
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Social work in health settings : practice in context / 2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work in rural communities / c2005. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work in the 21st century : an introduction to social welfare, social issues, and the profession / Glicken, Morley D. c2011. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work interventions : helping people of color / Henderson, George, 1932- 1994. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work law in Scotland / Guthrie, Thomas G. c2011. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work macro practice workbook : exercises and activities for policy, community, and organization interventions / Fauri, David P. c2005 [i.e. 2004] 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work on trial : the Colwell Inquiry and the state of welfare / Butler, Ian, 1955- 2011. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work oppositions : new graduates' experiences / Harré Hindmarsh, Jennie. c1992. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work practice : a critical thinker's guide / Gambrill, Eileen D., 1934- 2006. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work practice : toward a child, family, school, community perspective / Freeman, Edith M. c1988. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work practice : toward a child, family, school, community perspective / Freeman, Edith M. c2002. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work practice research for the twenty-first century / c2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work practice with culturally diverse people / Dhooper, Surjit Singh. c2001. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work practice with depressed mothers in child and family care / Sheppard, Michael. 2001. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work practice with men at risk / Furman, Rich. c2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work research and evaluation : foundations of evidence-based practice / c2011. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work with groups : a comprehensive worktext / Zastrow, Charles. c2012. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work with indigenous communities / Briskman, Linda. 2007. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work with volunteers / Sherr, Michael E. c2008. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work, politics and society : from radicalism to orthodoxy / McLaughlin, Kenneth G. 2008. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work, social policy and older people / 2011. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work, social welfare, and American society / Popple, Philip R. c2011. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social work, social welfare, and American society / Popple, Philip R. c2008. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social workers and health care in hospitals : a report from a research study by the Central Research Unit for Social Work Services Group, Scottish Office / Connor, Anne. 1988. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social workers and labor unions / Karger, Howard Jacob, 1948- 1988. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Social workers' perceptions of clients : a study of the caseload of a social agency / Borgatta, Edgar F., 1924- 1981, c1960. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Socialism As It Is : A Survey of the World-Wide Revolutionary Movement / Walling, William English, 1877-1936. 2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Socialism and the Social Movement / Sombart, Werner, 1863-1941. 2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Socially inclusive business : engaging the poor through market initiatives in Iberoamerica / 2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Socio-Economic Evaluation of Indigenous Enterprise Development : the case of Wik Forestry, Cape York Peninusla, Australia / Venn, Tyron James. c2008. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Socio-cultural values and development : their order within the order : interpreting an Asian Society / Aslam, Syeda Khizr. 2005. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Sociological perspectives on community mental health. Roman, Paul M. [1974] 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Sociology : a brief introduction / Thio, Alex. c2009. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Sociology : a down-to-earth approach : core concepts / Henslin, James M. c2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Sociology : its development and applications / Dealey, James Quayle, 1861-1937. [2010?] 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Sociology for changing the world : social movements/social research / c2006. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Sociology for life : expanding circles of social participation through scholarship, community service, and teaching / Floro, George K., 1918- c1986. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Sociology for social work : an introduction / 2011. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Sociology for social workers and probation officers / Cree, Viviene E., 1954- 2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Sociology in action : applications and opportunities for the 1990s / 1993. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Solutions to social problems from the bottom up : successful social movements / c2007. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book South Asian colloquium on human rights and development / Gupta, Vijay Kumar, 1953- c2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Southeast Asian development / 2008. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Speaking out : citizen advocacy and older people / Wertheimer, Alison. 1993. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Speaking out : storytelling for social change / Zingaro, Linde. c2009. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Speaking out for America's children / 1977. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Speaking to power : advocacy for health and social care / Donnison, David Vernon. 2009. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Speakout : the step-by-step guide to speakouts and community workshops / Sarkissian, Wendy. 2009. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Special needs offenders in the community / Hanser, Robert D. c2007. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Specialist communication skills for social workers : focusing on service users' needs / Woodcock-Ross, Johanna, 1969- 2011. 社區工作與福利倡導