
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Knowledge entanglements : an international and multidisciplinary approach / Choi, Chong Ju. 2005. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge externalities, innovation clusters and regional development / c2007. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge management & intelligent enterprises / c2001. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge management : an integral approach / Jashapara, Ashok. 2004. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge management : current issues and challenges / c2003. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge management : historical and cross-disciplinary themes / Wallace, Danny P. 2007. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge management and business strategies : theoretical frameworks and empirical research / c2008. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge management and risk strategies / Ishikawa, Akira, 1934- c2007. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge management for services, operations and manufacturing / Young, Tom. 2008. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge management in developing economies : a cross-cultural and institutional approach / c2007. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge management in modern organizations / c2007. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge management in the construction industry : a socio-technical perspective / c2005. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge management in the innovation process / c2001. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge management in the public sector : a blueprint for innovation in government / McNabb, David E. c2007. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge management strategy and technology / 2002. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge reuse and agile processes : catalysts for innovation / Mitra, Amit, 1949- c2008. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge to action? : evidence based health care in context / 2005. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge transfer in cattle husbandry : new management practices, attitudes and adaptation / 2005. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge work and knowledge-intensive firms / Alvesson, Mats, 1956- c2004. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge workers in the information society / c2007. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge, options, and institutions / Kogut, Bruce Mitchel. 2008. 組織理論研究
Book Knowledge, organizational evolution, and market creation : the globalization of Indian firms from steel to software / Surie, Gita Sud de. c2008. 組織理論研究
Book Korean businesses internal and external industrialization / 1998. 組織理論研究
Book Korean managerial dynamics / 1989. 組織理論研究
Book LISREL 8 : new statistical features / Jöreskog, K. G. [2000] 組織理論研究
Book LISREL 8 user's reference guide / Jöreskog, K. G. 2001, c1996. 組織理論研究
Book Labor and monopoly capital : the degradation of work in the twentieth century / Braverman, Harry. c1998. 組織理論研究
Book Labor and politics in Panama : the Torrijos years / Phillipps Collazos, Sharon. 1991. 組織理論研究
Book Labor commitment and social change in developing areas / 1982, c1960. 組織理論研究
Book Labor relations : development, structure, process / Fossum, John A. c2009. 組織理論研究
Book Labour and change : essays on globalization, technological change, and labour in India / Mamkoottam, Kuriakose. 2003. 組織理論研究
Book Labour market adjustment in New Zealand / Harris, Richard I. D., 1957- c1994. 組織理論研究
Book Labour market evolution : the economic history of market integration, wage flexibility, and the employment relation / 1994. 組織理論研究
Book Labour market programmes for the poor in Europe : pitfalls, dilemmas, and how to avoid them / c1995. 組織理論研究
Book Labour relations in the global fast food industry / Royle, Tony, 1957- 2002. 組織理論研究
Book Labour relations: the psychology of conflict and negotiation, / Tustin, Charles. 2000. 組織理論研究
Book Labour resistance in Cameroon : managerial strategies & labour resistance in the agro-industrial plantations of the Cameroon Development Corporation / Konings, Piet. 1993. 組織理論研究
Book Labour worldwide in the era of globalization : alternative union models in the new world order / 1999. 組織理論研究
Book Labour, globalization and the state : workers, women and migrants confront neoliberalism / 2007. 組織理論研究
Book Landmarks of tomorrow : a report on the new "post-modern" world / Drucker, Peter F. 1909-2005. (Peter Ferdinand), c1996. 組織理論研究
Book Language and action : a structural model of behaviour / Clarke, David D. 1983. 組織理論研究
Book Language output, communication strategies and communicative tasks : in the Chinese context / Lee, Cynthia F. K. (Cynthia Fong King) c2004. 組織理論研究
Book Large Chinese state-owned enterprises : corporatization and strategic development / Zhang, Yong, 1973- 2008. 組織理論研究
Book Latin American macroeconomic reforms : the second stage / c2003. 組織理論研究
Book Latino talent : effective strategies to recruit, retain, and develop Hispanic professionals / Rodriguez, Robert, 1969- c2008. 組織理論研究
Book Latinos in ethnic enclaves : immigrant workers and the competition for jobs / Bohon, Stephanie. 2001. 組織理論研究
Book Lead like an entrepreneur / Thornberry, Neal. c2006. 組織理論研究
Book Leader development for transforming organizations : growing leaders for tomorrow / 2004. 組織理論研究
Book Leader to leader 2 : enduring insights on leadership from the Leader to Leader Institute's award-winning journal / c2008. 組織理論研究
Book Leaders & the leadership process : readings, self-assessments & applications / c2006. 組織理論研究