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Income volatility and food assistance in the United States / |
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Increasing a sense of community in the military : the role of personnel support programs / |
Van Laar, Colette. |
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Independent evaluation consulting / |
c2006. |
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Industrial violence and the legal origins of child labor / |
Schmidt, James D. |
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Industrialization and the small firm : patterns and policies / |
Snodgrass, Donald R. |
c1996. |
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Inequality, poverty, and neoliberal governance : activist ethnography in the homeless sheltering industry / |
Lyon-Callo, Vincent, 1964- |
c2004. |
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Inequality, power, and development : issues in political sociology / |
Kloby, Jerry, 1954- |
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Infant care and motherhood in an urban community / |
Newson, John, 1925- |
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Information technologies in evaluation : social, moral, epistemological, and practical implications / |
1999. |
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Information, advice and advocacy for older people : defining and developing services / |
Dunning, Andrew. |
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Informed advocacy in early childhood care and education : making a difference for young children and families / |
Kieff, Judith E. |
c2009. |
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Injury prevention for children and adolescents : research, practice, and advocacy / |
c2006. |
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Inner-city poverty / |
c2003. |
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Innerworldly individualism : charismatic community and its institutionalization / |
Seligman, A. |
c1994. |
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Innovating in community mental health : international perspectives / |
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Innovation, competence building, and social cohesion in Europe : towards a learning society / |
c2003. |
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Innovations in child and family policy : multidisciplinary research and perspectives on strengthening children and their families / |
c2010. |
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Innovations in community care management : minimising vulnerability / |
Hardy, Brian, 1948- |
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Inside school improvement : creating high-performing learning communities / |
Walsh, Jackie A. |
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Inside the everyday lives of development workers : the challenges and futures of Aidland / |
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Inspiring creative supervision / |
Schuck, Caroline. |
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Instruments of change : motivating and financing sustainable development / |
Panaĭotov, Todor. |
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Insufficient funds : savings, assets, credit, and banking among low-income households / |
c2009. |
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Integrated children's centres : overcoming barriers to truly integrated services / |
Beaty, Carol. |
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Integrated mental health care / |
Falloon, Ian R. H. |
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Integrating immigrants in today's globalized society : the example of the Portuguese community in Germany / |
Duarte, Joana Silveira da. |
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Intellectual disability and social inclusion : a critical review / |
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Intelligence : investigation, community, and partnership / |
Harfield, Clive. |
c2008. |
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Interaction in multidisciplinary teams / |
Housley, William, 1970- |
c2003. |
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Interactional supervision / |
Shulman, Lawrence. |
c2010. |
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Intercultural communication : building a global community / |
Patel, Fay. |
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Interdependencies of agriculture and rural communities : an annotated bibliography / |
Leistritz, F. Larry. |
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Interdependency and care over the lifecourse / |
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Intergenerational caregiving / |
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Internal displacement : conceptualization and its consequences / |
Weiss, Thomas George. |
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International advances in adoption research for practice / |
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International aspects of child abuse and neglect / |
c2010. |
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International collaboration in community health : proceedings of the 7th meeting of the Hirosaki International Forum of Medical Science held in Hirosaki, Japan between 28 and 29 October 2003 / |
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International family studies : developing curricula and teaching tools / |
c2006. |
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International handbook of practice-based performance management / |
c2008. |
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International handbook on social work education / |
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International handbook on social work theory and practice / |
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International perspectives on community care for older people / |
c1995. |
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International perspectives on contexts, communities and evaluated innovative practices : family-school-community partnerships / |
2009. |
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International perspectives on evaluation standards / |
2005. |
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International perspectives on student outcomes and homework : family-school-community partnerships / |
2009. |
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International rights and responsibilities for the future / |
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International social work and the radical tradition / |
c2007. |
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International social work policy and practice : practical insights and perspectives / |
c2009. |
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Internet management for nonprofits : strategies, tools & trade secrets / |
c2010. |
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