
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Civil society, associations, and urban places : class, nation, and culture in nineteenth-century Europe / c2006. 人文地理
Book Civilizing the urban : popular culture and public space in Merthyr, c. 1870-1914 / Croll, Andy, 1948- 2000. 人文地理
Book Civitas Europa : cities, urban systems, and cultural regions between diversity and convergence / c2000. 人文地理
Book Class, culture, and conflict in Barcelona, 1898-1937 / Ealham, Chris. 2005. 人文地理
Book Climate change and recreation : impacts on visitation in US national parks / Hyslop, Kristine. [c2007] 人文地理
Book Climate change policy after Kyoto : a blueprint for a realistic approach / McKibbin, Warwick J., 1957- c2002. 人文地理
Book Climate policy--from Rio to Kyoto : a political issue for 2000--and beyond / Singer, S. Fred 1924- (Siegfried Fred), c2000. 人文地理
Book Climate technology strategies / [1999]- 人文地理
Book Closer to freedom : enslaved women and everyday resistance in the plantation South / Camp, Stephanie M. H. c2004. 人文地理
Book Clotilde's edible adventures in Paris / Dusoulier, Clotilde, 1979- c2008. 人文地理
Book Club swinging for physical exercise and recreation : a book of information about all forms of Indian club swinging used in gymnasiums and by individuals / Schatz, W. J. 1876- (William Jackson), [2008] 人文地理
Book Clusters in urban and regional development / 2006. 人文地理
Book Coach fellas : heritage and tourism in Ireland / Costa, Kelli Ann. c2009. 人文地理
Book Coal prospects and policies in IEA countries, 1983 review / 1984. 人文地理
Book Coat of many colors : reflections on diversity by a minority of one / Eoyang, Eugene Chen. c1995. 人文地理
Book Cognitive mapping : past, present, and future / 2000. 人文地理
Book Collective excellence : building effective teams / Hensey, Mel. c2001. 人文地理
Book Colleges and universities as citizens / c1999. 人文地理
Book Collisions in the New Edo : a violent and sexual search for the true way / Henderson, Tony. c1994. 人文地理
Book Color really doesn't matter / Wood, Carol. c2001. 人文地理
Book Colorado fishing guide & atlas : national forests, state parks, state wildlife areas, nat'l. recreation areas, Rocky Mountain National Park, Metro Denver, Front Range. Outdoor Books & Maps (Firm). c2005. 人文地理
Book Columbus, Ohio : a personal geography / Hunker, Henry L. c2000. 人文地理
Book Come as you aren't! : feeling at home with multicultural celebrations / Dresser, Norine. 2006. 人文地理
Book Coming home to China / Tuan, Yi-fu, 1930- c2007. 人文地理
Book Coming of age in a globalized world : the next generation / Adams, J. Michael. 2006. 人文地理
Book Commerce in Russian urban culture : 1861-1914 / c2001. 人文地理
Book Commercial geography, for intermediate classes / Khan, Fazle Karim. 2005. 人文地理
Book Commons without tragedy : protecting the environment from overpopulation--a new approach / 1991. 人文地理
Book Communicating in geography and the environmental sciences / Hay, Iain. 2006. 人文地理
Book Communicating national integration : empowering development in African countries / Amienyi, Osabuohien P. c2005. 人文地理
Book Communication and channel systems in tourism marketing / 2009. 人文地理
Book Communication and high-speed management / Cushman, Donald P. c1995. 人文地理
Book Communication and identity in the Diaspora : Turkish migrants in Amsterdam and their use of media / Ogan, Christine L. c2001. 人文地理
Book Communication disorders in multicultural populations / Battle, Dolores E. 2001. 人文地理
Book Communities within cities : an urban social geography / Davies, Wayne Kenneth David. 1993. 人文地理
Book Community action and organizational change : image, narrative, identity / Faber, Brenton D., 1968- c2002. 人文地理
Book Community based toruism : modern destination management : in peripheral areas, based on the example of Cape Town, South Africa and its townships / Dittmann, Marcus. 2009. 人文地理
Book Community cohesion : a new framework for race and diversity / Cantle, Ted, 1950- 2005. 人文地理
Book Community development on the North Atlantic margin : selected contributions to the Fifteenth International Seminar on Marginal Regions / International Seminar on Marginal Regions Newfoundland) 1999 : (15th : c2001. 人文地理
Book Community recreation : suggestions for recreation boards, superintendents of ... National Recreation Association. [2008?] 人文地理
Book Community, crime, and disorder : safety and regeneration in urban neighbourhoods / Hancock, Lynn, 1964- 2001. 人文地理
Book Community, empire, and migration : South Asians in Diaspora / c2001. 人文地理
Book Community-based ecotourism as a sustainable development option : case of the Taita Hills, Kenya / Himberg, Nina. 2008. 人文地理
Book Competing with the best c2005. 人文地理
Book Competition in Hong Kong's gas industry / Lam, Pun-Lee. c2000. 人文地理
Book Competition policy and the regulation of business / Cheng, Leonard K. (Leonard Kwok-Hon) 1998. 人文地理
Book Competitive intelligence : scanning the global environment / Salmon, Robert, 1935- 1999. 人文地理
Book Complex artificial environments simulation cognition and VR in the study and planning of cities / c2006. 人文地理
Book Complex entanglements : art, globalisation and cultural difference / 2003. 人文地理
Book Computer recreation for everyone / Doherty, Eamon Patrick. 2005. 人文地理