
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Cool Britannia? : British political drama in the 1990s / 2008. 近代文學理論
Book Correspondance / Balzac, Honoré de, 1799-1850. c2006- 近代文學理論
Book Correspondance / Benjamin, Walter, 1892-1940. 1979- 近代文學理論
Book Correspondance / Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880. c1973-<c1998> 近代文學理論
Book Correspondance / Voltaire, 1694-1778. c1977-<c1992> 近代文學理論
Book Correspondance avec Guy Debord / Martos, Jean-François. 1998. 近代文學理論
Book Correspondances à trois voix : 1888-1920 / Gide, André, 1869-1951. c2004. 近代文學理論
Book Correspondence / Bataille, Georges, 1897-1962. 2008. 近代文學理論
Book Corresponding cultures : the two literatures of Wales / Thomas, M. Wynn. 1999. 近代文學理論
Book Corresponding powers : studies in honour of Professor Hisaaki Yamanouchi / 1997. 近代文學理論
Book Corruption and development in Africa : lessons from country case-studies / c2000. 近代文學理論
Book Cosmopolitan modernisms / c2005. 近代文學理論
Book Cosmopolitanism and solidarity : studies in ethnoracial, religious, and professional affiliation in the United States / Hollinger, David A. c2006. 近代文學理論
Book Cosmopolitanism in the Americas / Fojas, Camilla, 1971- c2005. 近代文學理論
Book Cottons and casuals : the gendered organisation of labour in time and space / Glucksmann, Miriam. 2000. 近代文學理論
Book Counseling refugees : a psychosocial approach to innovative multicultural interventions / Bemak, Fred. 2003. 近代文學理論
Book Cours de linguistique générale / Saussure, Ferdinand de, 1857-1913. 1990. 近代文學理論
Book Courting communities : black female nationalism and "syncre-nationalism" in the nineteenth-century North / Glass, Kathy L. 2006. 近代文學理論
Book Crack in America : demon drugs and social justice / c1997. 近代文學理論
Book Cracking up : American humor in a time of conflict / Lewis, Paul, 1949- 2006. 近代文學理論
Book Cradle of liberty : race, the child, and national belonging from Thomas Jefferson to W. E. B. Du Bois / Levander, Caroline Field, 1964- 2006. 近代文學理論
Book Creating a comprehensive trauma center : choices and challenges / Williams, Mary Beth. c2001. 近代文學理論
Book Creating context in Andean cultures / 1997. 近代文學理論
Book Creationists : selected essays, 1993-2006 / Doctorow, E. L., 1931- c2006. 近代文學理論
Book Creative writing : translation, bookkeeping, and the work of imagination in colonial Kenya / Peterson, Derek R., 1971- c2004. 近代文學理論
Book Crimes et procès d'écrivains célèbres : Villon, Sade, Verlaine, Genet / Richter, Florence. c2000. 近代文學理論
Book Crises of the Republic; lying in politics, civil disobedience on violence, thoughts on politics, and revolution. Arendt, Hannah, 1906-1975. C1972. 近代文學理論
Book Crisis and repetition : essays on art and culture / Armstrong, Kate, 1971- c2001. 近代文學理論
Book Critica e cura di sé : l'etica di Michel Foucault / Di Marco, Chiara. c1999. 近代文學理論
Book Critical Inuit studies : an anthology of contemporary Arctic ethnography / c2006. 近代文學理論
Book Critical Latin American and Latino studies / c2003. 近代文學理論
Book Critical minded : new approaches to hip hop studies / c2005. 近代文學理論
Book Critical models : interventions and catchwords / Adorno, Theodor W., 1903-1969. c2005. 近代文學理論
Book Critical power tools : technical communication and cultural studies / c2006. 近代文學理論
Book Critical secularism / c2004. 近代文學理論
Book Critical social theories : an introduction / Agger, Ben. c2006. 近代文學理論
Book Critics and writers speak : revisioning post-colonial studies / c2006. 近代文學理論
Book Critics at work : interviews, 1993-2003 / c2004. 近代文學理論
Book Critique de l'antinaturalisme : études sur Foucault, Butler, Habermas / Haber, Stéphane. c2006. 近代文學理論
Book Critique et vérité / Barthes, Roland. 1999, c1966. 近代文學理論
Book Cross-cultural dimensions in conscious thought : narrative themes in comparative context / c2004. 近代文學理論
Book Crossing borders and shifting boundaries. 2002-2003. 近代文學理論
Book Crossing cultures : art, politics and identity / 2006. 近代文學理論
Book Crossing sexual boundaries : transgender journeys, uncharted paths / 2006. 近代文學理論
Book Crossings : Mexican immigration in interdisciplinary perspectives / c1998. 近代文學理論
Book Crossroads in the Black Aegean : Oedipus, Antigone, and dramas of the African diaspora / Goff, Barbara E. 2007. 近代文學理論
Book Crucial needs, weak incentives : social sector reform, democratization, and globalization in Latin America / c2004. 近代文學理論
Book Cruzando límites : la retórica de la traducción en Jacques Derrida / Carreres, Angeles. c2005. 近代文學理論
Book Cryptonymie : le verbier de l'Homme aux loups / Abraham, Nicolas. [1998], c1976. 近代文學理論
Book Crystals, fabrics, and fields : metaphors that shape embryos / Haraway, Donna Jeanne. 2004. 近代文學理論