
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Rural finance and credit infrastructure in China. Workshop on Rural Finance and Credit Infrastructure in China Paris, France) (2003 : c2004. 比較政治
Book Russia and Azerbaijan : a borderland in transition / Swietochowski, Tadeusz, 1934- c1995. 比較政治
Book Russia and China : on the eve of a new millennium / Linden, Carl A. c1997. 比較政治
Book Russia and Germany reborn : unification, the Soviet collapse, and the new Europe / Stent, Angela. c1999. 比較政治
Book Russia and the Balkans : foreign policy from Yeltsin to Putin / Headley, James. 2008. 比較政治
Book SWAT特警队 / Halberstadt, Hans. 2003. 比較政治
Book Saccharin from China : [investigation no. 731-TA-675 (final)] United States International Trade Commission. [199-?] 比較政治
Book Safer city centres : reviving the public realm / c1997. 比較政治
Book Sagacious monks and bloodthirsty warriors : Chinese views of Japan in the Ming-Qing period / c2002. 比較政治
Book Salt and state : an annotated translation of the Songshi salt monopoly treatise / Chien, Cecilia Lee-fang. c2004. 比較政治
Book Saving Levi : left to die, destined to live / Bentley, Lisa Misraje, 1964- c2007. 比較政治
Book Saving our environment from Washington : how Congress grabs power, shirks responsibility, and shortchanges the people / Schoenbrod, David. c2005. 比較政治
Book Saving, growth and financial market imperfections in transitional China : simulation analysis and empirical investigation / Feng, Liling. c2007. 比較政治
Book Sayonara to the Lee Teng-hui era : politics in Taiwan, 1988-2000 / Taiwan under Lee Teng-hui, 1988-2000 Wake Forest University) (2001 : c2003. 比較政治
Book Scenic spots : Chinese tourism, the state, and cultural authority / Nyíri, Pál. c2006. 比較政治
Book Scholarly communication in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and Taiwan / 2008. 比較政治
Book Science and dissent in post-Mao China : the politics of knowledge / Miller, H. Lyman. c1996. 比較政治
Book Science and technology policies for the anti-terrorism era : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Science & Technology Policies for the Anti-Terrorism Era Manchester, United Kingdom 12-14 September 2004] / NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Science and Technology Policies for the Anti-Terrorism Era Manchester, England) (2004 : c2006. 比較政治
Book Screening China : critical interventions, cinematic reconfigurations, and the transnational imaginary in contemporary Chinese cinema / Zhang, Yingjin. c2002. 比較政治
Book Searching for peace in Asia Pacific : an overview of conflict prevention and peacebuilding activities / 2004. 比較政治
Book Secrecy and liberty : national security, freedom of expression, and access to information / c1999. 比較政治
Book Secularism confronts Islam / Roy, Olivier, 1949- c2007. 比較政治
Book Securing Southeast Asia : the politics of security sector reform / Beeson, Mark. 2008. 比較政治
Book Securities dispute resolution in China / Zhu, Sanzhu. c2007. 比較政治
Book Security and migration in Asia : the dynamics of securitisation / 2008. 比較政治
Book Security handbook 2008 : emerging powers in East Asia : China, Russia and India : local conflicts and regional security building in Asia's northeast / 2008. 比較政治
Book Selling out America : the American spectator investigations / Timmerman, Kenneth R. c2000. 比較政治
Book Service encounters : class, gender, and the market for social distinction in urban China / Hanser, Amy. 2008. 比較政治
Book Service not included : social implications of private sector service restructuring in marginalised neighbourhoods / Speak, Suzanne. 2000. 比較政治
Book Service to country : personnel policy and the transformation of Western militaries / c2006. 比較政治
Book Serving the household and the nation : Filipina domestics and the politics of identity in Taiwan / Cheng, Shu-Ju Ada, 1964- c2006. 比較政治
Book Setting the agenda : responsible party government in the U.S. House of Representatives / Cox, Gary W. 2005. 比較政治
Book Sexual experience and associated prevalence rates of sexually transmitted infection : an exploration of impacts in the United States and China / Garcia, Ginny. c2007. 比較政治
Book Shanghai : its urbanization and culture / c2004. 比較政治
Book Shanghai Expo / Huang, Yaocheng. c2007. 比較政治
Book Shanghai diary : a young girl's journey from Hitler's hate to war-torn China / Bacon, Ursula. 2004. 比較政治
Book Shanghai industries / Xu, Jianguo. c2008. 比較政治
Book Shanghai's Bund and beyond : British banks, banknote Issuance, and monetary policy in China, 1842-1937 / Horesh, Niv. c2009. 比較政治
Book Shattered hope : the Guatemalan revolution and the United States, 1944-1954 / Gleijeses, Piero. [1992] c1991. 比較政治
Book She kui ke xue : she kai yan jiu dao lun (Di 12 ban) / Hunt, Elgin F. 2005. 比較政治
Book Shifting ground : the changing agricultural soils of China and Indonesia / Lindert, Peter H. c2000. 比較政治
Book Singular and different : business in China past, present, and future / Rae, Ian, 1929- 2004. 比較政治
Book Sino-Japanese relations : facing the past, looking to the future? / Rose, Caroline, 1966- 2005. 比較政治
Book Sino-Japanese relations : interaction, logic, and transformation / Wan, Ming, 1960- c2006. 比較政治
Book Sino-theology and the thinking of Jürgen Moltmann = Sino-Theologie und das Denken Jürgen Moltmanns / 2004. 比較政治
Book Six sizzling markets : how to profit from investing in Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Korea, and Mexico / Tiku, Pran, 1940- c2008. 比較政治
Book Social change = she hui bian qian (di 5 ban) / Vago, Steven. 2005. 比較政治
Book Social enterprise : at the crossroads of market, public policies and civil society / 2006. 比較政治
Book Social insurance in Europe / 1997. 比較政治
Book Social movements and economic transition : markets and distributive conflict in Mexico / Williams, Heather L. 2001. 比較政治