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La prise de la Concorde : suivi de, Les Dimanches de la vie : essais sur Georges Bataille / |
Hollier, Denis. |
c1993. |
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La préparation du roman. |
Barthes, Roland. |
c2003. |
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La quadrature du cercle Bakhtine : traductions, influences et remises en contexte / |
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La question de l'humain entre l'éthique et l'anthropologie / |
c2004. |
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La recherche dix-huitiémiste : raison universelle et culture nationale au siècle des Lumières = Eighteenth-century research : universal reason and national culture during the Enlightenment / |
c1999. |
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La recherche interculturelle : actes du deuxième Colloque de l'ARIC / |
Colloque de l'ARIC Fribourg, Switzerland) 1987 : (2nd : |
c1989. |
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La ricerca della lingua perfetta nella cultura europea / |
Eco, Umberto. |
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La route antique des hommes pervers / |
Girard, René, 1923-2015. |
c1985. |
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La strategia del Conatus : affermazione e resistenza in Spinoza / |
Bove, Laurent. |
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La structure absente : introduction à la recherche sémiotique / |
Eco, Umberto. |
2004, c1972. |
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La tauromachie comme expérience dionysiaque : chez Georges Bataille et Michel Leiris / |
Fauchier, Vanessa, 1974- |
c2002. |
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La tension essentielle : tradition et changement dans les sciences / |
Kuhn, Thomas S. |
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La théâtralisation dans les romans du marquis de Sade / |
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La voix excommuniée : essais de mémoire / |
Marin, Louis, 1931- |
c1981. |
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Labor among primitive peoples : showing the development of the obstetric science of to-day, from the natural and instinctive customs of all races, civilized and savage, past and present / |
Engelmann, George J. 1847-1903. (George Julius), |
1884. |
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Labor and writing in early modern England, 1557-1667 / |
Ellinghausen, Laurie, 1972- |
c2008. |
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Labyrinthe der Prosa : Interpretationen zu Robert Walsers Jakob von Gunten, Franz Kafkas Der Bau und zu Texten aus Walter Benjamins Berliner Kindheit um neunzehnhundert / |
Gallus, Jörg, 1965- |
c2006. |
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Lacan : la loi, le sujet et la jouissance / |
Chaumont, Franck. |
c2004. |
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Lacan et Lévi-Strauss, ou, Le retour à Freud, 1951-1957 / |
Zafiropoulos, Markos. |
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Lachgemeinschaften : Kulturelle Inszenierungen und soziale Wirkungen von Gelächter im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit / |
c2005. |
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Lacrimae rerum : cinq essais sur Kieslowski, Hitchcock, Tarkovski et Lynch / |
ŽižekSlavoj. |
c2005. |
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Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls : gender in film at the end of the twentieth century / |
c2001. |
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Lady Anne Halkett : selected self-writings / |
Halkett, Anne, Lady, 1622-1699. |
c2007. |
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Lamentation and modernity in literature, philosophy, and culture / |
Saunders, Rebecca, 1961- |
2007. |
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Landscape and vision in nineteenth-century Britain and France / |
Charlesworth, Michael, Dr. |
c2008. |
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Language and death : the place of negativity / |
Agamben, Giorgio, 1942- |
c1991. |
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Language and hegemony in Gramsci / |
Ives, Peter, 1968- |
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Language and history in Theodor W. Adorno's Notes to literature / |
Plass, Ulrich. |
c2007. |
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Language, custom, and nation in the 1790s : Locke, Tooke, Wordsworth, Edgeworth / |
Manly, Susan. |
c2007. |
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Latin America in transition : the influence of culture on ecology, power, and diversity / |
Smith, Sheldon, 1940- |
c2003. |
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Latin American Shakespeares / |
c2005. |
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Latin American architecture : six voices / |
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Latin American cinema : essays on modernity, gender and national identity / |
c2005. |
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Latin American identities : race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality : papers of the Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials, Tempe, Arizona, May 26-29, 2001 / |
Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials, Inc. Meeting Arizona State University) 2001 : (46th : |
c2005. |
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Latina lesbian writers and artists / |
c2003. |
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Latina self-portraits : interviews with contemporary women writers / |
Kevane, Bridget A., 1963- |
c2000. |
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Latino Los Angeles : transformations, communities, and activism / |
c2005. |
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Laughing and weeping in early modern theatres / |
Steggle, Matthew. |
c2007. |
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Le Collège de sociologie : 1937-1939 / |
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Le Coran / |
2002, c1967. |
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Le Coupable : suivi de l'alleluiah : somme athéologique II / |
Bataille, Georges, 1897-1962. |
c1998. |
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Le Franglais : forbidden English, forbidden American : law, politics, and language in contemporary France : a study in loan words and national identity / |
Thody, Philip Malcolm Waller, 1928- |
c1995. |
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Le Japon aujourd'hui : la puissance d'innover / |
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Le Photographique : pour une théorie des écarts / |
Krauss, Rosalind E. |
c1990. |
近代文學理論 |
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Le Postmoderne expliqué aux enfants : correspondance 1982-1985 / |
Lyotard, Jean-François, 1924-1998. |
c2005. |
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Le Rāmāyaṇa de Vālmīki / |
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c1999. |
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Le bleu du ciel / |
Bataille, Georges, 1897-1962. |
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近代文學理論 |
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Le bleu est à la mode cette année : et autres articles / |
Barthes, Roland. |
c2001. |
近代文學理論 |
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Le bouc émissaire / |
Girard, René, 1923-2015. |
c2006. |
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Le comte de Monte-Cristo / |
Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-1870. |
2006, c1981. |
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