
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The complete idiot's guide to lost civilizations / Ryan, Donald P. c1999. 聚落考古學
Book The construction of Hadrian's wall / Hill, P. R. (Peter R.) 2004. 聚落考古學
Book The construction of the Roman legionary fortress at Inchtuthil / Shirley, Elizabeth A. M. 2000. 聚落考古學
Book The construction of the Saxon Shore Forts / Pearson, Andrew (Andrew F.) 2003. 聚落考古學
Book The corrupting sea : a study of Mediterranean history / Horden, Peregrine. 2000. 聚落考古學
Book The crafts of Florida's first people / Brown, Robin C., 1934- 2003. 聚落考古學
Book The cult of the luxury brand : inside Asia's love affair with luxury / Chadha, Radha. 2006. 聚落考古學
Book The cultural landscape : past, present, and future / 1988. 聚落考古學
Book The cultural landscape during 6000 years in southern Sweden : the Ystad Project / c1991. 聚落考古學
Book The cultural landscape of prehistoric mines / Society for American Archaeology. Meeting (66th) c2005. 聚落考古學
Book The culture facade : art, science, and politics in the work of Oscar Lewis / Rigdon, Susan M., 1943- c1988. 聚落考古學
Book The culture of Thracians and their neighbours : proceedings of the international symposium in memory of Prof. Mieczyslaw Domaradzki, with a round table "Archaeological Map of Bulgaria" / 2005. 聚落考古學
Book The culture of cursilería : bad taste, kitsch, and class in modern Spain / Valis, Noël Maureen, 1945- 2002. 聚落考古學
Book The cultured chimpanzee : reflections on cultural primatology / McGrew, W. C. 1944- (William Clement), 2004. 聚落考古學
Book The cultures within ancient Greek culture : contact, conflict, collaboration / 2003. 聚落考古學
Book The dance of the islands : insularity, networks, the Athenian empire, and the Aegean world / Constantakopoulou, Christy, 1972- 2007. 聚落考古學
Book The death-bound-subject : Richard Wright's archaeology of death / JanMohamed, Abdul R., 1945- 2005. 聚落考古學
Book The decline and fall of the Roman city / Liebeschuetz, J. H. W. G. (John Hugo Wolfgang Gideon) c2001. 聚落考古學
Book The design and analysis of research studies / Manly, Bryan F. J., 1944- 1992. 聚落考古學
Book The development of 'cultural regions' in the neolithic of the Near East : the 'dark faced burnished ware horizon' / Balossi Restelli, Francesca. 2006. 聚落考古學
Book The development of pottery technology from the late sixth to the fifth millennium B.C. in northern Jordan : ethno- and archaeological studies: Abu Hamid as a key site / Ali, Nabil, 1967- 2005. 聚落考古學
Book The development of the polis in archaic Greece / 1997. 聚落考古學
Book The development of the rudder : a technological tale / Mott, Lawrence V., 1952- 1997. 聚落考古學
Book The development of the settlement pattern in the basin of the Lower Vltava (Central Bohemia) 200-1200 A.D. / Gojda, Martin. 1988. 聚落考古學
Book The differential use of constructed sacred space in southern Britain, from the Late Iron Age to the 4th century AD / Smith, A. T. (Alexander T.) 2001. 聚落考古學
Book The divine rider in the art of the western Roman empire / Mackintosh, Marjorie. 1995. 聚落考古學
Book The djief hunters : 26,000 years of rainforest exploitation on the Bird's Head of Papua, Indonesia / Pasveer, Juliette Maria, 1963- c2004. 聚落考古學
Book The domestication of Europe : structure and contingency in neolithic societies / Hodder, Ian. 1990. 聚落考古學
Book The dynamics of power / Visiting Scholar Conference Southern Illinois University at Carbondale) 2000 : (17th : c2002. 聚落考古學
Book The dynamics of regionalisation and trade : Yorkshire clay tobacco pipes c1600-1800 / White, S. D. 2004. 聚落考古學
Book The earliest Americans / Sattler, Helen Roney. c1993. 聚落考古學
Book The earliest civilization of South Asia : rise, maturity, and decline / Lal, B. B. 1921- (Braj Basi), 1997. 聚落考古學
Book The early Iron Age cemetery at Torone : excavations conducted by the Australian archaeological institute at Athens in collaboration with the Athens archaeological society / Papadopoulos, John K., 1958- 2005. 聚落考古學
Book The early Mediterranean village : agency, material culture, and social change in Neolithic Italy / Robb, John, 1962 March 18- 2007. 聚落考古學
Book The early Neolithic architecture of the South Downs / Russell, Miles. 2001. 聚落考古學
Book The early Neolithic funnel-beaker culture in south-west Scania, Sweden : social and economic change, 3000-2500 B.C. / Larsson, Mats, 1951- 1985. 聚落考古學
Book The early Roman cities of Lusitania / Osland, Daniel. 2006. 聚落考古學
Book The early Roman frontier in the upper Rhine area : assimilation and acculturation on a Roman frontier / Okun, Marcia L. 1989. 聚落考古學
Book The early Slavs : culture and society in early medieval Eastern Europe / Barford, P. M. (Paul M.) 2001. 聚落考古學
Book The early agricultural period component at Los Pozos : feature descriptions and data tables / Gregory, David A. 2001. 聚落考古學
Book The early iron age of Slovenia / Mason, Philip. 1996. 聚落考古學
Book The early medieval settlement remains from Flixborough, Lincolnshire : the occupation sequence, c. AD 600-1000 / Loveluck, Christopher. c2007. 聚落考古學
Book The early prehistory of Wadi Faynan, Southern Jordan : archaeological survey of Wadis Faynan, Ghuwayr and al-Bustan and evaluation of the pre-pottery neolithic A site of WF16 / c2007. 聚落考古學
Book The earth goddess : Celtic and pagan legacy of the landscape / Straffon, Cheryl. 1997. 聚落考古學
Book The ecology and evolution of Hominin geographic ranges : setting a context for archaeological interpretation using comparatiave analysis / Macdonald, Katharine. 2006. 聚落考古學
Book The ecology of power : culture, place, and personhood in the southern Amazon, A.D. 1000-2000 / Heckenberger, Michael. 2005. 聚落考古學
Book The economy and material culture of slaves : goods and chattels on the sugar plantations of Jamaica and Louisiana / McDonald, Roderick A. 1947- (Roderick Alexander), c1993. 聚落考古學
Book The emergence of agriculture : a global view / 2007. 聚落考古學
Book The emergence of civilisation revisited / c2004. 聚落考古學
Book The emergence of civilization : from hunting and gathering to agriculture, cities, and the state in the Near East / Maisels, Charles Keith. c1993. 聚落考古學