
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The lure of the object / c2005. 近代文學理論
Book The making of English photography : allegories / Edwards, Steve, 1959- c2006. 近代文學理論
Book The making of a transnational community : migration, development, and cultural change in the Dominican Republic / Georges, Eugenia. c1990. 近代文學理論
Book The making of the British middle class? : studies of regional and cultural diversity since the eighteenth century / 1998. 近代文學理論
Book The margins of the city : gay men's urban lives / c1994. 近代文學理論
Book The marketing of eros : performance, sexuality, consumer culture / c2003. 近代文學理論
Book The marvelous arithmetics of distance : poems 1987-1992 / Lorde, Audre. c1993. 近代文學理論
Book The mass image : a social history of photomechanical reproduction in Victorian London / Beegan, Gerry, 1953- 2008. 近代文學理論
Book The material culture of gender, the gender of material culture / c1997. 近代文學理論
Book The material realization of science : a philosophical view on the experimental natural sciences, developed in discussion with Habermas / Radder, Hans. 1988. 近代文學理論
Book The material, the real, and the fractured self : subjectivity and representation from Rimbaud to Réda / Harrow, Susan. c2004. 近代文學理論
Book The meaning of love / Solovyov, Vladimir Sergeyevich, 1853-1900. c1985. 近代文學理論
Book The meanings of love : an introduction to philosophy of love / Wagoner, Bob, 1930- 1997. 近代文學理論
Book The meanings we choose : hermeneutical ethics, indeterminacy and the conflict of interpretations / c2004. 近代文學理論
Book The memorial / Isherwood, Christopher, 1904-1986. 1999. 近代文學理論
Book The military and conflict between cultures : soldiers at the interface / c1997. 近代文學理論
Book The mind has mountains : a.alvarez@lxx / 1999. 近代文學理論
Book The mind of the European romantics : an essay in cultural history / Schenk, Hans Georg Artur Viktor. 1979. 近代文學理論
Book The modern/colonial/capitalist world-system in the twentieth century : global processes, antisystemic movements, and the geopolitics of knowledge / 2002. 近代文學理論
Book The modernist papers / Jameson, Fredric. 2007. 近代文學理論
Book The moral economy of class : class and attitudes in comparative perspective / Svallfors, Stefan. 2006. 近代文學理論
Book The mystery of everyday life / Metcalfe, Andrew W. [2002] 近代文學理論
Book The nation, psychology, and international politics, 1870-1919 / Sluga, Glenda, 1962- 2006. 近代文學理論
Book The national fabric : fashion, Britishness, globalization / Goodrum, Alison L. 2005. 近代文學理論
Book The new Vaisyas : entrepreneurial opportunity and response in an Indian city / Owens, Raymond Lee, 1934- c1978. 近代文學理論
Book The new faces of Christianity : believing the Bible in the global south / Jenkins, Philip, 1952- 2006. 近代文學理論
Book The new frontier of religion and science : religious experience, neuroscience and the transcendent / Hick, John, 1922-2012. 2006. 近代文學理論
Book The new fuck you : adventures in Lesbian reading / c1995. 近代文學理論
Book The new global history / Mazlish, Bruce, 1923-2016. 2006. 近代文學理論
Book The new humanists : science at the edge / c2003. 近代文學理論
Book The new nineteenth century : feminist readings of underread Victorian fiction / 1996. 近代文學理論
Book The new pornographies : explicit sex in recent French fiction and film / Best, Victoria, 1969- 2007. 近代文學理論
Book The normative basis of culture : a philosophical inquiry / McDonald, Henry, 1947- c1986. 近代文學理論
Book The novelness of Bakhtin : perspectives and possibilities / 2001. 近代文學理論
Book The obsolescence of psychoanalysis / Marcuse, Herbert, 1898-1979. [1969?] 近代文學理論
Book The old retold : archetypal patterns in German literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries / Schueler, H. J. 1933- (Heinz Juergen), c1996. 近代文學理論
Book The ordeal of Mansart / Du Bois, W. E. B. 1868-1963. (William Edward Burghardt), c2007. 近代文學理論
Book The order of joy : beyond the cultural politics of enjoyment / Wilson, Scott, 1962- c2008. 近代文學理論
Book The order of things : explorations in scientific theology / McGrath, Alister E., 1953- 2006. 近代文學理論
Book The origin of the species / Barg, Barbara. c1994. 近代文學理論
Book The origins of everyday things / c1999. 近代文學理論
Book The other Henry James / Rowe, John Carlos. 1998. 近代文學理論
Book The other quiet revolution : national identities in English Canada, 1945-71 / Igartua, José Eduardo, 1946- c2006. 近代文學理論
Book The pain journal / Flanagan, Bob, 1952- c2000. 近代文學理論
Book The palimpsest : literature, criticism, theory / Dillon, Sarah. 2007. 近代文學理論
Book The passionate philosopher : a Marquis de Sade reader / Sade, marquis de, 1740-1814. 1993. 近代文學理論
Book The pen and the sword : conversations with David Barsamian / Said, Edward W. c1994. 近代文學理論
Book The persecution and assassination of Jean-Paul Marat : as performed by the inmates of the Asylum of Charenton under the direction of the Marquis de Sade / Weiss, Peter, 1916-1982. 2002, c1965. 近代文學理論
Book The personalist challenge : intersubjectivity and ontology / Nédoncelle, Maurice. 1984. 近代文學理論
Book The philosophy of Derrida / Dooley, Mark. 2007. 近代文學理論