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Carlo Gesualdo / |
Morrier, Denis. |
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Carlo Gesualdo principe di Venosa / |
Misuraca, Pietro, 1962- |
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Carlos H. Veerhoff / |
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Catalogue of manuscripts written or owned in England up to 1200 containing music / |
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Cavaillé-Coll's monumental organ project for Saint Peter's, Rome : bigger than them all / |
Ebrecht, Ronald, 1953- |
c2011. |
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Cavalier Giovanni Battista Buonamente : Franciscan violinist / |
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c2005. |
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Ce que la musique donne à entendre : à propos du plaisir de l'écoute / |
Médam, Alain. |
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Challenging humanism : essays in honor of Dominic Baker-Smith / |
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Chamber music : a research and information guide / |
Baron, John H. |
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Chamber music : an essential history / |
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Chansonvertonungen des 14. Jahrhunderts in Norditalien : Untersuchungen zum Überlieferungsbestand des Codex Reina / |
Hertel, Carola. |
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Chant and notation in South Italy and Rome before 1300 / |
Boe, John. |
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Chant grégorien et musique médiévale / |
Huglo, Michel. |
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Chanter avec les anges : poésie dans la messe médiévale, interprétations et commentaires / |
Iversen, Gunilla. |
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Chants pour La Nativité / |
Ephraem, Syrus, Saint, 303-373. |
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Chopin playing : from the composer to the present day / |
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Chorégraphie, ou L'art de décrire la dance / |
Feuillet, Raoul-Auger, 1659 or 60-1710. |
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Christian theology : the spiritual tradition / |
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c2001. |
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Christianity and community in the West : essays for John Bossy / |
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Christianity and the Renaissance : image and religious imagination in the Quattrocento / |
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Christoph Bernhard und der stile moderno : Untersuchungen zu Leben und Werk / |
Fiebig, Folkert. |
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Stoll, Karin, 1944- |
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Christuskult und kaiserliche Baupolitik bei Konstantin : die Anfänge der christlichen Verknüpfung kaiserlicher Repräsentation am Beispiel der Kirchenstiftungen Konstantins : Grundlagen / |
Süssenbach, Uwe, 1943- |
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Chromaticism in the English madrigal / |
Teo, Kian-Seng. |
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Church music and Protestantism in post-Reformation England : discourses, sites and identities / |
Willis, Jonathan P. |
c2010. |
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Church music in America, 1620-2000 / |
Ogasapian, John. |
c2007. |
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Cicéron et Philodème : La polémique en philosophie / |
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Citation, intertextuality and memory in the Middle Ages and Renaissance / |
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Classical and romantic music / |
c2011. |
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Claudio Monteverdi : mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten / |
Konold, Wulf. |
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Claudio Monteverdi und seine Zeit / |
Leopold, Silke. |
c2002. |
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Claudio Monteverdi, songs and madrigals / |
c1998. |
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Claudio Monteverdi, vom Madrigal zur Monodie. |
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Comparaison de la musique italienne et de la musique françoise. |
Le Cerf de la Viéville, Jean Laurent, seigneur de Freneuse, 1674-1707. |
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Compendio musicale : Ferrara 1677 / |
Bismantova, Bartolomeo. |
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Compendiolo di molti dubbi segreti et sentenze intorno al canto. |
Aaron, Pietro. |
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Compendiolum musicae pro incipientibus / |
Faber, Heinrich, d. 1522. |
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Con che soavità : studies in Italian opera, song, and dance, 1580-1740 / |
c1995, 2007. |
音樂學:歐洲音樂史 (1700 年之前) |