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Grand designs : labor, empire, and the museum in Victorian culture / |
Kriegel, Lara, 1968- |
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Grappling with national identity : how nations see each other in Central Europe / |
Csepeli, Gyo⁺rgy. |
c2000. |
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Graven ideologies : Nietzsche, Derrida & Marion on modern idolatry / |
Benson, Bruce Ellis, 1960- |
c2002. |
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Greenery : ecocritical readings of late medieval English literature / |
Rudd, Gillian. |
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Guarding cultural memory : Afro-Cuban women in literature and the arts / |
González Mandri, Flora María. |
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Guatemaltecas : the women's movement, 1986-2003 / |
Berger, Susan A. |
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Guide : cinque lezioni su Impero e dintorni / |
Negri, Antonio, 1933- |
c2003. |
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Guy Debord / |
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Guy Debord : revolutionary / |
Bracken, Len. |
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Guy Debord présente Potlatch : 1954-1957. |
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Gynésis : configurations de la femme et de la modernité / |
Jardine, Alice. |
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Günter Grass and his critics : from The tin drum to Crabwalk / |
Mews, Siegfried. |
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HIV/AIDS, gender, and rural livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa : an overview and annotated bibliography / |
Müller, Tanja R. |
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Habermas and theology / |
Adams, Nicholas, 1970- |
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Habermas et Foucault : parcours croisés, confrontations critiques / |
c2006. |
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Habermas et la sociologie / |
Haber, Stéphane. |
c1998. |
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Habitus, corps, domination : sur certains présupposés philosophiques de la sociologie de Pierre Bourdieu / |
Hong, Sŏng-min, 1963- |
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Hacking the future : stories for the flesh-eating 90s / |
Kroker, Arthur, 1945- |
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Hakluyt's promise : an Elizabethan's obsession for an English America / |
Mancall, Peter C. |
c2007. |
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Halakhic hermeneutics / |
Neusner, Jacob, 1932- |
c2003. |
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Handbook of father involvement : multidisciplinary perspectives / |
c2002. |
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Hannah Arendt & human rights : the predicament of common responsibility / |
Birmingham, Peg, 1955- |
c2006. |
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Hard men : the English and violence since 1750 / |
Emsley, Clive. |
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Hate crime : the global politics of polarization / |
c1998. |
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Hatred of democracy / |
Rancière, Jacques. |
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Haunted English : the Celtic fringe, the British Empire, and de-anglicization / |
O'Connor, Laura, 1959- |
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Having a good cry : effeminate feelings and pop-culture forms / |
Warhol, Robyn R. |
c2003. |
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He said, she says : an RSVP to the male text / |
c2001. |
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Heartbreak : the political memoir of a feminist militant / |
Dworkin, Andrea. |
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Hegel and the arts / |
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Hegel und Adorno : die kritische Funktion des philosophischen Systems / |
Bozzetti, Mauro, 1957- |
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Hegel à l'épreuve de la philosophie contemporaine : Deleuze, Lyotard, Derrida / |
Lèbre, Jérôme. |
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Hegel, Heidegger e la questione della romanitas : atti del Convegno, Verona, 16-17 maggio 2003 / |
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Heidegger and Marcuse : the catastrophe and redemption of history / |
Feenberg, Andrew. |
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Heidegger and rhetoric / |
c2005. |
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Heidegger's bicycle : interfering with Victorian texts / |
Ebbatson, Roger. |
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Hell in contemporary literature : Western descent narratives since 1945 / |
Falconer, Rachel. |
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Henderson, Louisiana : cultural adaptation in a Cajun community / |
Esman, Marjorie R. |
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Henri Lefebvre et l'aventure du siècle / |
Hess, Rémi, 1947- |
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Henri Michaux ou le refus de l'enfermement / |
Blanchot, Maurice. |
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Henry James : the mature master / |
Novick, Sheldon M. |
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Her husband was a woman! : women's gender-crossing in modern British popular culture / |
Oram, Alison. |
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Her master's tools? : feminist and postcolonial engagements of historical-critical discourse / |
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Her-self : early writings on gender by Malayalee women, 1898-1938 / |
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Herbert Marcuse : a critical reader / |
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Hermeneutics and praxis / |
c1985. |
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Hermeneutik der technischen Welt : eine Heidegger-Interpretation / |
Pöggeler, Otto. |
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Hermeneutik literarischer Sinnlichkeit : historisch-systematische Studien zur Literatur des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts / |
Laak, Lothar van. |
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Hermeneutik und Reflexion : der Begriff der Phänomenologie bei Heidegger und Husserl / |
Herrmann, Friedrich-Wilhelm von. |
c2000. |
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Hermes disguised : literary hermeneutics and the interpretation of literature : Kleist, Grillparzer, Fontane / |
Peck, Jeffrey M., 1950- |
c1983. |
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