
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book El mundo mitológico de Lope de Vega : siete comedias mitológicas de inspiración ovidiana / Martínez Berbel, Juan Antonio. 2003. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book El negocio del flamenco / Calado Olivo, Silvia, 1975- [2007] 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book El rey Lear / Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. 2006. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book El silencio en el teatro de Tirso de Molina / Béziat, Florence. 2004. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book El sueño de una noche de verano ; Noche de reyes / Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. 2006. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book El tiempo de shakespeare / Kermode, Frank, 1919-2010. 2005. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book El universo poético de Lope de Vega / Pedraza Jiménez, Felipe B. c2003. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book El vergonzoso en palacio / Molina, Tirso de, 1571?-1648. 2010. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Elizabeth Bowen : new critical perspectives / 2009. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Elstern : Versionen : Gedichte / Czernin, Franz Josef. 2006. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Embodiment and environment in early modern drama and performance / 2006. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Encore toi, Electre! : pièce en cinq actes = You again, Electra! : a five-act play / Desvignes, Lucette. 2008. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Encore: a history of theaters and theatre on Oregon's southwestern coast / Beckham, Dow, 1910- c2003. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Encyclopaedia of Indian cinema / Rajadhyaksha, Ashish. c1999. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Encyclopedia of Asian theatre / 2007. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book English Renaissance drama : essays in honor of Madeleine Doran & Mark Eccles / c1976. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book English filming, English writing / Hunter, Jefferson, 1947- c2010. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book English history in Shakspeare. Marriott, J. A. R. Sir, 1859-1945. (John Arthur Ransome), 1971. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book English mercuries : soldier poets in the age of Shakespeare / McKeown, Adam (Adam N.) c2009. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Enjoying theater arts : analyzing theater, film, and television / Schwartz, Perry. c2006. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Enjoyment of literature / Powys, John Cowper, 1872-1963. 1938. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Enrique IV : partes I y II / Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. 2007. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Entanglement / Miłoszewski, Zygmunt, 1976- 2010. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Enter Lear : the translator's part in performance / Cetera, Anna. c2008. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Enter Shakespeare : der Dramatiker als Figur im modernen Drama / Schubert, Berit Bettina, 1975- c2003. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Entering the maze : Shakespeare's art of beginning / c1996. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Entertaining the nation : American drama in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries / Miller, Tice L. c2007. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Entre Cervantes y Shakespeare : sendas del Renacimiento = Between Shakespeare and Cervantes : trails along the Renaissance / c2006. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Entre tinieblas / Cabal, Fermín. [1993?] 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Entry denied : exclusion and the Chinese community in America, 1882-1943 / 1991. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Epic television miniseries : a critical history / De Vito, John, 1953- c2010. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Epics, spectacles, and blockbusters : a Hollywood history / Hall, Sheldon. c2010. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Epistolario de Lope de Vega Carpio / Vega, Lope de, 1562-1635. 1989. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Eric Rohmer : Les jeux de l'amour, du hasard et du discours / Serceau, Michel. 2000. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Eric Rohmer : comédies et proverbes / Hertay, Alain. 1998. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Erläuterungen zu William Shakespeare, Der Kaufmann von Venedig (The merchant of Venice) / Keiser, Wolfhard, 1939- 2006. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Erläuterungen zu William Shakespeare, Hamlet / Poppe, Reiner. 2009. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Erläuterungen zu William Shakespeare, Julius Cäsar / Neis, Edgar. 1984. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Erläuterungen zu William Shakespeare, Macbeth / Herforth, Maria-Felicitas. 2007. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Erläuterungen zu William Shakespeare, Romeo und Julia / Vosshage, Frauke Frausing. 2010. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Ernie Kovacs & early tv comedy : nothing in moderation / Horton, Andrew. 2010. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Escape acts : seven Canadian one-acts / c1992. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Essaying Shakespeare / Newman, Karen, 1949- c2009. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Essays and scripts on how mothers are portrayed in the theatre : a neglected frontier of feminist scholarship / c2010. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Essays in Irish literary criticism : themes of gender, sexuality, and corporeality / c2008. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Essays on German theater / 1985. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Essays on modern Quebec theater / 1995. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Essays on sexuality, influence, and performance / 1987, c1988. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Essays principally on the playhouse and staging. Schoenbaum, S. 1927- (Samuel), 1971, c1972. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Essential Shakespeare handbook / Dunton-Downer, Leslie. c2004. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究