
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The Miwa Project : survey, coring and excavation at the Miwa site, Nara, Japan / 1993. 聚落考古學
Book The Mund Site (11-S-435) / Fortier, Andrew C., 1947- 1983. 聚落考古學
Book The Möbius strip : a spatial history of colonial society in Guerrero, Mexico / Amith, Jonathan D. 2005. 聚落考古學
Book The Nabataean terracotta figurines / El-Khouri, Lamia Salem. 2002. 聚落考古學
Book The Natufian encampment at Beidha : late Pleistocene adaptation in the southern Levant / Byrd, Brian F. 1989. 聚落考古學
Book The Nature of Wari : a reappraisal of the Middle Horizon period in Peru / 1989. 聚落考古學
Book The Near East : archaeology in the "Cradle of Civilization". / Maisels, Charles Keith. 1993. 聚落考古學
Book The Near East in the southwest : essays in honor of William G. Dever / c2003. 聚落考古學
Book The Neolithic and Bronze Age settlement at Oversley Farm, Styal, Cheshire : excavations in advance of Manchester Airport's second runway, 1997-8 / Garner, D. J. (Dan J.) 2007. 聚落考古學
Book The Neolithic culture of the Isle of Man : a study of the sites and pottery / Burrow, Stephen, 1970- 1997. 聚落考古學
Book The Neolithic pottery sequence in southern Greece / Phelps, William Walter. 2004. 聚落考古學
Book The Nochta site : the early, middle, and late archaic occupations (11-Ms-128) / Higgins, Michael J. (Michael John) 1990. 聚落考古學
Book The Nordic scimitar : external relations and the creation of elite ideology / Engedal, Ørjan. 2002. 聚落考古學
Book The Norsemen in the Viking Age / Christiansen, Eric, 1937- 2006. 聚落考古學
Book The North Burgos archaeological survey : bronze and iron age archaeology on the Meseta del Norte (Province of Burgos, north-central Spain) : contributions / 1979. 聚落考古學
Book The Northeast Frontier of Bell Beakers : proceedings of the symposium held at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (Poland), May 26-29 2002 / 2003. 聚落考古學
Book The Nostratic macrofamily and linguistic palaeontology / Dolgopolʹskiĭ, A. 1998. 聚落考古學
Book The Nubian past : an archaeology of the Sudan / Edwards, David N. 2004. 聚落考古學
Book The Oasis papers 3 : proceedings of the third International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project / Dakhleh Oasis Project. Conference Clayton, Vic.) 2000 : (3rd : c2003. 聚落考古學
Book The Old Kingdom art and archaeology : proceedings of the conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004 / 2006. 聚落考古學
Book The Ostrogoths from the migration period to the sixth century : an ethnographic perspective / 2007. 聚落考古學
Book The Oxford companion to Australian history / 2001. 聚落考古學
Book The Oxford companion to aboriginal art and culture / 2000. 聚落考古學
Book The Oxford history of Ireland / c2001. 聚落考古學
Book The Pacatnamu papers / c1986- 聚落考古學
Book The Pacific Islands and the sea : 350 years of reporting on royal fishponds, coral reefs and ancient walled fish weirs in Oceania / c2002. 聚落考古學
Book The Pacific Northwest / 2006. 聚落考古學
Book The Packard site / Holmes, Mary. 1973. 聚落考古學
Book The Palaeolithic archaeology of Greece and adjacent areas : proceedings of the ICOPAG Conference, Ioannina, September 1994 / ICOPAG Conference Ioannina, Greece) (1994 : 1999. 聚落考古學
Book The Paleolithic of Siberia : new discoveries and interpretations / c1998. 聚落考古學
Book The Paston family in the fifteenth century : the first phase / Richmond, Colin. 1990. 聚落考古學
Book The Pathan unarmed : opposition & memory in the North West Frontier / Banerjee, Mukulika. 2000. 聚落考古學
Book The Peak District : landscapes through time / Barnatt, John. c2004. 聚落考古學
Book The Peopling of a world : selected articles on immigration and settlement patterns in British North America / 1988. 聚落考古學
Book The Peru reader : history, culture, politics / 2005. 聚落考古學
Book The Petexbatun regional archaeological project : a multidisciplinary study of the Maya collapse / Demarest, Arthur Andrew. 2006. 聚落考古學
Book The Petite Michele Site : an early middle Woodland occupation in the American Bottom / Fortier, Andrew C., 1947- 2004. 聚落考古學
Book The Petitt site (11-Ax-253), Alexander County, Illinois / 1992. 聚落考古學
Book The Pompeii pop-up / Riley, Peter. c2007. 聚落考古學
Book The Poseidonian Chora : archaic Greeks in the Italic hinterland / Skele, Mikels. 2002. 聚落考古學
Book The Range Site 2 : the emergent Mississippian Dohack and range phase occupations (11-S-47) / Kelly, John Edward. 1990. 聚落考古學
Book The Range site : archaic through late woodland occupations (11-S-47) / 1987. 聚落考古學
Book The Raven's pool : a novel / Cannon, Deborah. c2004. 聚落考古學
Book The Remains of distant times : archaeology and the National Trust / 1996. 聚落考古學
Book The Ringlemere cup : precious cups and the beginning of the Channel Bronze Age / c2006. 聚落考古學
Book The Robin Hood site : a study of functional variability in Iroquoian settlement patterns / Williamson, R. F. (Ronald F.) 1979. 聚落考古學
Book The Robinson's Lake site (11-Ms-582) / Milner, George R., 1953- 1984, c1985. 聚落考古學
Book The Roman Channel crossing of A.D. 43 : the constraints on Claudius's naval strategy / Grainge, Gerald. 2002. 聚落考古學
Book The Roman countryside / Dyson, Stephen L. c2003. 聚落考古學
Book The Roman domestic architecture of northern Italy / George, Michele. 1997. 聚落考古學