
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Achebe, Head, Marechera : on power and change in Africa / Gagiano, Annie, 1947- 2000. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Across the blocs : Cold War cultural and social history / 2004 國際關係與國際政治
Book Addicted to oil : America's relentless drive for energy security / Rutledge, Ian. 2006. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Addiction treatment : science and policy for the twenty-first century / c2007. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Addressing the new international terrorism : prevention, intervention and multilateral cooperation / Nye, Joseph S. c2003. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Adjudicatory authority in private international law : a comparative study / Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor. c2007. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Adventure in diplomacy : our French dilemma / Pendar, Kenneth Whittemore. 2003. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Advertising's war on terrorism : the story of the U.S. State Department's Shared Values Initiative / Fullerton, Jami A., 1963- c2006. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Affirmative advocacy : race, class, and gender in interest group politics / Strolovitch, Dara Z. 2007. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Afghanistan, arms and conflict : armed groups, disarmament and security in a post-war society / Bhatia, Michael V., 1976- 2008. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Africa and the new globalization / c2008. 國際關係與國際政治
Book African American families / Hattery, Angela. c2007. 國際關係與國際政治
Book African economies and the politics of permanent crisis, 1979-1999 / Van de Walle, Nicolas, 1957- 2001. 國際關係與國際政治
Book After Bush : the case for continuity in American foreign policy / Lynch, Timothy J., 1969- 2008. 國際關係與國際政治
Book After Iraq : the imperiled American imperium / Kegley, Charles W. 2007. 國際關係與國際政治
Book After Iraq : war, imperialism and democracy / Harding, Jim, 1941- 2004. 國際關係與國際政治
Book After identity : rethinking race, sex, and gender / Warnke, Georgia. 2007. 國際關係與國際政治
Book After mass crime : rebuilding states and communities / 2007. 國際關係與國際政治
Book After the war in Iraq : defining the new strategic balance / 2003. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Against all terrors : this people's next defense / Gold, Philip, 1948- 2002. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Against throne and altar : Machiavelli and political theory under the English Republic / Rahe, Paul Anthony. 2008. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Agreeing and implementing the Doha round of the WTO / c2008. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Agroterrorism : a guide for first responders / Moats, Jason B. 2007. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Aiding peace? : the role of NGOs in armed conflict / Goodhand, Jonathan. 2006. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Al Qaeda in Europe : the new battleground of international jihad / Vidino, Lorenzo. 2006. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Al-Ghazālī and the Qurʼān : one book, many meanings / Whittingham, Martin. 2007. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Al-Qaeda : an organization to be reckoned with / c2006. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Al-Qaeda : the true story of radical islam / Burke, Jason. 2006. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Albania and the European Union : the tumultuous journey towards integration and accession / Bogdani, Mirela. 2007. 國際關係與國際政治
Book All politics is global : explaining international regulatory regimes / Drezner, Daniel W. c2007. 國際關係與國際政治
Book All the troubles : terrorism, war, and the world after 9-11 / Adams, Simon, 1968- c2004. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Alliance management and maintenance : restructuring NATO for the 21st century / Deni, John R. c2007. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Allied against terrorism : what's needed to strengthen worldwide commitment / Millar, Alistair. c2006. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Allies and adversaries : the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Grand Alliance, and U.S. strategy in World War II / Stoler, Mark A. c2000. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Almost NATO : partners and players in Central and Eastern European security / c2003. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Amateur soldiers, global wars : insurgency and modern conflict / Fowler, Michael C., 1965- 2005. 國際關係與國際政治
Book Ambivalent neighbors : the EU, NATO and the price of membership / c2003. 國際關係與國際政治
Book America : sovereign defender or cowboy nation? / Shlapentokh, Vladimir. c2005. 國際關係與國際政治
Book America after Vietnam : from anguish to healing / An, Tai Sung, 1931- c1997. 國際關係與國際政治
Book America against the world : how we are different and why we are disliked / Kohut, Andrew. 2006. 國際關係與國際政治
Book America alone : the end of the world as we know it / Steyn, Mark. c2006. 國際關係與國際政治
Book America and China : Asia-Pacific Rim hegemony in the twenty-first century / Doyle, Randall Jordan. c2007. 國際關係與國際政治
Book America and Europe after 9/11 and Iraq : the great divide / Kashmeri, Sarwar A. 2007. 國際關係與國際政治
Book America at the brink of empire : Rusk, Kissinger, and the Vietnam War / Serewicz, Lawrence W. c2007. 國際關係與國際政治
Book America misunderstood : what a second Bush victory meant to the rest of the world / Sivakumar, N. 2007. 國際關係與國際政治
Book America recommitted : a superpower assesses its role in a turbulent world / Nuechterlein, Donald Edwin, 1925- c2001. 國際關係與國際政治
Book America transformed : globalization, inequality, and power / Hytrek, Gary J. 2008. 國際關係與國際政治
Book America unrivaled : the future of the balance of power / 2002. 國際關係與國際政治
Book America's Japan : the first year, 1945-1946 / Goodman, Grant Kohn, 1924- 2005. 國際關係與國際政治
Book America's Sudan policy : a new direction? : joint hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa and Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights of the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, first session, March 28, 2001. United States. Congress. House. Committee on International Relations. Subcommittee on Africa. 2001. 國際關係與國際政治