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Troublesome people : the warriors of pacifism / |
Moorehead, Caroline. |
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Truth & lies : stories from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa / |
Edelstein, Jillian. |
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Truth & reconciliation in South Africa : 10 years on / |
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Truth + lies. |
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Truth and objectivity in social ethics / |
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c2003. |
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Truth and reconciliation in South Africa : miracle or model? / |
Graybill, Lyn S. |
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Truth commissions : a comparative assessment : an interdisciplinary discussion held at Harvard Law School in May 1996 / |
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Tsumi-- offence and retribution in early Japan / |
Williams, Yoko, 1955- |
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Turkey and the Holocaust : Turkey's role in rescuing Turkish and European Jewry from Nazi persecution, 1933-1945 / |
Shaw, Stanford J. 1930- (Stanford Jay), |
c1993. |
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Turning to nature in Germany : hiking, nudism, and conservation, 1900-1940 / |
Williams, John A. 1962- (John Alexander), |
c2007. |
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Twentieth-century peace movements : successes and failures / |
c1995. |
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Two little boys : an account of the Dublin & Monaghan bombings and their aftermath / |
O'Neill, Edward. |
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Two-faced racism : Whites in the backstage and frontstage / |
Picca, Leslie Houts, 1975- |
c2007. |
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U.S. civil-military relations : in crisis or transition? / |
c1995. |
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Uganda : studies in living conditions, popular movements, and constitutionalism / |
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Ulrike Meinhof and West German terrorism : language, violence, and identity / |
Colvin, Sarah. |
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Unanswered questions : Nazi Germany and the genocide of the Jews / |
c1989. |
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Unbalanced modernization and domestic instability : a comparative analysis / |
Sofranko, Andrew J. |
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Uncertain travelers : conversations with Jewish women immigrants to America / |
Agosín, Marjorie. |
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Unchopping a tree : reconciliation in the aftermath of political violence / |
Verdeja, Ernesto. |
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Uncivil disobedience : studies in violence and democratic politics / |
Kirkpatrick, Jennet, 1970- |
c2008. |
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Under fire : the organization and representation of violence / |
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Understanding Scotland : the sociology of a nation / |
McCrone, David. |
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Understanding adoption : clinical work with adults, children, and parents / |
c2006. |
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Understanding and preventing violence / |
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Understanding development, conflict, and violence : the cases of Bhutan, Nepal, North-East India, and the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh / |
Rizal, Dhurba P. |
c2006. |
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Understanding evil : lessons from Bosnia / |
Doubt, Keith. |
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Understanding intercultural communication / |
Ting-Toomey, Stella. |
c2005. |
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Understanding nationalism : on narrative, cognitive science, and identity / |
Hogan, Patrick Colm. |
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Understanding organizations / |
Lune, Howard, 1962- |
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Understanding political violence : a criminological analysis / |
Ruggiero, Vincenzo. |
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Understanding popular violence in the English Revolution : the Colchester plunderers / |
Walter, John, 1948- |
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Understanding proto-insurgencies / |
Byman, Daniel, 1967- |
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Understanding the Holocaust / |
Feldman, George. |
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Understanding the Holocaust : an introduction / |
Cohn-Sherbok, Dan. |
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Understanding the Maoist movement of Nepal / |
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Undressing the maid : gender, sexuality, and the body in the construction of the Finnish nation / |
Valenius, Johanna. |
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Une société-monde? : les dynamiques sociales de la mondialisation : actes des séances plénières du XVIe congrès de l'Association internationale des sociologues de langue française / |
Congrès de l'AISLF Université Laval) 2000 : (16th : |
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Unearthing Franco's legacy : mass graves and the recovery of historical memory in Spain / |
c2010. |
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Unearthing the truth : exhuming a decade of terror in Guatemala / |
Russell, Grahame. |
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Book |
Unfinished business : state killings and the quest for truth / |
Rolston, Bill. |
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Unholy alliance : religion and atrocity in our time / |
Ellis, Marc H. |
c1997. |
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Unionist voices and the politics of remembering the past in Northern Ireland / |
Simpson, Kirk. |
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United city, divided memories? : Cold War legacies in contemporary Berlin / |
Verheyen, Dirk. |
c2008. |
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Unity and diversity in the new Europe / |
c2000. |
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Unlikely history : the changing German-Jewish symbiosis, 1945-2000 / |
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Book |
Unsettling accounts : neither truth nor reconciliation in confessions of state violence / |
Payne, Leigh A. |
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Book |
Unsilencing the past : track two diplomacy and Turkish-Armenian reconciliation / |
Phillips, David L. 1959- (David Lawrence), |
2005. |
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Book |
Up against the wall : violence in the making and unmaking of the Black Panther Party / |
Austin, Curtis J., 1969- |
2006. |
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Book |
Up from scapegoating : awakening consciousness in groups / |
Colman, Arthur D., 1937- |
c1995. |
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