
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book From linguistics to cultural anthropology : aspects of language, culture and family issues in Ghana (West Africa) / 2006. 認知語言學
Book From office to school : special language and internationalisation / c1989. 認知語言學
Book From space to time : temporal adverbials in the world's languages / Haspelmath, Martin, 1963- 1997. 認知語言學
Book From syntax to discourse : pronominal clitics, null subjects and infinitives in child language / Hamann, Cornelia, 1953- c2002. 認知語言學
Book From the kitchen to the parlor : language and becoming in African American women's hair care / Jacobs-Huey, Lanita, 1971- 2006. 認知語言學
Book Functional approaches to Spanish syntax : lexical semantics, discourse and transitivity / 2006. 認知語言學
Book Functional categories and the syntax of focus in Tuki / Biloa, Edmond. 1997. 認知語言學
Book Functional grammar : aspect and aspectuality, tense and temporality : essays in honour of Alexander Bondarko / 2001. 認知語言學
Book Functional grammar and the computer / 1989. 認知語言學
Book Functional perspectives on grammar and discourse : in honour of Angela Downing / c2007. 認知語言學
Book Fundamentals of French syntax / Gledhill, Christopher J. 2003. 認知語言學
Book Fundamentals of Japanese grammar : comprehensive acquisition / Johnson, Yuki, 1956- c2008. 認知語言學
Book Fundamentos de fonología y fonética española para hablantes de inglés : manual práctico de español como lengua extranjera : nivel : avanzado / Méndez, Eva Núñez. 2005. 認知語言學
Book Future challenges for natural linguistics / 2002. 認知語言學
Book Ga: Japanese conjunction : its functions and sociolinguistic implications / Fukushima, Tatsuya, 1966- 2006. 認知語言學
Book Game theory and pragmatics / 2006. 認知語言學
Book Gebärdensprachen des indischen Subkontinents / Zeshan, Ulrike. 2000. 認知語言學
Book Gendered discourse in the professional workplace / Mullany, Louise. 2007. 認知語言學
Book Gendered practices in language / c2002. 認知語言學
Book Gendered talk at work : constructing gender identity through workplace discourse / Holmes, Janet, 1947- 2006. 認知語言學
Book General and applied Romani linguistics : proceedings from the 6th International Conference on Romani Linguistics / International Conference on Romani Linguistics Graz, Austria) 2002 : (6th : 2005. 認知語言學
Book General linguistics / Dinneen, Francis P. c1995. 認知語言學
Book Generative approaches to Finnic and Saami linguistics / c2003. 認知語言學
Book Genetically modified language : the discourse of arguments for GM crops and food / Cook, Guy (Guy W. D.) 2004. 認知語言學
Book Genre and institutions : social processes in the workplace and school / [2000] 認知語言學
Book Genre, relevance and global coherence : the pragmatics of discourse type / Unger, Christoph, 1964- 2006. 認知語言學
Book Genus-Systeme im Wandel : Spezifität, Animazität und Femininum im Mohawk / Bryant, Doreen. 2003. 認知語言學
Book Georgian / Cherchi, Marcello. 1999. 認知語言學
Book Germanic dialects : linguistic and philological investigations / 1986. 認知語言學
Book Gestural communication in nonhuman and human primates / c2007. 認知語言學
Book Gesture and the dynamic dimension of language : essays in honor of David McNeill / c2007. 認知語言學
Book Getting things done at work : the discourse of power in workplace interaction / Vine, Bernadette. 2004. 認知語言學
Book Global issues in language, education and development : perspectives from postcolonial countries / Rassool, Naz, 1949- c2007. 認知語言學
Book Globalization and language in the Spanish-speaking world : macro and micro perspectives / 2006. 認知語言學
Book Goals for academic writing : ESL students and their instructors / c2006. 認知語言學
Book Good humor, bad taste : a sociology of the joke / Kuipers, Giselinde, 1971- c2006. 認知語言學
Book Gradience in grammar : generative perspectives / 2006. 認知語言學
Book Grammaire du purépecha / Chamereau, Claudine. 2003. 認知語言學
Book Grammar and context : an advanced resource book / Hewings, Ann. 2005. 認知語言學
Book Grammar and inference in conversation : identifying clause structure in spoken Javanese / Ewing, Michael C. c2005. 認知語言學
Book Grammar and philosophy in late antiquity : a study of Priscian's sources / Luhtala, Anneli. c2005. 認知語言學
Book Grammar and texts of the Yugambeh-Bundjalung dialect chain in Eastern Australia / Sharpe, Margaret C. 2005. 認知語言學
Book Grammar from the human perspective : case, space and person in Finnish / c2006. 認知語言學
Book Grammar in use across time and space : deconstructing the Japanese 'dative subject' construction / Sadler, Misumi. c2007. 認知語言學
Book Grammars of colonialism : representing languages in colonial South Africa / Gilmour, Rachael, 1973- 2006. 認知語言學
Book Grammars of space : explorations in cognitive diversity / 2006. 認知語言學
Book Grammatical agreement in Hindi-Urdu and its major varieties / Das, Pradeep Kumar. 2006. 認知語言學
Book Grammatical analyses in Basque and Romance linguistics : papers in honor of Mario Saltarelli / c1999. 認知語言學
Book Grammatical change and linguistic theory : the Rosendal papers / c2008. 認知語言學
Book Grammatical constructions : back to the roots / c2005. 認知語言學