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Positively M.A.D. : making a difference in your organizations, communities & the world : stories and ideas from 50 of today's leading experts / |
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Post-communist welfare pathways : theorizing social policy transformations in Central and Eastern Europe / |
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Post-ecologist politics : social theory and the abdication of the ecologist paradigm / |
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Post-national patriotism and the feasibility of post-national community in United Germany / |
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Poverty / |
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Poverty and development in China : alternative approaches to poverty assessment / |
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Poverty and elusive development / |
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Poverty and homelessness / |
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Poverty and participation in civil society : proceedings of a UNESCO/CROP Round Table, organised at the World Summit for Social Development, Copenhagen, Denmark, March 1995 / |
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Poverty and power : the problem of structural inequality / |
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Poverty and social welfare in Japan / |
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Poverty capital : microfinance and the making of development / |
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Poverty in cities / |
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Poverty in plenty : a human development report for the UK / |
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Poverty in world history / |
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Poverty is not a learning disability : equalizing opportunities for low SES students / |
Howard, Tish. |
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Poverty reduction and sustainable development in rural China / |
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Poverty reduction during democratic transition : the Malawi Social Action Fund 1996-2001 / |
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Poverty street : the dynamics of neighbourhood decline and renewal / |
Lupton, Ruth. |
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Poverty, community and health : co-operation and the good society / |
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Poverty, inequality, and rural development / |
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Poverty, politics and health : post-apartheid South African realities / |
Naidoo, Kammila. |
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Poverty, regulation, and social justice : readings on the criminalization of poverty / |
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Poverty, welfare, and public policy / |
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Power and empowerment / |
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Power and pilgrimage : dealing with class, gender and ethnic inequality at a Bolivian Marian shrine / |
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Power and poverty : theory and practice / |
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Power at the roots : gentrification, community gardens, and the Puerto Ricans of the Lower East Side / |
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Power in movement : social movements and contentious politics / |
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Power in policy : a funder's guide to advocacy and civic participation / |
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Power, paradigms and community research / |
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Power, politics, and performance : community participation in South African public works programs / |
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Power, rule, and domination : a critical and empirical understanding of power in sociological theory and organizational life / |
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Practical social research : project work in the community / |
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Practice and research in social work : postmodern feminist perspectives / |
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Practicing community development / |
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Practising community care : developing locally-based practice / |
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Practising social work ethics around the world : cases and commentaries / |
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Practising social work research : case studies for learning / |
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Practitioner social work research in action / |
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Pragmatics of community organization / |
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Precautionary risk management : dealing with catastrophic loss potentials in business, the community and society / |
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Preparing to measure outcomes : a guide for developing quality assurance in the human services / |
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Preventing child abuse and neglect : parent--provider partnerships in child care / |
Seibel, Nancy L. |
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Preventing child maltreatment : community approaches / |
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Preventing crime in urban communities : handbook and program profiles. |
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Prevention is primary : strategies for community well-being / |
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Prevention program development and evaluation : an incidence reduction, culturally relevant approach / |
Conyne, Robert K. |
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Principals matter : a guide to school, family, and community partnerships / |
Sanders, Mavis G. |
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