
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Rāmacaritamānasa in South Africa / Shukla, Usha Devi. 2002. 音樂學
Book SPレコード60,000曲総目録 / 2003. 音樂學
Book Sacred songs of India / 1996-<2006> 音樂學
Book Saints and their contribution in classical music / Sushil Kumar, 1936- 2006. 音樂學
Book Sammelbände für vergleichende Musikwissenschaft / 1975. 音樂學
Book Saṅgītaratnākara of Śārṅgadeva : Sanskrit text and English translation with comments and notes / Śārṅgadeva. 2007. 音樂學
Book Saṅgītopaniṣatsāroddhāra̤h / Sudhākalaśa, 14th cent. 1998. 音樂學
Book Seiji Ozawa / Tan, Sheri. c1997. 音樂學
Book Semiosis in Hindustani music / Martinez, José Luiz, 1960- 2001. 音樂學
Book Sensational knowledge : embodying culture through Japanese dance / Hahn, Tomie. c2007. 音樂學
Book Shaivism in the light of epics, Purāṇas, and Āgamas / Bhatt, N. R. 1920- (Niddodi Ramachandra), 2008. 音樂學
Book Shinichi Suzuki : the man and his philosophy / Hermann, Evelyn. 1981. 音樂學
Book Shruti : listening to Hindustani classical music / Bagchee, Sandeep, 1948- 2006. 音樂學
Book Significance of compositional forms in Hindustani classical music / Tyagi, Manjusree. 1997. 音樂學
Book Silver-Burdett making music : bridges to Asia / Shamrock, Mary. c1998. 音樂學
Book Singer saints of India / Verma, Rajinder Singh. c1996. 音樂學
Book Singer song writer lite 5.0 for Windows : MIDI入力からアレンジ、CD作成まで / 永野光浩 2006. 音樂學
Book Singing the Lord's song in a new land : Korean American practices of faith / c2005. 音樂學
Book Singing the praises divine : music in the Hindu tradition / Thielemann, Selina. 2000. 音樂學
Book Situating sound and rhythm : music of Tamil Nadu / Kuppuswami, T. V. 1999. 音樂學
Book Sitār technique in nibaddh forms / Slawek, Stephen. 2000. 音樂學
Book Six principal ragas : with a brief view of Hindu music / Tagore, Sourindro Mohun, 1840-1914. 1990. 音樂學
Book Solo tabla drumming of North India : its repertoire, styles, and performance practices / Gottlieb, Robert S. 1993. 音樂學
Book Some Asian orders of worship : as composed and used at an East Asian Study Institute in Hongkong 1965 / 1966] 音樂學
Book Some aspects of Chinese music and some thoughts & impressions on art principles in music / Green, G. P. [1913] 音樂學
Book Something like an autobiography / Kurosawa, Akira, 1910-1998. 1983, c1982. 音樂學
Book Song from the land of fire : continuity and change in Azerbaijanian mugham / Naroditskaya, Inna, 1955- 2002, c2003. 音樂學
Book Songs for children : sung in Japan / 1997. 音樂學
Book Songs of the Vietnam conflict / Perone, James E. 2001. 音樂學
Book Songs of three great South Indian saints / Jackson, William J. 2002. 音樂學
Book Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc. : International Competitive Benchmarks and Financial Gap Analysis / Parker, Philip M. c2008. 音樂學
Book Sounds of the sacred : religious music in India / Thielemann, Selina. 1998. 音樂學
Book Sounds of the silk road : musical instruments of Asia / Clark, Mitchell. 2005. 音樂學
Book South Korean golden age melodrama : gender, genre, and national cinema / c2005. 音樂學
Book Speak it louder : Asian Americans making music / Wong, Deborah Anne. 2004. 音樂學
Book Sphota, Pratibha, and Dhvani / Hota, Ajodhya Nath. 2006. 音樂學
Book Spiritual aspects of Indian music / Simon, Robert Leopold. ©1984. 音樂學
Book Sruti Ranjani : essays on Indian classical music and dance / c2003. 音樂學
Book Stories inside stories : music in the making of the Korean Olympic ceremonies / Dilling, Margaret Walker, -1997. c2007. 音樂學
Book Street graphics Tokyo / c2002. 音樂學
Book Studien für Tonkünstler und Musikfreunde : eine historisch-kritische Zeitschrift für das Jahr 1792 in 2 Teilen / 1992. 音樂學
Book Studien zu traditionellen vietnamesischen Instrumentalpraktiken des hát ̉a đào und des ca vọng c̉ô / Jähnichen, Gisa. 1997. 音樂學
Book Studies in Indian music and allied arts / 1990. 音樂學
Book Sumati-saṅgītābharaṇam : gems of Indian music and musicology (Prof. Sumati Mutatkar felicitation volume) / 1994. 音樂學
Book Suzuki education in action : a story of talent training from Japan / Cook, Clifford A. c1970. 音樂學
Book Swinging syallables : aesthetics of Kathak dance / Saxena, Sushil Kumar. 2006. 音樂學
Book Tabla & the world of Indian rhythms / Banerjee, Sudhish Chandra. 2006. 音樂學
Book Tarjamah-ʼi Mān katūhal ; va, Risalah-ʼi Rāg Darpan = Tarjuma-e-Mānakutūhala ; va, Risāla-e-Rāgadarpaṇa = Tarjuma-i-Mānakutūhala ; & Risāla-i-Rāgadarpaṇa / Faqīrullāh, 17th cent. 1996. 音樂學
Book Teaching Asian musics in elementary and secondary schools : an introduction to the musics of India and Indonesia / Anderson, William M. c1975. 音樂學
Book Teaching music with a multicultural approach / c1991. 音樂學