
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Transnational social policies : the new development challenges of globalization / c1999. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Transnational social work practice / c2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Transnational women's activism : the United States, Japan, and Japanese immigrant communities in California, 1859-1920 / Yasutake, Rumi, 1958- c2004. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Transport disadvantage and social exclusion : exclusionary mechanisms in transport in urban Scotland / Hine, Julian. c2003. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Trauma and physical health : understanding the effects of extreme stress and of psychological harm / 2009. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Treating dissociative identity disorder : the power of the collective heart / Krakauer, Sarah Y. c2001. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Trendbenders : building healthy and vital communities / Ayre, Darvin. c2002. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Trends in poverty and welfare alleviation issues / c2006. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Trends in social work, 1874-1956 : a history based on the proceedings of the National Conference of Social Work / Bruno, Frank John, 1874-1955. 1980, c1957. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Triple bottom line risk management : enhancing profit, environmental performance, and community benefits / Bowden, Adrian R. c2001. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Trusting in reason : Martin Hollis and the philosophy of social action / 2003. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Twenty-first-century motherhood : experience, identity, policy, agency / c2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book U.S. national debate topic, 2009-2010 : social services for the poor / 2009. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Un-civilizing processes? : excess and transgression in German society and culture : perspectives debating with Norbert Elias / 2007. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Understanding advocacy for children and young people / Boylan, Jane. 2009. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Understanding and practicing participatory evaluation / 1998. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Understanding causes and generalizing about them / c1993. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Understanding community care : a guide for social workers / McDonald, Ann, lecturer in social work. 2006. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Understanding community librarianship : the public library in post-modern Britain / Black, Alistair. c1997. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Understanding ecological programming : merging theory, research, and practice / c2004. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Understanding equal opportunities and diversity : the social differentiations and intersections of inequality / Bagilhole, Barbara. 2009. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Understanding generalist practice / Kirst-Ashman, Karen Kay. c2012. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Understanding growth and poverty : theory, policy, and empirics / Nallari, Raj, 1955- c2011. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Understanding human behavior and the social environment / Zastrow, Charles. c2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Understanding human need : social issues, policy and practice / Dean, Hartley, 1949- 2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Understanding research for social policy and practice : themes, methods and approaches / 2004. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Understanding service-learning and community engagement : making engaged scholarship matter / c2012. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Understanding social citizenship : themes and perspectives for policy and practice / Dwyer, Peter. 2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Understanding social welfare : a search for social justice / Dolgoff, Ralph. c2009. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Understanding social welfare movements / 2009. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Understanding social work research / McLaughlin, Hugh, 1954- 2012. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Unemployment, socio-psychological perspectives / Pal, G. C. 2006. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Unequal ageing : the untold story of exclusion in old age / Cann, Paul. 2009. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Unexpected power : conflict and change among transnational activists / Hertel, Shareen. 2006. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Unfair housing : how national policy shapes community action / Sidney, Mara S., 1964- c2003. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Unfaithful angels : how social work has abandoned its mission / Specht, Harry. c1994. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book United States Political Action Committees : American Legion, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, List fo Political Action Communittees, Committee on the Present Danger, People United Means Action, Votevets.org, Moveon.org, American Jewish Committee, Campaign for Liberty, Aspen Institute, Vets for Freedom. 2010. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Unlimited partnership : igniting a marketplace leader's journey to significance / Reeb, Lloyd, 1961- c2006. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Unpacking policy : knowledge, actors, and spaces in poverty reduction in Uganda and Nigeria / c2004. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Up from apathy : a study of moral awareness & social involvement / Hoehn, Richard A., 1936- c1983. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Upland transformations in Vietnam / c2011. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Uprooting children : mobility, social capital, and Mexican American underachievement / Ream, Robert Ketner, 1966- 2005. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Urban action networks : HIV/AIDS and community organizing in New York City / Lune, Howard, 1962- c2007. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Urban development problems / 1990. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Urban policy in the European Union : a multi-level gatekeeper system / Tofarides, Maria. c2003. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Urban recycling and the search for sustainable community development / Weinberg, Adam S. c2000. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Urban sanctuaries : neighborhood organizations in the lives and futures of inner-city youth / McLaughlin, Milbrey Wallin. c1994. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book User-defined outcomes of community care for Asian disabled people / Vernon, Ayesha. 2002. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Using action research to foster positive social values / Benton, Jean, 1943- 2005. 社區工作與福利倡導
Book Using program theory in evaluation / 1987. 社區工作與福利倡導