
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Globalization and firm competitiveness in the Middle East and North Africa region / 2002. 組織理論研究
Book Globalization and partnerships : features of business alliances and international cooperation / c2007. 組織理論研究
Book Globalization and well-being / Helliwell, John F. c2002. 組織理論研究
Book Globalization, growth, and governance : creating an innovative economy / 1998. 組織理論研究
Book Globalizing international human resource management / 2008. 組織理論研究
Book Gods of management: the changing work of organizations / Handy, Charles B. 1995. 組織理論研究
Book Goodness-of-fit tests and model validity / International Conference on Goodness-of-Fit Tests and Model Validity Paris, France) (2000 : c2002. 組織理論研究
Book Governance : an international perspective / c2005. 組織理論研究
Book Governance and auditing / c2005. 組織理論研究
Book Governance and innovation : a historical view / Brouwer, Maria. 2008. 組織理論研究
Book Governance and ownership / 2005. 組織理論研究
Book Governance and performance : new perspectives / c2000. 組織理論研究
Book Governance and the market for corporate control / Teall, John L., 1958- 2007. 組織理論研究
Book Governance and the public sector / c2005. 組織理論研究
Book Governance through social learning / Paquet, Gilles. c1999. 組織理論研究
Book Governance, directors and boards / c2005. 組織理論研究
Book Governance, multinationals, and growth / c2005. 組織理論研究
Book Governing the transatlantic conflict over agricultural biotechnology : contending coalitions, trade liberalisation and standard setting / Murphy, Joseph. 2006. 組織理論研究
Book Grabbing lightning : building a capability for breakthrough innovation / c2008. 組織理論研究
Book Grassroots associations / Smith, David Horton. c2000. 組織理論研究
Book Great minds in management : the process of theory development / 2005. 組織理論研究
Book Greening industrialization in Asian transitional economies : China and Vietnam / 2003. 組織理論研究
Book Greening the boardroom : corporate environmental governance and business sustainability / 1997. 組織理論研究
Book Greening the firm : the politics of corporate environmentalism / Prakash, Aseem. 2000. 組織理論研究
Book Group dynamics and emotional expression / 2007. 組織理論研究
Book Group dynamics for teams / Levi, Daniel, Ph. D. c2007. 組織理論研究
Book Group performance Davis, James H., 1932- [1969] 組織理論研究
Book Group relations, management, and organization / c1999. 組織理論研究
Book Groups at work : theory and research / 2001. 組織理論研究
Book Growing the virtual workplace : the integrative value proposition for telework / c2008. 組織理論研究
Book Growing up creative : nurturing a lifetime of creativity / Amabile, Teresa. c2007. 組織理論研究
Book Growing your company's leaders : how great organizations use succession management to sustain competitive advantage / Fulmer, Robert M. c2004. 組織理論研究
Book Guanxi (The art of relationships) : Microsoft, China, and Bill Gates's plan to win the road ahead / Buderi, Robert. c2006. 組織理論研究
Book H. Igor Ansoff : critical evaluations in business and management / 2007. 組織理論研究
Book HR transformation technology : delivering systems to support the new HR model / Boroughs, Allan. c2008. 組織理論研究
Book Habitual entrepreneurs / Ucbasaran, Deniz. c2006. 組織理論研究
Book Handbook for international management research / c2004. 組織理論研究
Book Handbook in research and evaluation : a collection of principles, methods, and strategies useful in the planning, design, and evaluation of studies in education and the behavioral sciences / Isaac, Stephen, 1925- c1995 (1997 printing) 組織理論研究
Book Handbook of Asian management / c2004. 組織理論研究
Book Handbook of bioentrepreneurship / 2008. 組織理論研究
Book Handbook of collaborative management research / c2008. 組織理論研究
Book Handbook of diversity management : beyond awareness to competency based learning / c2003. 組織理論研究
Book Handbook of employee benefits and administration / c2008. 組織理論研究
Book Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology / c1990-c1994. 組織理論研究
Book Handbook of markets and economies : East Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand / c2006. 組織理論研究
Book Handbook of ontologies for business interaction / c2008. 組織理論研究
Book Handbook of organizational citizenship behavior : a review of "good soldier" activity in organizations / c2005. 組織理論研究
Book Handbook of organizational creativity / c2008. 組織理論研究
Book Handbook of organizational politics / c2006. 組織理論研究
Book Handbook of research in international human resource management / c2008. 組織理論研究