
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book International marketing in the network economy : a knowledge-based approach / Kohlbacher, Florian. 2007. 組織理論研究
Book International negotiation : analysis, approaches, issues / 1991. 組織理論研究
Book International organization in the age of globalization / Taylor, Paul Graham. 2003. 組織理論研究
Book International perspectives on educational diversity and inclusion : studies from America, Europe and India / 2007. 組織理論研究
Book International perspectives on the management of sport / c2007. 組織理論研究
Book International strategies in telecommunications : model and applications / Pehrsson, Anders. 1996. 組織理論研究
Book International strategy and market performance in new biotechnology firms / Coombs, Joseph E., 1966- 1999. 組織理論研究
Book Internationalization : firm strategies and management / 2003. 組織理論研究
Book Intersubjective communication and emotion in early ontogeny / 1998. 組織理論研究
Book Intervening and changing : looking for meaning in interactions / c2007. 組織理論研究
Book Into the networked age : how IBM and other firms are getting there now / Cortada, James W. 1999. 組織理論研究
Book Into the value zone : gaining and sustaining competitive advantage / Wood, Ron, 1949- c2008. 組織理論研究
Book Into--and out of--the Gap : a cautionary account of an American retailer / Nevaer, Louis E. V. 2001. 組織理論研究
Book Introducing qualitative research : a student's guide to the craft of doing qualitative research / Barbour, Rosaline S. 2008. 組織理論研究
Book Introduction to research methods in psychology / Howitt, Dennis. c2008. 組織理論研究
Book Introduction to statistical mediation analysis / MacKinnon, David Peter, 1957- c2008. 組織理論研究
Book Inventing leadership : the challenge of democracy / Wren, J. Thomas, 1950- c2007. 組織理論研究
Book Inventuring : why big companies must think small / Buckland, William. c2003. 組織理論研究
Book It starts with one : changing individuals changes organizations / Black, J. Stewart, 1959- c2008. 組織理論研究
Book Japan's green comeback : future visions of the men who made Japan / c2000. 組織理論研究
Book Japanese labour and management in transition : diversity, flexibility and participation / 1997. 組織理論研究
Book Japanese multinationals in Europe : a comparison of the automobile and pharmaceutical industries / Andō, Kenʼichi, 1962- c2005. 組織理論研究
Book Job and work analysis : methods, research, and applications for human resource management / Brannick, Michael T. c2007. 組織理論研究
Book Job and work design : organizing work to promote well-being and effectiveness / Parker, Sharon. c1998. 組織理論研究
Book Job quality and employer behaviour / 2005. 組織理論研究
Book Job stress / Humphrey, James Harry, 1911- c1998. 組織理論研究
Book John Adair : fundamentals of leadership / 2007. 組織理論研究
Book Judgment : how winning leaders make great calls / Tichy, Noel M. c2007. 組織理論研究
Book Judgment in managerial decision making / Bazerman, Max H. c2009. 組織理論研究
Book Just another car factory? : lean production and its discontents / Rinehart, James W., 1933- 1997. 組織理論研究
Book Justice in the workplace / 1993-2001. 組織理論研究
Book Kaleidoscopic ethnicity : international migration and the reconstruction of community identities in India / Kurien, Prema A., 1963- c2002. 組織理論研究
Book Karl Marx's economics : critical assessments / 1991-1993. 組織理論研究
Book Keeping better company : corporate governance ten years on / Charkham, Jonathan P. 2005. 組織理論研究
Book Key events and lessons for managers in a diverse workforce : a report on research and findings / Douglas, Christina A. c2003. 組織理論研究
Book Key issues in organizational communication / 2004. 組織理論研究
Book Kimono in the boardroom : the invisible evolution of Japanese women managers / Renshaw, Jean R. 1999. 組織理論研究
Book King of the mountain : the nature of political leadership / Ludwig, Arnold M. c2002. 組織理論研究
Book Knights, raiders, and targets : the impact of the hostile takeover / 1988. 組織理論研究
Book Knowing in firms : understanding, managing, and measuring knowledge / 1998. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge and economic conduct : the social foundations of the modern economy / Stehr, Nico. c2002. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge and innovation in business and industry : the importance of using others / 2007. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge and innovation in regional industry : an entrepreneurial coalition / Rutten, Roel, 1971- 2003. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge and knowledge systems : learning from the wonders of the mind / Geisler, Eliezer, 1942- c2008. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge and learning in the firm / c2006. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge and skill chains in engineering and manufacturing : information infrastructure in the era of global communications : proceedings of the IFIP TC5/WG5.3, WG5.7, WG5.12 Fifth International Working Conference of Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing 2002 (DIIDM2002), November 18-20, 2002 in Osaka, Japan / IFIP TC5 WG5.3/5.7 International Working Conference on the Design of Information Systems for Manufacturing Osaka, Japan) 2002 : (5th : c2005. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge at work : creative collaboration in the global economy / DeFillippi, Bob. 2006. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge creation processes : theory and empirical evidence from knowledge-intensive firms / 2007. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge creation, diffusion, and use in innovation networks and knowledge clusters : a comparative systems approach across the United States, Europe, and Asia / 2006. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge economies : organization, location and innovation / Dolfsma, Wilfred. 2008. 組織理論研究