
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The Empowerment process : centering social ministry in the life of the local Christian community / c1994. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The English poor laws, 1700-1930 / Brundage, Anthony, 1938- 2002. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The Federal public housing movement : a case study of social change / Bredemeier, Harry Charles. 1980. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The Feminist Movement / Stevens, Dakota 2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The HR toolkit : an indispensable resource for being a credible activist / Romano, Denise A. c2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The Healthy Families America initiative : integrating research, theory and practice / c2007. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The Israeli third sector : between welfare state and civil society / Gidron, Benjamin. c2004. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The Labor Movement : Its Conservative Functions and Social, Consequences / Tannenbaum, Frank, 1893-1969. 2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The Lower East Side remembered and revisited : a history and guide to a legendary New York neighborhood / Mendelsohn, Joyce. c2009. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The McDonaldization of social work / Dustin, Donna. c2007. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The Mediterranean city in transition : social change and urban development / Leontidou, Lila. 1990. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The Netherlands and the development of international human rights instruments / Reiding, Hilde, 1975- 2007. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The New world of microenterprise finance : building healthy financial institutions for the poor / c1994. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The Personal social services : an outside view / Schorr, Alvin Louis, 1921- 1992. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The Politics of linking schools and social services : the 1993 yearbook of the Politics of Education Association / c1994. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The Politics of mental health : organizing community mental health in Metropolitan areas / 1968. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The Research relationship : practice and politics in social policy research / 1987. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The Second Life grid : the official guide to communication, collaboration, and community engagement / Rufer-Bach, Kimberly. c2009. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The Social Impact of Community Based Targeting Mechanisms : a qualitative study of the targeted agricultural input subsidy programme in malawi / Mgemezulu, Overtoun. 2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The Social Settlement Movement in Chicago / Raymond, Josephine Hunt. 2010] 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The Social Unrest : Studies in Labor and Socialist Movements / Brooks, John Graham, 1846-1938. 2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The Social origins of nationalist movements : the contemporary West European experience / 1992. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The State, development and the role of local economic systems in Southern Africa : a comparative study of Mozambique and Botswana / Francisco, Laudemiro. 2008. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The Structure of action / c1980. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The Sullivan Institute/Fourth Wall Community : the relationship of radical individualism and authoritarianism / Siskind, Amy B., 1953- 2003. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The United Nations and civil society : legitimating global governance--whose voice? / McKeon, Nora. 2009. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The University's role in economic development : from research to outreach / 1997. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The abundant community : awakening the power of families and neighborhoods / McKnight, John, 1931- c2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The acceptable face of feminism : the Women's Institute as a social movement / Andrews, Maggie. 1997. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The activist advocate : policy making in state supreme courts / Lopeman, Charles S. 1999. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The activist cancer patient : how to take charge of your treatment / Zakarian, Beverly, 1939- c1996. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The activist's handbook : a primer / Shaw, Randy, 1956- c2001. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The aged in the community : managing senility and deviance / Frankfather, Dwight, 1946- 1977. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The aging networks : a guide to programs and services / Niles-Yokum, Kelly. c2011. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The aid chain : coercion and commitment in development NGOs / Wallace, Tina. 2007. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The art of community / Bacon, Jono. c2009. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The art of inclusion : success stories of African Americans in the nonprofit sector / Dorsey, Norris Rashe. 2006, c2005. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The art of persuasion / Budd, John F., 1923- c2006. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The art of the gut : manhood, power, and ethics in Japanese politics / LeBlanc, Robin M., 1966- c2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The art of trusteeship : the nonprofit board member's guide to effective governance / Widmer, Candace Hestwood, 1943- c2000. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The assets agenda : principles and policy / Prabhakar, Rajiv, 1970- 2008. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The attack on world poverty : going back to basics / Dembitzer, Benny. 2009. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The backside of the helping hand / Johnson, Dan. c2007. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The beliefs, values and principles of self-advocacy. 1996. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The bitter cry of the children (1906) / Spargo, John, 1876-1966. [2008?] 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The black grapevine : Aboriginal activism and the stolen generations / Briskman, Linda. 2003. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The board member's book : making a difference in voluntary organizations / O'Connell, Brian, 1930-2011. c2003. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The body reader : essential social and cultural readings / c2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The bottom line or public health : tactics corporations use to influence health and health policy, and what we can do to counter them / 2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book The boundaries of change in community work / 1980. 社區工作與福利倡導