Book |
Projektion, Montage, Politik : die Praxis der Ideen von Jean-Luc Godard (Ici et ailleurs) und Gilles Deleuze (Cinema 2, L'image-temps) / |
Büttner, Elisabeth, 1961- |
1999. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Promises to keep : thoughts in old age / |
Hoggart, Richard, 1918- |
2005. |
近代文學理論 |
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Prophets of deceit; a study of the techniques of the American agitator, |
Lowenthal, Leo. |
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近代文學理論 |
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Propos / |
Alain, 1868-1951. |
2003-2005. |
近代文學理論 |
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Prosa y poesía : homenaje a Gonzalo Sobejano / |
c2001. |
近代文學理論 |
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Prose and travel books in prose and verse / |
Auden, W. H. 1907-1973. (Wystan Hugh), |
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Proust und Benjamin : unwillkürliche Erinnerung und dialektisches Bild / |
Teschke, Henning. |
c2000. |
近代文學理論 |
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Proust's English / |
Karlin, Daniel, 1953- |
2005. |
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Proust's additions : the making of A la recherche du temps perdu / |
Finch, Alison, 1948- |
1977. |
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Proxemic behavior : a cross-cultural study / |
Watson, O. Michael. |
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Prégnances : lavis de Colette Deblé, peintures / |
Derrida, Jacques. |
c2004. |
近代文學理論 |
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Prénoms de personne / |
Cixous, Hélène, 1937- |
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近代文學理論 |
Book |
Préparatifs de noces au delà de l'abîme / |
Cixous, Hélène, 1937- |
1978. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Prétexte, Roland Barthes / |
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Psychanalyse et anthropologie : Levi-Strauss et Freud / |
Chemouni, Jacquy. |
c1997. |
近代文學理論 |
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Psychanalyse et sciences humaines : deux conférences (1963- 1964) / |
Althusser, Louis, 1918-1990. |
c1996. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Psychological man / |
1975. |
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Psychopathia sexualis / |
Krafft-Ebing, R. von 1840-1902. (Richard), |
1997. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Psychopharmacology and psychobiology of ethnicity / |
c1993. |
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Public relations and communication management in Europe : a nation-by-nation introduction to public relations theory and practice / |
c2004. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Punchlines : the case for racial, ethnic, and gender humor / |
Rappoport, Leon. |
2005. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Pure beauty : judging race in Japanese American beauty pageants / |
King-O'Riain, Rebecca Chiyoko. |
c2006. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Pursuits of happiness : the Hollywood comedy of remarriage / |
Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 |
1981. |
近代文學理論 |
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Putting folklore to use / |
c1994. |
近代文學理論 |
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Quand ces choses commenceront-- : entretiens avec Michel Treguer / |
Girard, René, 1923-2015. |
2006, c1994. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Queer economics : a reader / |
2008. |
近代文學理論 |
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Queer political performance and protest : play, pleasure and social movement / |
Shepard, Benjamin Heim. |
2010. |
近代文學理論 |
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Queer sexualities in French and Francophone literature and film / |
2007. |
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Queer transitions in contemporary Spanish culture : from Franco to la movida / |
Pérez-Sánchez, Gema, 1965- |
c2007. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Queer writing : homoeroticism in Jean Genet's fiction / |
Stephens, Elizabeth, 1969- |
2009. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Queer youth cultures / |
c2008. |
近代文學理論 |
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Queering the pitch : the new gay and lesbian musicology / |
c2006. |
近代文學理論 |
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Queneau, Perec, Butor, Blanchot : éminences du rêve en fiction / |
Dula-Manoury, Daiana. |
c2004. |
近代文學理論 |
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Questioning Keats : an introduction to applied hermeneutics / |
Weaver, Russell, 1949- |
c2006. |
近代文學理論 |
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Quick studies : the best of Lingua Franca / |
2002. |
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Quinteto de Buenos Aires / |
Vázquez Montalbán, Manuel. |
c1997. |
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Quixotic frescoes : Cervantes and Italian Renaissance art / |
De Armas, Frederick Alfred. |
c2006. |
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Rabbinic interpretation of scripture in the Mishnah / |
Samely, Alexander. |
2002. |
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Rabindranath Tagore : universality and tradition / |
2003. |
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Race / |
c1994. |
近代文學理論 |
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Race and social analysis / |
Knowles, Caroline, 1954- |
c2003. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Race and the foundations of knowledge : cultural amnesia in the academy / |
c2006. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Race and the nation in liberal Italy, 1861-1911 : meridionalism, empire, and diaspora / |
Wong, Aliza S. |
2006. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Race consciousness : African-American studies for the new century / |
c1997. |
近代文學理論 |
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Race in early modern England : a documentary companion / |
2007. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Race, culture and psychotherapy : critical perspectives in multicultural practice / |
2006. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Race, culture, and identity : Francophone West African and Caribbean literature and theory from négritude to créolité / |
Lewis, Shireen K., 1959- |
c2006. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Race, culture, and the intellectuals : 1940-1970 / |
King, Richard H. |
c2004. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Race, gender, media : considering diversity across audiences, content, and producers / |
c2004. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Racial identity theory : applications to individual, group, and organizational interventions / |
1997. |
近代文學理論 |