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The line of forts : historical archaeology on the colonial frontier of Massachusetts / |
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The lithic industries of Zahrat adh-Dhraʻ 2 and the pre-pottery Neolithic period of the Southern Levant / |
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The location of religion : a spatial analysis / |
Knott, Kim. |
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The long partition and the making of modern South Asia : refugees, boundaries, histories / |
Zamindar, Vazira Fazila-Yacoobali. |
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The lost civilizations of the Stone Age / |
Rudgley, Richard, 1961- |
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The lost ships of Guadalcanal / |
Ballard, Robert D. |
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The lower palaeolithic of the Maghreb : excavations and analyses at Ain Hanech, Algeria / |
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The makers of classical archaeology : a reference work / |
Medwid, Linda M., 1952- |
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The making of Jordan : tribes, colonialism and the modern state / |
Eilon, Joab B. |
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The making of Little Punjab in Canada : patterns of immigration / |
Verma, Archana B., 1959- |
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The making of bronze age Eurasia / |
Kohl, Philip L., 1946- |
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The making of the Cretan landscape / |
Rackham, Oliver. |
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The making of the European spatial development perspective : no masterplan / |
Faludi, Andreas. |
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The making of the slavs : history and archaeology of the Lower Danube Region, c. 500-700 / |
Curta, Florin. |
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The maritime heritage of the Cayman Islands / |
Smith, Roger C., 1949- |
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The maritime world of ancient Rome : proceedings of "The Maritime World of Ancient Rome" conference held at the American Academy in Rome, 27-29 March 2003 / |
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The material culture of sex, procreation, and marriage in premodern Europe / |
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The material culture of steamboat passengers : archaeological evidence from the Missouri River / |
Corbin, Annalies. |
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The meanings of things : material culture and symbolic expression / |
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The medieval chantry chapel : an archaeology / |
Roffey, Simon. |
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The megalithic monuments of Britain & Ireland / |
Scarre, Christopher. |
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The middle and later Stone Ages in the Mukogodo Hills of Central Kenya : a comparative analysis of lithic artefacts from Shurmai (GnJm1) and Kakwa Lelash (GnJm2) rockshelters / |
Gang, G-Young, 1964- |
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The middle to upper Paleolithic transition in Central Europe : the record from the Bükk Mountain region / |
Adams, Brian. |
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The military architecture of Jordan during the Middle Bronze Age : new evidence from Pella and Rukeis / |
McLaren, P. Bruce. |
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The mind of the market : compassionate apes, competitive humans, and other tales from evolutionary economics / |
Shermer, Michael. |
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The mirror of antiquity : American women and the classical tradition, 1750-1900 / |
Winterer, Caroline, 1966- |
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The missing period : Middle Bronze Age lake-dwellings in the Alps / |
Menotti, Francesco. |
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The model-based archaeology of socionatural systems / |
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The molecule hunt : archaeology and the search for ancient DNA / |
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The moorlands of England and Wales : an environmental history 8000 BC to AD 2000 / |
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The mummy : chapters on Egyptian funereal archaeology / |
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The mute stones speak : the story of archaeology in Italy / |
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The myth of work-life balance : the challenge of our time for men, women and societies / |
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The nation and its ruins : antiquity, archaeology, and national imagination in Greece / |
Hamilakis, Yannis, 1966- |
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The native pottery of Roman Dacia / |
Negru, Mircea. |
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The nature of an ancient Maya city : resources, interaction, and power at Blue Creek, Belize / |
Guderjan, Thomas H. |
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The nature of difference : history and lithic use-wear at two Upper Palaeolithic sites in Central Europe / |
Tomášková, Silvia. |
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The neolithic and early Chalcolithic farmers of Central and Southwest Anatolia : household, community and the changing use of space / |
Cutting, Marion Valerie. |
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The neolithic of southeast China : cultural transformation and regional interaction on the coast / |
Jiao, Tianlong. |
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The neolithic of the Irish Sea : materiality and traditions of practice / |
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The neolithic--bronze age transition in Britain : a critical review of some archaeological and craniological concepts / |
Brodie, Neil. |
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The new American way of war : military culture and the political utility of force / |
Buley, Benjamin, 1978- |
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The new Penguin dictionary of archaeology / |
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The new archaeology and the ancient Maya / |
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The new pyramid age / |
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The new reading the landscape : fieldwork in landscape history / |
Muir, Richard, 1943- |
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The old village and the great house : an archaeological and historical examination of Drax Hall Plantation, St. Ann's Bay, Jamaica / |
Armstrong, Douglas V. |
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The old way : a story of the first people / |
Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall, 1931- |
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The oral and beyond : doing things with words in Africa / |
Finnegan, Ruth H. |
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The order of things : an archaeology of the human sciences / |
Foucault, Michel. |
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