
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Patterns of poverty across Europe / Berthoud, Richard. 2004. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Payments for care : a comparative overview / c1994. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Pedagogy of the oppressed / Freire, Paulo, 1921-1997. c2000. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Peer support in action : from bystanding to standing by / Cowie, Helen. 2000. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book People and programs that make a difference in a multicultural society : volunteerism in America / Pitts, Emma Thomas. c1999. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book People count! : networked individuals in global politics / Rosenau, James N. c2008. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book People power? : the role of the voluntary and community sector in the Northern Ireland conflict / Cochrane, Feargal. 2002. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book People skills magic : training direct care workers to work with difficult people / c2004. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book People's perceptions of their neighbourhood and community involvement : results from the social capital module of the General Household Survey, 2000 / Coulthard, Melissa. c2002. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book People, demography and social exclusion / Avramov, D. (Dragana) 2002. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Perceptions of justice : issues in indigenous and community empowerment / c1995. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Performance monitoring in a professional public service : the case of the careers service / Carley, Michael. c1988. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Performing qualitative cross-cultural research / Liamputtong, Pranee, 1955- 2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Personalist economics : moral convictions, economic realities, and social action / O'Boyle, Edward J., 1937- c1998. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Philanthropy and civil society / Strachwitz, Rupert, Graf. c2003. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Planned giving : a guide to fundraising and philanthropy / Jordan, Ronald R., 1950- c2009. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Planned giving : management, marketing, and law / Jordan, Ronald R., 1950- c2004. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Planned giving for small nonprofits / Jordan, Ronald R., 1950- c2002. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Planning and community development : a guide for the 21st century / Tyler, Norman. c2011 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Planning community mental health services for women : a multiprofessional handbook / 1996. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Planning investigative projects : a workbook for social services practitioners / Addison, Carole. 1988. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Planting the grassroots : structuring citizen participation / Haeberle, Steven H. 1989. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Policies to promote affordable housing. [2004] 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Policing and community partnerships / c2002. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Policing the line : the development of a theoretical model for the policing of conflict / Baxter, Norman S. J. c2001. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Policing urban poverty / Crowther, Chris, 1968- 2000. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Policy advocacy : experiences and lessons from the Philippines. c2005. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Policy and change in Thatcher's Britain / 1992. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Political action : the key to understanding politics / Beam, George. c1984. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Political branding in cities : the decline of machine politics in Bogotá, Naples, and Chicago / Pasotti, Eleonora, 1972- 2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Political culture and civil society in Russia and the new states of Eurasia / c1995. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Political development in Hong Kong : state, political society, and civil society / Ma, Ngok. c2007. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Political disaffection in contemporary democracies : social capital, institutions, and politics / 2006. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Political learning among the migrant poor : the impact of residential context / Cornelius, Wayne A., 1945- [1973] 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Political organizing in grassroots politics / Russell, Daniel M., 1948- c1990. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Politicization of sexual violence : from abolitionism to peacekeeping / Harrington, Carol, 1965- c2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Politics and beyond / Roy, Ramashray. 2002. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Politics and ideology in Canada : elite and public opinion in the transformation of a welfare state / Ornstein, Michael D. c1999. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Politics and society : a new interpretation / Roy, Ramashray. 2002. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Politics, patronage, and class conflict in central Luzon / Wolters, Willem. 1983. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Pollwatching, elections, and civil society in Southeast Asia / Callahan, William A. c2000. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Poor people's social movement organizations : the goal is to win / Hall, Melvin F. 1995. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Popular culture in Taiwan : charismatic modernity / 2011. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Popular education practice for youth and community development work / Beck, Dave. 2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Population ageing and international development : from generalisation to evidence / Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter. 2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Population and community in rural America / Garkovich, Lorraine. 1989. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Population-Based Empowerment Practice in Immigrant Communities : A Study of Iranian Families in Sweden / Moula, Alireza. c2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Portable communities : the social dynamics of online and mobile connectedness / Chayko, Mary, 1960- c2008. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Portfolios of the poor : how the world's poor live on $2 a day / c2009. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Positioning student affairs for sustainable change : achieving organizational effectiveness through multiple perspectives / Kuk, Linda, 1950- 2010. 社區工作與福利倡導