
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Castles in Ireland : feudal power in a Gaelic world / McNeill, T. E. 1997. 聚落考古學
Book Catalogue of British and European prehistoric metalwork in Birmingham City Museums / Watson, Philip J. 1993. 聚落考古學
Book Catalogue of Palaeolithic artefacts from Egypt in the Pitt Rivers Museum / Milliken, Sarah. 2003. 聚落考古學
Book Catalogue of medieval sites in continental Croatia / Sekelj Ivančan, Tajana. 1995. 聚落考古學
Book Catalogue of the engraved gems and finger rings / Ashmolean Museum. 1978-2004. 聚落考古學
Book Catalysts to complexity : late Holocene societies of the California coast / 2002. 聚落考古學
Book Cattle bring us to our enemies : Turkana ecology, politics, and raiding in a disequilibrium system / McCabe, J. Terrence. c2004. 聚落考古學
Book Caves : processes, development, and management / Gillieson, David S. 1996. 聚落考古學
Book Caves and culture : 10,000 years of Ohio history / c2006. 聚落考古學
Book Celebrating Homer's landscapes : Troy and Ithaca revisited / Luce, John Victor, 1920- c1998. 聚落考古學
Book Celtic Christianity : ecology and holiness / c1987. 聚落考古學
Book Celtic coinage : new discoveries, new discussion / 2006. 聚落考古學
Book Celtic coinage: Britain and beyond : the Eleventh Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History / Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History 1989) (11th : 1992. 聚落考古學
Book Celtic connections : proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Celtic Studies / International Congress of Celtic Studies Edinburgh, Scotland) 1995 : (10th: 1999-2005. 聚落考古學
Book Celtic improvisations : an art historical analysis of Coriosolite coins / Hooker, John. 2002. 聚落考古學
Book Celtic sacred landscapes / Pennick, Nigel. 2000. 聚落考古學
Book Celtic saints in their landscape / Rees, Elizabeth, 1947- 2001. 聚落考古學
Book Celts from antiquity / 2002. 聚落考古學
Book Central Asia and Kashmir, archaeobotany & floristics / Kachroo, Premnath, 1924- c1995. 聚落考古學
Book Central California coastal prehistory : a view from Little Pico Creek / Jones, Terry L. 1995. 聚落考古學
Book Central Illinois expressway archeology. Stafford, Barbara D., 1951- 1989. 聚落考古學
Book Central Inuit household economies : zooarchaeological, environmental, and historical evidence from outer Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island, Canada / Henshaw, Anne Stevens. 2000. 聚落考古學
Book Centrality - regionality : the social structure of southern Sweden during the Iron Age / [2003] 聚落考古學
Book Centuries of darkness : a challenge to the conventional chronology of Old World archaeology / James, Peter (Peter J.) 1993. 聚落考古學
Book Ceramic commodities and common containers : production and distribution of White Mountain red ware in the Grasshopper Region, Arizona / Triadan, Daniela, 1964- c1997. 聚落考古學
Book Ceramic ecology, 1988 : current research on ceramic materials / 1989. 聚落考古學
Book Ceramic production and circulation in the greater Southwest : source determination by INAA and complementary mineralogical investigations / 2002. 聚落考古學
Book Ceramic sequence in Colima : Capacha, an early phase / Kelly, Isabel Truesdell, 1906- 1980. 聚落考古學
Book Ceramic studies : papers on the social and cultural significance of ceramics in Europe and Eurasia from prehistoric to historic times / 2006. 聚落考古學
Book Ceramics and change in the early Bronze Age of the southern Levant / c2000. 聚落考古學
Book Ceramics of postclassic Cholula, Mexico : typology and seriation of pottery from the UA-1 domestic compound / McCafferty, Geoffrey G. 2001. 聚落考古學
Book Ceramics of the Islamic world : in the Tareq Rajab Museum / Fehérvári, Géza. 2000. 聚落考古學
Book Ceramics, chronology, and community patterns : an archaeological study at Moundville / Steponaitis, Vincas P. c1983. 聚落考古學
Book Ceramicus redivivus : the early Iron Age potters' field in the area of the classical Athenian Agora / Papadopoulos, John K., 1958- 2003. 聚落考古學
Book Cerâmica tardorromana de cocina de las Islas Baleares : estudio arqueométrico / Cau Ontiveros, Miguel Angel. c2003. 聚落考古學
Book Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age hydrostrategies / 2003. 聚落考古學
Book Change in the Andes : origins of social complexity, pastoralism and agriculture, Section 17, American prehistory / 2006. 聚落考古學
Book Changes in Washoe land use patterns : a study of three archaeological sites in Diamond Valley, Alpine County, California / 1992. 聚落考古學
Book Changes in the heart of Europe : recent ethnographies of Czechs, Slovaks, Roma, and Sorbs / 2006. 聚落考古學
Book Changing materialities at Çatalhöyük : reports from the 1995-99 seasons / c2005. 聚落考古學
Book Changing settlement patterns in the Aksum-Yeha region of Ethiopia : 700 BC-AD 850 / Michels, Joseph W. 2005. 聚落考古學
Book Chaos in real data : the analysis of non-linear dynamics from short ecological time series / c2000. 聚落考古學
Book Charcoal analysis : methodological approaches, palaeoecological results, and wood uses : proceedings of the Second International Meeting of Anthracology, Paris, September 2000 / International Meeting of Anthracology Paris, France) 2000 : (2nd : 2002. 聚落考古學
Book Charcoal analysis : new analytical tools and methods for archaeology : papers from the table-ronde held in Basel 2004 / 2006. 聚落考古學
Book Charis : essays in honor of Sara A. Immerwahr / 2004. 聚落考古學
Book Charlemagne's months and their Bavarian labours : the politics of the seasons in the Carolingian Empire / Hammer, Carl I. 1997. 聚落考古學
Book Chauvet cave : the art of earliest times / Clottes, Jean. 2003. 聚落考古學
Book Chicago and Cook County : a guide to research / Szucs, Loretto Dennis. c1996. 聚落考古學
Book Chief Joseph, Yellow Wolf, and the creation of Nez Perce history in the Pacific northwest / McCoy, Robert R. 1962- (Robert Ross), 2004. 聚落考古學
Book Chiefdoms and other archaeological delusions / Pauketat, Timothy R. c2007. 聚落考古學