚落考古學
Book Casting experiments and microstructure of archaeologically relevant bronzes / Ottaway, Barbara S. 2004. 聚落考古學
Book Castles and landscapes : power, community and fortification in medieval England / Creighton, O. H. 1972- (Oliver Hamilton), 2005. 聚落考古學