Book |
Reena Spaulings / |
Bernadette Corporation (Collective) |
c2004. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Reescrituras / |
2004. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Reflections in a critical eye : essays on Carson McCullers / |
2008. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Reflections on aesthetic judgment and other essays / |
Tilghman, Benjamin R. |
c2006. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Reflections on empire / |
Negri, Antonio, 1933- |
2008. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Reflections on multiple modernities : European, Chinese, and other interpretations / |
Multiple Modernities Conference Berlin, Germany) (2001 : |
2002. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Reflets réciproques : a prismatic reading of Stéphane Mallarmé and Hélène Cixous / |
Hoffer, Pamela Marie. |
c2006. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Reflexive representations : discourse, power, and hegemony in global capitalism / |
c2004. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Refracting the canon in contemporary British literature and film / |
2004. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Regards sur l'héritage de Mikhaïl Bakhtine / |
Université de Cergy-Pontoise. CRTH. Centre de recherche texte-histoire (Cergy-Pontoise) |
2005. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Regards sur la Lorraine : réflexions sur des notions fondamentales, particularités du caractère lorrain / |
Marin, Louis, 1871-1960. |
1966. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Regional movements : politics of language, ethnicity-identity / |
Basu, Sajal. |
1992. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Regulating readers : gender and literary criticism in the eighteenth-century novel / |
Gardiner, Ellen. |
c1999. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Reinventing community : identity and difference in late twentieth-century philosophy and literature in French / |
Hiddleston, Jane. |
2005. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Reinventing the culture of womanhood in America and Brazil : an anthropological perspective : models for the 21st century, 1964-2001 / |
Westfried, Alex Huxley. |
c2002. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Relational and intersubjective perspectives in psychoanalysis : a critique / |
c2005. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Relativism in the arts / |
c1983. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Relato y sociedad : realidad y fantasmas en el relato borgeano / |
Repetto, Elsa. |
c1994. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Religion and popular culture : studies on the interaction of worldviews / |
2001. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Religion and the good life / |
2004. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Religion, truth, and language-games / |
Sherry, Patrick. |
1977. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Religions, reasons and gods : essays in cross-cultural philosophy of religion / |
Clayton, John. |
2006. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Religious studies, theology, and the university : conflicting maps, changing terrain / |
c2002. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Relocating agency : modernity and African letters / |
George, Olakunle. |
c2003. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Relocating identities in Latin American cultures / |
c2007. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Remapping knowledge : the making of South Asian studies in India, Europe, and America, 19th-20th centuries / |
2005. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Renaissance essays : Shakespeare, Spenser, Donne / |
Kermode, Frank, 1919-2010. |
1973. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Rencontre terrestre : Arcachon. Roosevelt Island. Paris Montsouris. Manhattan. Cuernavaca / |
Cixous, Hélène, 1937- |
c2005. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Renewing socialism : democracy, strategy, and imagination / |
Panitch, Leo. |
c2001. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
René Girard : du mimétisme à l'hominisation : "la violence différante" / |
Vinolo, Stéphane. |
c2007. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Reporting from Ramallah : an Israeli jounalist in an occupied land / |
Hass, Amira. |
2003. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Representation and identity from Versailles to the present : the performing subject / |
Sikes, Alan. |
2007. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Representations of death in nineteenth-century US writing and culture / |
c2007. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Representations of gender from prehistory to the present / |
2000. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Representations of the self from the Renaissance to Romanticism / |
2000. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Reproductive urges : popular novel-reading, sexuality, and the English nation / |
Levy, Anita, 1955- |
c1999. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Rereading texts, rethinking critical presuppositions : essays in honour of H.M. Daleski / |
c1997. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Resistance and theological ethics / |
c2004. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Resolution : a critique of video art / |
c1986. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Responsibilities of deconstruction / |
1997. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Restoration drama and "the circle of commerce" : tragicomedy, politics, and trade in the seventeenth century / |
Kroll, Richard W. F. |
2007. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Resurrecting erotic transgression : subjecting ambiguity in theology / |
Monro, Anita. |
2006. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Retaining the original : multiple originals, copies, and reproductions / |
c1989. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Rethinking cultural policy / |
McGuigan, Jim. |
2004. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Rethinking gender and youth sport / |
2007. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Rethinking multicultural education : case studies in cultural transition / |
2002. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Rethinking postmodernism(s) : Charles S. Peirce and the pragmatist negotiations of Thomas Pynchon, Toni Morrison, and Jonathan Safran Foer / |
Amian, Katrin. |
2008. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Rethinking race, politics, and poetics : C.L.R. James' critique of modernity / |
St. Louis, Brett. |
2007. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Rethinking revolutions through ancient Greece / |
2006. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Rethinking sexual identity in education / |
Birden, Susan, 1955- |
c2005. |
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