
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The Noam Chomsky lectures / Brooks, Daniel, 1958- 1998. 近代文學理論
Book The Norman conquest : England after William the Conqueror / Thomas, Hugh M. c2008. 近代文學理論
Book The Oxford anthology of English literature / 1975. 近代文學理論
Book The Oxford reader; varieties of contemporary discourse. Kermode, Frank, 1919-2010. 1971. 近代文學理論
Book The Philadelphia Negro : a social study / Du Bois, W. E. B. 1868-1963. (William Edward Burghardt), c2007. 近代文學理論
Book The Picasso papers / Krauss, Rosalind E. 1998. 近代文學理論
Book The Protean ass : the Metamorphoses of Apuleius from antiquity to the Renaissance / Carver, Robert H. F. 2007. 近代文學理論
Book The Queen's stepwell at Patan / Mankodi, K. 1991. 近代文學理論
Book The Qurʼan : a biography / Lawrence, Bruce B. c2006. 近代文學理論
Book The Resurrection in Derrida's glorious Glas / 1997. 近代文學理論
Book The Romantic imagination : literature and art in England and Germany / 1996. 近代文學理論
Book The SAGE handbook of film studies / 2008. 近代文學理論
Book The Sadeian woman : an exercise in cultural history / Carter, Angela, 1940-1992. [2006] 近代文學理論
Book The Sheila Carmel lectures, 1988-1993 / c1995. 近代文學理論
Book The Socratic method : Plato's use of philosophical drama / Cain, Rebecca Benson. c2007. 近代文學理論
Book The Southern question / Gramsci, Antonio, 1891-1937. c1995. 近代文學理論
Book The Tao of cricket : on games of destiny and the destiny of games / Nandy, Ashis. 2000. 近代文學理論
Book The Taylorized beauty of the mechanical : scientific management and the rise of modernist architecture / Guillén, Mauro F. c2006. 近代文學理論
Book The U.S. women's movement in global perspective / c2006. 近代文學理論
Book The Uses of literary history / 1995. 近代文學理論
Book The Victorian studies reader / 2007. 近代文學理論
Book The West Indians of Costa Rica : race, class, and the integration of an ethnic minority / Harpelle, Ronald N., 1957- c2001. 近代文學理論
Book The Womanist reader / c2006. 近代文學理論
Book The abject object : avatars of the phallus in contemporary French theory, literature and film / Reader, Keith. 2006. 近代文學理論
Book The abject of desire : the aestheticization of the unaesthetic in contemporary literature and culture / 2007. 近代文學理論
Book The academic tribes / Adams, Hazard, 1926- c1988. 近代文學理論
Book The act of being : the philosophy of revelation in Mullā Sadrā / Jambet, Christian. 2006. 近代文學理論
Book The aesthetics and politics of the crowd in American literature / Esteve, Mary. 2003. 近代文學理論
Book The aesthetics of Antichrist : from Christian drama to Christopher Marlowe / Parker, John, 1972- c2007. 近代文學理論
Book The aesthetics of television / c2001. 近代文學理論
Book The age of Shakespeare / Kermode, Frank, 1919-2010. 2005. 近代文學理論
Book The anabasis of Cyrus / Xenophon. 2008. 近代文學理論
Book The anatomy of freedom : feminism in four dimensions / Morgan, Robin. 1994. 近代文學理論
Book The animals reader : the essential classic and contemporary writings / 2007. 近代文學理論
Book The anti-capitalism reader : imagining a geography of opposition / c2002. 近代文學理論
Book The architecture of deconstruction : Derrida's haunt / Wigley, Mark. 1995. 近代文學理論
Book The art of English poesy / Puttenham, George, d. 1590. 2007. 近代文學理論
Book The art of the project : projects and experiments in modern French culture / 2005. 近代文學理論
Book The art of the sacred : an introduction to the aesthetics of art and belief / Howes, Graham. 2007. 近代文學理論
Book The art of twentieth-century American poetry : modernism and after / Altieri, Charles, 1942- 2006. 近代文學理論
Book The arts in a new millennium : research and the arts sector / 2003. 近代文學理論
Book The arts of democracy : art, public culture, and the state / c2007. 近代文學理論
Book The autobiography of W.E.B. Du Bois : a soliloquy on viewing my life from the last decade of its first century / Du Bois, W. E. B. 1868-1963. (William Edward Burghardt), c2007. 近代文學理論
Book The battle for the American mind : a brief history of a nation's thought / Richard, Carl J. c2006. 近代文學理論
Book The belated witness : literature, testimony, and the question of Holocaust survival / Levine, Michael G. 2006. 近代文學理論
Book The bioelectrical investigation of sexuality and anxiety / Reich, Wilhelm, 1897-1957. c1982. 近代文學理論
Book The boat and the city : Chinese diaspora and the architecture of Southeast Asian coastal cities / Widodo, Johannes. 2004. 近代文學理論
Book The body and physical difference : discourses of disability / c1997. 近代文學理論
Book The body and religion / c2002. 近代文學理論
Book The body in question : a socio-cultural approach / Petersen, Alan R., Ph. D. 2007. 近代文學理論