
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The goddess and the bull : Çatalhöyük - an archaeological journey to the dawn of civilization / Balter, Michael. c2006. 聚落考古學
Book The golden peninsula : culture and adaptation in mainland Southeast Asia / Keyes, Charles F. c1995. 聚落考古學
Book The grain market in the Roman Empire : a social, political and economic study / Erdkamp, Paul. 2005. 聚落考古學
Book The grand-families of America, 1776-1976 : patterns of origin, settlement, and growth of families with predominant surnames : a Bicentennial reference / Kolb, Avery E. 1974. 聚落考古學
Book The great book of archaeology / c2005. 聚落考古學
Book The great houses of Chaco / Campbell, John Martin, 1927- 2007. 聚落考古學
Book The growth and collapse of Pacific island societies : archaeological and demographic perspectives / c2007. 聚落考古學
Book The growth of farming communities in Africa from the Equator southwards : being the proceedings of a conference of the British Institute in Eastern Africa (in association with the African Studies Centre of Cambridge University) held in Newnham College, Cambridge, 4-8 July, 1994 / c1996. 聚落考古學
Book The hallowed eve : dimensions of culture in a calendar festival in Northern Ireland / Santino, Jack. c1998. 聚落考古學
Book The hard people : rivalry, sympathy and social structure in an Alpine valley / Heady, Patrick. c1999. 聚落考古學
Book The heritage reader / 2008. 聚落考古學
Book The historical archaeology of pottery supply and demand in the Lower Rhineland, AD 1400-1800 : an archaeological study of ceramic production, distribution and use in the city of Duisburg and its hinterland / Gaimster, David R. M. 2006. 聚落考古學
Book The historical archaeology of the Sheffield cutlery and tableware industry, 1750-1900 / 2002. 聚落考古學
Book The historical development of the port of Faversham 1580-1780 / Wilkinson, Paul, 1946- 2006. 聚落考古學
Book The historical evolution of world-systems / 2005. 聚落考古學
Book The historical geography of Asia Minor / Ramsay, William Mitchell, Sir, 1851-1939. c2005. 聚落考古學
Book The history of archaeology / Romer, John. c2001. 聚落考古學
Book The horse, the wheel, and language : how Bronze-Age riders from the Eurasian steppes shaped the modern world / Anthony, David W. c2007. 聚落考古學
Book The human inheritance : genes, language, and evolution / c1999. 聚落考古學
Book The human use of caves / 1997. 聚落考古學
Book The illustrated world encyclopedia of archaeology : a remarkable journey around the world's major ancient sites from Stonehenge to the pyramids at Giza and from Tenochtitlán to Lascaux Cave in France / c2007. 聚落考古學
Book The image of Orpheus in Roman mosaic : an exploration of the figure of Orpheus in Graeco-Roman art and culture with special reference to its expression in the medium of mosaic in late antiquity / Jesnick, Ilona Julia. 1997. 聚落考古學
Book The imagination of matter / 1989. 聚落考古學
Book The impact of Rome on settlement in the Northwestern and Danube provinces : lectures held at the Winckelmann-Institut der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in winter 1998/99 / 2001. 聚落考古學
Book The indigenous and the foreign in Christian Ethiopian art : on Portuguese-Ethiopian contacts in the 16th-17th centuries : papers from the Fifth International Conference on the History of Ethiopian Art (Arrabida, 26-30 November 1999) / International Conference on the History of Ethiopian Art Convento da Arrábida) 1999 : (5th : c2004. 聚落考古學
Book The influence of railroads upon the processes and patterns of settlement in South Dakota / Hamburg, James Fredric, 1935- 1981, c1970. 聚落考古學
Book The insula of the Menander at Pompeii / Ling, Roger. 1997-<c2006> 聚落考古學
Book The interpretive potential of Mousterian debitage / Fish, Paul R. 1979. 聚落考古學
Book The intestines of the state : youth, violence, and belated histories in the Cameroon grassfields / Argenti, Nicolas. 2007. 聚落考古學
Book The invention of ancient Israel : the silencing of Palestinian history / Whitelam, Keith W. 1996. 聚落考古學
Book The invisible sex : uncovering the true roles of women in prehistory / Adovasio, J. M. 2007. 聚落考古學
Book The island Chumash : behavioral ecology of a maritime society / Kennett, Douglas J. c2005. 聚落考古學
Book The kingdom of the Scots : government, church and society from the eleventh to the fourteenth century / Barrow, G. W. S. c2003. 聚落考古學
Book The kingship and landscape of Tara / c2005. 聚落考古學
Book The lady in medieval England, 1000-1500 / Coss, Peter R. 1999, c1998. 聚落考古學
Book The landscape of Britain : from the beginnings to 1914 / Reed, Michael A. 1990. 聚落考古學
Book The landscape of Roman Britain / Dark, K. R. (Ken R.) 1997. 聚落考古學
Book The landscape of towns / Aston, Michael, 1946- 1987. 聚落考古學
Book The landscape urbanism reader / c2006. 聚落考古學
Book The last days of the Incas / MacQuarrie, Kim. c2007. 聚落考古學
Book The last voyage : the story of schooner Third Sea / Stephens, Harold. c1997. 聚落考古學
Book The late Helladic I pottery of the southwestern Peloponnesos and its local characteristics / Lólos, Yannos. 1987. 聚落考古學
Book The late Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods in the southern Levant : new data from the site of Teleilat Ghassul, Jordan / Lovell, Jaimie L. 2001. 聚落考古學
Book The late Roman transition in the north : papers from the Roman Archaeology Conference, Durham 1999 / Roman Archaeology Conference University of Durham) 1999 : (9th : 2000. 聚落考古學
Book The late palaeolithic habitation of Haule V : from excavation report to the reconstruction of Federmesser settlement patterns and land-use / c1996. 聚落考古學
Book The later prehistory of the Western Isles of Scotland / Armit, Ian. 1992. 聚落考古學
Book The library of Daniel Garrison Brinton / University of Pennsylvania. Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. c2002. 聚落考古學
Book The life and death of a family farm : archaeology, history, and landscape change / Day, David Howard. c1993. 聚落考古學
Book The life and times of Grandfather Alonso, culture and history in the upper Amazon / Muratorio, Blanca. c1991. 聚落考古學
Book The life and times of a merchant sailor : the archaeology and history of the Norwegian ship Catharine / Burns, Jason M., 1972- c2003. 聚落考古學