
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The chimes of freedom flashing : a personal history of the Vietnam anti-war movement and the 1960's / Rossiter, Caleb S. 1996. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The choice of the Jews under Vichy : between submission and resistance / Rayski, Adam. c2005. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The church as nation : a study in ecclesiology and nationhood / Blückert, Kjell. c2000. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The civil disobedience handbook : a brief history and practical advice for the politically disenchanted / c2002. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The civil rights reader : American literature from Jim Crow to reconciliation / c2009. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The civil rights rhetoric of Hubert H. Humphrey, 1948-1964 / Humphrey, Hubert H. 1911-1978. (Hubert Horatio), 1996. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The collapse of democracy / Moss, Robert, 1946- 1975. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The colonial divide in Peruvian narrative : social conflict and transculturation / Kokotovic, Misha. c2005. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The colonial epoch in Africa / 1993. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The color of privilege : three blasphemies on race and feminism / Hurtado, Aída. c1996. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The color of the heart : writing from struggle & change, 1959-1990 / Sherman, Susan. c1990. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The communist road to power in Vietnam / Duiker, William J., 1932- 1996. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The concept "totalitarianism" and American foreign policy, 1933-1949 / Lifka, Thomas E. (Thomas Elmer) 1988. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The concept of self : a study of black identity and self-esteem / Allen, Richard L., 1946- c2001. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The conscription society : administered mass organizations / Kasza, Gregory James. c1995. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The conservative sixties / c2003. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The constitution and language politics of India / Rao, B. V. R., 1923- c2003. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The constitution in crisis : the Downing Street Minutes and deception, manipulation, torture, retribution, and coverups in the Iraq war : investigative status report of the House Judiciary Committee Democratic staff. United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. Democratic Members. 2006] 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The construction of minorities : cases for comparison across time and around the world / c2001. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The construction of minority identities in France and Britain / 2007. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The consumer movement : lectures / Warne, Colston E. 1900-1987. (Colston Estey), 1993. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The contested state : American foreign policy and regime change in the Philippines / Blitz, Amy, 1961- c2000. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The counter-insurgent state : guerrilla warfare and state building in the twentieth century / c2001. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The crime of genocide in international law : appraising the contribution of the UN tribunal for Rwanda / Mugwanya, George William. 2007. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The crisis of 1898 : colonial redistribution and nationalist mobilization / 1999. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The critical pragmatism of Alain Locke : a reader on value theory, aesthetics, community, culture, race, and education / c1999. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The culture of sewing : gender, consumption, and home dressmaking / 1999. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The cunning of history : mass death and the American future / Rubenstein, Richard L. [1975] 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The dark side of paradise : political violence in Bali / Robinson, Geoffrey, 1957- 1995. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The date rape prevention book : the essential guide for girls & women / Lindquist, Scott. c2000. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The death of an American Jewish community : a tragedy of good intentions / Levine, Hillel. c1992. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The deep ecology movement : an introductory anthology / c1995. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The deepening darkness : patriarchy, resistance, and democracy's future / Gilligan, Carol, 1936- 2009. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The demands of simple justice : a study of the church, politics and violence with special reference to Zimbabwe / McDonagh, Enda. 1980. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The democratic ideal and the Shoah : the unthought in political modernity / Trigano, Shmuel. c2009. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The demon lover : on the sexuality of terrorism / Morgan, Robin. c1989. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The demon lover : the roots of terrorism / Morgan, Robin. c2001. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The deportation of peoples in the Soviet Union / Bugaĭ, Nikolaĭ Fedorovich. c1996. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The destruction of the European Jews / Hilberg, Raul, 1926- c2003. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The destruction of the Ukrainian Jewry during World War II / Gesin, Michael. c2006. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The destructive power of religion : violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam / c2007. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The dilemma of Sri Lanka : an in-depth account of the current ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka / Dissanayaka, T. D. S. A., 1938- 1993. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The dissenters : America's voices of opposition / 1993. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The divided people : can Israel's breakup be stopped? / Etzioni-Halevy, Eva. c2002. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The division of Christendom : Christianity in the sixteenth century / Hillerbrand, Hans Joachim. c2007. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The doctrine of retribution : eight lectures preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1875, on the foundation of the late John Bampton. Jackson, William, 1817?-1891? [2008] 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The domestic violence sourcebook : everything you need to know / Berry, Dawn Bradley. c1998. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The double binds of ethics after the holocaust : salvaging the fragments / 2009. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The dynamics of domination : state, class, and social reform in Mexico, 1910-1990 / Brachet de Márquez, Viviane. c1994. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The dynamics of political crime / Ross, Jeffrey Ian. c2003. 集體暴力與社會衝突