
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Les samouraïs : roman / Kristeva, Julia, 1941- c1990. 近代文學理論
Book Les stoïciens / 1994, c1962. 近代文學理論
Book Les styles de Derrida / Steinmetz, Rudy, 1958- c1994. 近代文學理論
Book Les tombeaux de Guy Debord / Apostolidès, Jean-Marie. c2006. 近代文學理論
Book Les trois mousquetaires : Vingt ans après / Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-1870. 2007, c1962. 近代文學理論
Book Les unités perdues / Lefebvre, Henri, 1901-1991. c2004. 近代文學理論
Book Les Œuvres completes de Voltaire = The complete works of Voltaire. Voltaire, 1694-1778. 1968- 近代文學理論
Book Lesbian and gay studies and the teaching of English : positions, pedagogies, and cultural politics / c2000. 近代文學理論
Book Lesbian origins / Cavin, Susan, 1948- c1985. 近代文學理論
Book Lesbian rule : cultural criticism and the value of desire / Villarejo, Amy, author. 2003. 近代文學理論
Book Lesbian self-writing : the embodiment of experience / c2000. 近代文學理論
Book Lesbofobia / Viñuales, Olga. c2002. 近代文學理論
Book Lettere : 1926-1935 / Gramsci, Antonio, 1891-1937. 1997. 近代文學理論
Book Letters between Forster and Isherwood on homosexuality and literature / Forster, E. M. 1879-1970. (Edward Morgan), 2008. 近代文學理論
Book Letters from Lexington : reflections on propaganda / Chomsky, Noam. c2004. 近代文學理論
Book Letters from prison / Gramsci, Antonio, 1891-1937. 1989. 近代文學理論
Book Lettre à René Char sur les incompatibilités de l'écrivain / Bataille, Georges, 1897-1962. [2005] 近代文學理論
Book Lettres a sa femme / Sade, marquis de, 1740-1814. 2008, c1997. 近代文學理論
Book Lettres inédites et documents / Sade, marquis de, 1740-1814. c1990. 近代文學理論
Book Lettres à Roger Caillois : 4 août 1935-4 février 1959 / Bataille, Georges, 1897-1962. 1987. 近代文學理論
Book Liberating Shahrazad : feminism, postcolonialism, and Islam / Gauch, Suzanne, 1965- c2007. 近代文學理論
Book Liberation, imagination, and the Black Panther Party : a new look at the Panthers and their legacy / 2001. 近代文學理論
Book Libertins du XVIIe siècle / c1998-c2004. 近代文學理論
Book Life behind barbed wire : the secret World War II photographs of prisoner of war Angelo M. Spinelli / Spinelli, Angelo M. 2004. 近代文學理論
Book Life conduct in modern times : Karl Jaspers and psychoanalysis / Bormuth, Matthias. c2006. 近代文學理論
Book Limonade tout était si infini / Cixous, Hélène, 1937- c1982. 近代文學理論
Book Linked histories : postcolonial studies in a globalized world / c2005. 近代文學理論
Book Linking the Americas : race, hybrid discourses, and the reformulation of feminine identity / Feracho, Lesley, 1968- c2005. 近代文學理論
Book Liquid times : living in an age of uncertainty / Bauman, Zygmunt, 1925-2017. 2007. 近代文學理論
Book Lire Sade : actes du premier colloque international sur Sade aux USA : Charleston, Caroline du Sud, 12-15 mars 2003 / Colloque international sur Sade aux USA Charleston, S.C.) 2003 : (1st : c2004. 近代文學理論
Book Lire la nouvelle / Grojnowski, Daniel, 1936- c2005. 近代文學理論
Book Literacy and gender : researching texts, contexts and readers / Moss, Gemma, 1954- 2007. 近代文學理論
Book Literary essays / Shedd, William Greenough Thayer. 1999. 近代文學理論
Book Literary inter-relations, Ireland, Egypt, and the Far East / 1996. 近代文學理論
Book Literary theory : possibilities and limits / Singh, Charu Sheel. c1991. 近代文學理論
Book Literatur über Walter Benjamin : kommentierte Bibliographie 1983-1992 / 1993. 近代文學理論
Book Literatur, Politik, Identität = Literature, politics, cultural identity / Bodi, Leslie. 2002. 近代文學理論
Book Literature and cultural criticism of the 1950s : the feeling male body / Brook, Susan Mary, 1972- 2007. 近代文學理論
Book Literature and culture in the Black Atlantic : from pre- to postcolonial / Campbell, Kofi Omoniyi Sylvanus. 2006. 近代文學理論
Book Literature and politics in Cromwellian England : John Milton, Andrew Marvell, Marchamont Nedham / Worden, Blair. 2007. 近代文學理論
Book Literature and the crime against nature : [from Homer to Hughes] / Sagar, Keith, 1934-2013. c2005. 近代文學理論
Book Literature of the Caribbean / Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth. 2008. 近代文學理論
Book Literature suppressed on religious grounds / Bald, Margaret. 2006. 近代文學理論
Book Literature, science, and a new humanities / Gottschall, Jonathan. 2008. 近代文學理論
Book Literaturpsychologie und literarische Hermeneutik : Sigmund Freud und Franz Kafka / Kaus, Rainer J. c2004. 近代文學理論
Book Little magazines & modernism : new approaches / c2007. 近代文學理論
Book Little mountain / Khūrī, Ilyās. 2007. 近代文學理論
Book Lives in the balance : perspectives on global injustice and inequality / 1997. 近代文學理論
Book Living with the other : hybrid traditions / c1996. 近代文學理論
Book Living without domination : the possibility of an anarchist utopia / Clark, Samuel, 1974- c2007. 近代文學理論