
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The politics of difference : ethnic premises in a world of power / 1996. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The politics of genocide : the Holocaust in Hungary / Braham, Randolph L. c2000. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The politics of human rights protection : moving intervention upstream with impact assessment / Black, Jan Knippers, 1940- c2009. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The politics of identity in Irish drama : W.B. Yeats, Augusta Gregory and J.M. Synge / Cusack, George, 1975- 2009. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The politics of imprisonment : how the democratic process shapes the way America punishes offenders / Barker, Vanessa. 2009. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The politics of inclusion and exclusion : Jews and nationalism in Hungary / Ranki, Vera. 1999. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The politics of injustice : the Kennedys, the freedom rides, and the electoral consequences of a moral compromise / Niven, David, 1971- c2003. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The politics of memory : looking for Germany in the new Germany / Kramer, Jane. c1996. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The politics of multiracialism : challenging racial thinking / c2004. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The politics of readjustment : Vietnam veterans since the war / Scott, Wilbur J., 1946- c1993. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The politics of reconciliation : Zimbabwe's first decade / De Waal, Victor. 1990. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The politics of sentiment : imagining and remembering Guayaquil / Benavides, O. Hugo 1968- (Oswald Hugo), 2006. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The politics of the new South Africa : apartheid and after / Deegan, Heather. 2001. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The politics of toleration : tolerance and intolerance in modern life / c1999. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The politics of transformation : local activism in the peace and environmental movements / Zisk, Betty H., 1930- 1992. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The politics of violence : gender, conflict and community in El Salvador / Hume, Mo. 2009. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The politics of war and the culture of violence : north-south essays / Mazrui, Ali AlʼAmin. c2008. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The politics of women's studies : testimony from thirty founding mothers / 2000. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The politics of world federation / Baratta, Joseph Preston. 2004. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The populist challenge : political protest and ethno-nationalist mobilization in France / Rydgren, Jens. 2004. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The post-Soviet wars : rebellion, ethnic conflict, and nationhood in the Caucasus / Zürcher, Christoph. c2007. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The postwar challenge : cultural, social, and political change in Western Europe, 1945-58 / 2003. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The power of Iranian narratives : a thousand years of healing / Shahideh, Laleh. 2004. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The power of nonviolence : writings by advocates of peace / c2002. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The power of politics : new social movements in France / Duyvendak, Jan Willem. c1995. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The power of representation : publics, peasants, and Islam in Egypt / Gasper, Michael Ezekiel, 1963- 2009. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The power of the tale : using narratives for organisational success / Allan, Julie (Julie Stephanie) 2002. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The practical utopians : American workers and the cooperative movement in the Gilded Age / Leikin, Steven Bernard. c2005. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The presumed alliance : the unspoken conflict between Latinos and Blacks and what it means for America / Vaca, Nick Corona. c2004. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The price of exclusion : ethnicity, national identity, and the decline of German liberalism, 1898-1933 / Kurlander, Eric, 1973- 2006. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The price of fire : resource wars and social movements in Bolivia / Dangl, Benjamin. c2007. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The price of peace : incentives and international conflict prevention / c1997. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The private roots of public action : gender, equality, and political participation / Burns, Nancy, 1964- c2001. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The problem of the media : U.S. communication politics in the twenty-first century / McChesney, Robert Waterman, 1952- c2004. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The progress and poetry of the movies : a second book of film criticism / Lindsay, Vachel, 1879-1931. c1995. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The prospect of presidential rhetoric / c2008. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The proto-totalitarian state : punishment and control in absolutist regimes / Shlapentokh, Dmitry. c2007. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The provocations of amnesty : memory, justice, and impunity / c2003. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The psychological impact of the Intifada on Palestinian children living in refugee camps in the West Bank, as reflected in their dreams, drawings and behavior / Nashef, Yousef. c1992. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The psychology of criminal conduct / Andrews, D. A. 1941- (Donald Arthur), c2003. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The psychology of post-totalitarianism in Russia / Gozman, Leonid. 1992. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The public art of Civil War commemoration : a brief history with documents / Brown, Thomas J. c2004. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The question of German guilt / Jaspers, Karl, 1883-1969. c2001. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The quiet voices : southern rabbis and Black civil rights, 1880s to 1990s / c1997. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The race card : campaign strategy, implicit messages, and the norm of equality / Mendelberg, Tali. c2001. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The race to Fashoda : european colonialism and African resistance in the scramble for Africa / Lewis, David Levering, 1936- 1988. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The ragged trousered philanthropists / Tressell, Robert, 1870-1911. 2005. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The rape of Cyprus / Halil, Kiamran. 1983. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The rape of the nation and the hymen fantasy : Japan's modernity, the American South, and Faulkner / Terasawa, Mizuho, 1951- c2003. 集體暴力與社會衝突
Book The raven's return : the influence of psychological trauma on individuals and culture / Early, Emmett. c1993. 集體暴力與社會衝突