
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Spindel Conference 2003 : Julia Kristeva's ethical and political thought / Spindel Conference University of Memphis) 2003 : (22nd : c2004. 近代文學理論
Book Spinoza et la politique / Balibar, Etienne, 1942- 2005. 近代文學理論
Book Spirits, selves, and subjectivity in a Japanese new religion : the cultural psychology of belief in shūkyō Mahikari / McVeigh, Brian J. c1997. 近代文學理論
Book Spiritualität und Sprachverlust : Theologie nach Foucault und Derrida / Hoff, Johannes. c1999. 近代文學理論
Book Spitfires in Japan : from Farnborough to the Far East : a memoir / Bouchier, Cecil, 1895-1979. c2005. 近代文學理論
Book Sponsored identities : cultural politics in Puerto Rico / Da⁺{129}vila, Arlene M., 1965- 1997. 近代文學理論
Book Sport, media, culture : global and local dimensions / 2003. 近代文學理論
Book Sport, sectarianism and society in a divided Ireland / Sugden, John Peter. 1995. 近代文學理論
Book Spyscreen : espionage on film and TV from the 1930s to the 1960s / Miller, Toby. c2003. 近代文學理論
Book Staging growth : modernization, development, and the global Cold War / c2003. 近代文學理論
Book Staging international feminisms / 2007. 近代文學理論
Book Stalin and the peasant revolution : a case study in the dialectics of master and slave / Bauman, Zygmunt. c1985. 近代文學理論
Book Stances sur la mort de son père / Manrique, Jorge, 1440?-1479. c1996. 近代文學理論
Book Stanzas : word and phantasm in Western culture / Agamben, Giorgio, 1942- c1993. 近代文學理論
Book Star wars and philosophy : more powerful than you can possibly imagine / c2005. 近代文學理論
Book Starting with Derrida : Plato, Aristotle and Hegel / Gaston, Sean. c2007. 近代文學理論
Book Step-mothertongue : from nationalism to multiculturalism: literatures of Cyprus, Greece and Turkey / 2000. 近代文學理論
Book Stepping across : four interdisciplinary studies on education and cultural politics / Koza, Julia, 1952- c2003. 近代文學理論
Book Stepping forward : Black women in Africa and the Americas / c2002. 近代文學理論
Book Stepping queerly? : discourses in dance education for boys in late 20th century Finland / Lehikoinen, Kai. c2006. 近代文學理論
Book Stereotypes and prejudice in conflict : representations of Arabs in Israeli Jewish society / Bar-Tal, Daniel. 2005. 近代文學理論
Book Still Black, still strong : survivors of the U.S. war against Black revolutionaries / Bin Wahad, Dhoruba. c1993. 近代文學理論
Book Still lifting, still climbing : contemporary African American women's activism / c1999. 近代文學理論
Book Stolen thunder : the cultural roots of political communication / Harvey, Lisa St. Clair, 1957- 1994. 近代文學理論
Book Storicismo e pedagogia : Vico, Cuoco, Croce, Gramsci / Scuderi Sanfilippo, Graziella. c1995. 近代文學理論
Book Stories within stories : an ecosystemic theory of metadiegetic narrative / Seager, Dennis L., 1949- c1991. 近代文學理論
Book Straddling borders : the American resonance in transnational identities / 2004. 近代文學理論
Book Strands afar remote : Israeli perspectives on Shakespeare / c1998. 近代文學理論
Book Strange histories : the trial of the pig, the walking dead, and other matters of fact from the Medieval and Reniassance worlds / Oldridge, Darren, 1966- 2007. 近代文學理論
Book Strangers in a not-so-strange land : Indian American immigrants in the global age / Helweg, Arthur Wesley, 1940- c2004. 近代文學理論
Book Strategies of poetic narrative : Chaucer, Spenser, Milton, Eliot / Kinney, Clare Regan. 1992. 近代文學理論
Book Strategies of resistance : body, identity, and representation in Western culture / Kubisz, Marzena. 2003. 近代文學理論
Book Strategy of deception / Virilio, Paul. 2007. 近代文學理論
Book Striking chords : multicultural literary interpretations / 1992. 近代文學理論
Book Structuralism : theory and practice / Duffy, Jean H. 1992. 近代文學理論
Book Structuralism and Christianity. Schiwy, Günther. [c1971] 近代文學理論
Book Structure and sentiment : a test case in social anthropology / Needham, Rodney. 1983, c1962. 近代文學理論
Book Structures of desire : British cinema, 1939-1955 / Williams, Tony, 1946 January 11- ©2000. 近代文學理論
Book Studi su Gramsci : americanismo, democrazia e teoria della storia nei Quaderni del carcere / Montanari, Marcello. c2002. 近代文學理論
Book Style and the nineteenth-century British critic : sincere mannerisms / Camlot, Jason, 1967- c2008. 近代文學理論
Book Styles of cultural activism : from theory and pedagogy to women, indians, and communism / c1994. 近代文學理論
Book Subtitles : on the foreignness of film / c2004. 近代文學理論
Book Sufism and deconstruction : a comparative study of Derrida and IbnʻArabi / Almond, Ian, 1969- 2004. 近代文學理論
Book Suicide and the body politic in Imperial Russia / Morrissey, Susan K., 1963- 2006. 近代文學理論
Book Superpowers in collision : the cold war now / Chomsky, Noam. 1982. 近代文學理論
Book Supersticiones de linaje : genealogías y reescrituras / 1996. 近代文學理論
Book Sur Althusser passages / c1993. 近代文學理論
Book Sur Gramsci / Togliatti, Palmiro, 1893-1964. 1977. 近代文學理論
Book Sur l'interdiction de ma Correspondance avec Guy Debord / Martos, Jean-François. 1999. 近代文學理論
Book Sur le commerce des pensées : du livre et de la librairie / Nancy, Jean-Luc. c2005. 近代文學理論