Book |
Turkey beyond nationalism : towards post-nationalist identities / |
2006. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Turning south again : re-thinking modernism/re-reading Booker T. / |
Baker, Houston A. |
2001. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Turning the century : essays in media and cultural studies / |
2000. |
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Book |
Twentieth-century British authors and the rise of opera in Britain / |
Morra, Irene, 1975- |
c2007. |
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Book |
Twentieth-century Ecuadorian narrative : new readings in the context of the Americas / |
Wishnia, K. J. A. |
c1999. |
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Book |
Twentieth-century Irish literature / |
Kelly, Aaron. |
2008. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Twentieth-century fiction by Irish women : nation and gender / |
Ingman, Heather, 1953- |
c2007. |
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Book |
Twentieth-century poetic translation : literary cultures in Italian and English / |
c2008. |
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Book |
Twenty-first century lesbian studies / |
c2007. |
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Book |
Two faces of Oedipus : Sophocles' Oedipus tyrannus and Seneca's Oedipus / |
2008. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Two regimes of madness : texts and interviews 1975-1995 / |
Deleuze, Gilles, 1925-1995. |
c2006. |
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Book |
U.S. and the others : global media images on "The War on Terror" / |
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Umberto Eco : arte, semiotica, letteratura / |
Jachia, Paolo. |
c2006. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Umberto Eco and football / |
Trifonas, Peter Pericles, 1960- |
2001. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Un amour de Sade : la Provence / |
Lambergeon, Solange. |
c1990. |
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Book |
Un chasseur dans l'image : Proust et le temps caché / |
Boucquey, Eliane. |
c1992. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Un ton pour la philosophie : moments d'une autobiographie / |
Cavell, Stanley, 1926-2018 |
c2003. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Un uomo sotto la mole : biografia di Antonio Gramsci / |
Scalambrino, Francesco. |
1998. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Un vrai jardin / |
Cixous, Hélène, 1937- |
c1998. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Uncommon readers : Denis Donoghue, Frank Kermode, George Steiner and the tradition of the common reader / |
Knight, Christopher J., 1952- |
2003. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Und weil der Mensch ein Mensch ist-- : anthropologische Aspekte der Sozialphilosophie Herbert Marcuses / |
Bundschuh, Stephan, 1962- |
1998. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Under the influence : working-class drinking, temperance, and cultural revolution in Russia, 1895-1932 / |
Transchel, Kate. |
c2006. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Underclass : a history of the excluded, 1880-2000 / |
Welshman, John. |
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近代文學理論 |
Book |
Undercover surrealism : Georges Bataille and Documents / |
c2006. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Understanding Muslim teachings and traditions : a guide for Christians / |
Parshall, Phil. |
2002. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Understanding humor in Japan / |
c2006. |
近代文學理論 |
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Une enfance algérienne / |
c1999. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Une langue à venir : Derrida, l'écriture hyperbolique / |
Goldschmit, Marc, 1967- |
c2006. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Une notion à l'épreuve de l'histoire : les conseils de fabrique chez Antonio Gramsci et dans les débats du Parti socialiste italien (1919-1920) / |
Eggimann-Besançon, Anne. |
1988. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Une terrible beauté : les modernistes anglais à l'épreuve de la critique girardienne / |
Birgy, Philippe. |
c2004. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Une tout autre histoire : questions à Jean-François Lyotard / |
Fontenay, Elisabeth de. |
c2006. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Unequal sisters : an inclusive reader in U.S. women's history / |
2008. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Unfree labor : American slavery and Russian serfdom / |
Kolchin, Peter. |
1987. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Union recognition : organising and bargaining outcomes / |
2006. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Uniquely African? : African Christian identity from cultural and historical perspectives / |
c2003. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Unity and diversity in development ideas : perspectives from the UN regional commissions / |
c2004. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Universale Vernunft und partikularer Glaube : eine theologische Auswertung des Werkes von Jürgen Habermas / |
Düringer, Hermann. |
1999. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Unpopular education : schooling and social democracy in England since 1944 / |
2007. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Unterwegs zu einer Sprache der Freundschaft : DisTanzen--Nietzsche, Deleuze, Derrida / |
Böhler, Arno, 1963- |
c2000. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Uptown conversation : the new jazz studies / |
c2004. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Urban governance around the world / |
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近代文學理論 |
Book |
Utopie des Lesens : eine Theorie kritischen Lesens auf der Grundlage der Ideologietheorie Louis Althussers : dargestellt an Texten Georg Büchners, Theodor Fontanes, Ödön von Horváths und Heiner Müllers / |
Descourvières, Benedikt, 1968- |
c1999. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Valerio Adami : le voyage du dessin accompagné par +R (par dessus le marché) / |
Derrida, Jacques. |
1975. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Values, interests and identity : Jews and politics in a changing world / |
c1995. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Vanishing moments : class and American literature / |
Schocket, Eric, 1966- |
c2006. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Vargas Llosa : otra historia de un deicidio / |
Williams, Raymond L. |
2001. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Varieties of ethical reflection : new directions for ethics in a global context / |
c2002. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Veiled encounters : representing the Orient in 17th-century French travel literature / |
Harrigan, Michael. |
2008. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Vendredi ou les limbes du Pacifique / |
Tournier, Michel. |
c2006. |
近代文學理論 |
Book |
Venus im Pelz : mit einer Studie über den Masochismus / |
Sacher-Masoch, Leopold, Ritter von, 1835-1895. |
1980. |
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