Book |
Lettres inédites de Jean Racine et de Louis Racine : précédées de la vie de Jean Racine et d'une notice sur Louis Racine, etc. / |
Racine, Jean, 1639-1699. |
2006. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Lev Dodin : journey without end ; reflections and memoirs ; Platonov observed: rehearsal notes / |
2005. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Levinas and the cinema of redemption : time, ethics, and the feminine / |
Girgus, Sam B., 1941- |
c2010. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Lexikon Shakespeare-Zitate : Auslese für das 21. Jahrhundert ; aus Werk und Leben / |
Lautenbach, Ernst. |
2009. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Liebesgedichte : Liebesszenen und Liebeslieder / |
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. |
2004. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Liebestod und Femme fatale : der Austausch sozialer Energien zwischen Oper, Literatur und Film / |
Bronfen, Elisabeth. |
2004. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Liebt ich am Himmel einen hellen Stern : e. Roman um William Shakespeare u. Anne Hathaway / |
Malpass, Eric Lawson. |
1985. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Life goes on, and sometimes it doesn't : a comparative study of medical drama in the US, Great Britain, and Germany / |
Krajewski, Sabine. |
c2002. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Life in Shakespeare's England : a book of Elizabethan prose / |
2009. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Literary and cultural relations : Ireland, Hungary, and Central and Eastern Europe / |
2009. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Literary spectrums : recent studies in English literature / |
2007. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Literary transvaluation : from Vergilian epic to Shakespearean tragicomedy / |
Bono, Barbara J. |
c1984. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Literary women on the screen : the representation of women in films based on imaginative literature / |
Christensen, Inger. |
c1991. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Literatur als Voraussetzung der Kulturgeschichte : Schauplätze von Shakespeare bis Benjamin / |
Weigel, Sigrid. |
2004. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Literatur im Film : Beispiele einer Medienbeziehung / |
c2008. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Literature through film : realism, magic, and the art of adaptation / |
Stam, Robert, 1941- |
c2005. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Literature versus theatre : textual problems and theatrical realization in the later plays of Heiner Müller / |
Barnett, David, 1968- |
c1998. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Live theatre and dramatic literature in the medieval Arab world / |
Moreh, Shmuel. |
c1992. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Loca motion : the travels of Chicana and Latina popular culture / |
Habell-Pallán, Michelle. |
c2005. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Local acts : community-based performance in the United States / |
Cohen-Cruz, Jan, 1950- |
c2005. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Locating Filipino Americans : ethnicity and the cultural politics of space / |
Bonus, Rick, 1962- |
2000. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Locating the Queen's Men, 1583-1603 : material practices and conditions of playing / |
c2009. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
London civic theatre : city drama and pageantry from Roman times to 1558 / |
Lancashire, Anne Begor. |
2002. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
London in early modern English drama : representing the built environment / |
Grantley, Darryll. |
2008. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Lope de Vega / |
Haro Tecglen, Eduardo, 1924-2005. |
c2001. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Lope de Vega / |
Vega, Lope de, 1562-1635. |
2004. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Lope de Vega : pasiones, obra y fortuna del "monstruo de naturaleza" / |
Pedraza Jiménez, Felipe B. |
2009. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Lope de Vega : vida y literatura / |
Pedraza Jiménez, Felipe B. |
2008. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Lope de Vega and the comedia de santos / |
Morrison, Robert R., 1929- |
c2000. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Lorca, the theatre beneath the sand / |
Edwards, Gwynne. |
1980. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Lord Henry Howard (1540-1614) : an Elizabethan life / |
Andersson, D. C. (Daniel C.) |
2009. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Los dos caballeros de Verona / |
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. |
2004. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Los gitanos, el flamenco y los flamencos / |
Lafuente, Rafael. |
[2005?] |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Los locos de Valencia / |
Vega, Lope de, 1562-1635. |
c2003. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Los prados de leon / |
Vega, Lope de, 1562-1635. |
2009. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Los usos de la repetición en la obra de Lope de Vega / |
Cabranes-Grant, Leo, 1960- |
c2004. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Los verdiales en el flamenco : su proyección musical / |
Arrebola, Alfredo. |
[2005] |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Lost laughs of '50s and '60s television : thirty sitcoms that faded off screen / |
Tucker, David C., 1962- |
c2010. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Lost plays of Shakespeare's age. |
Sisson, Charles Jasper, 1885-1966. |
2009. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Louison et monsieur Molière / |
Helgerson, Marie-Christine, 1946- |
[2010], c2001. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Love and conflict in medieval drama : the plays and their legacy / |
Muir, Lynette R. |
2007. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Love's labour's lost / |
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. |
2009. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Love's labour's lost. |
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. |
2009. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Love, Castro Street : reflections of San Francisco / |
2007. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Loyalty and identity : Jacobites at home and abroad / |
2010. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Luces y sombras del flamenco / |
Caballero Bonald, José Manuel, 1926- |
2006. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Lull and Bruno / |
Yates, Frances Amelia. |
1999. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
Lírica / |
Vega, Lope de, 1562-1635. |
c1999. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
MacBeth, High King of Scotland, 1040-57 / |
Ellis, Peter Berresford. |
1990. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |
Book |
MacBeth, King Lear & contemporary history : being a study of the relations of the play of Macbeth to the personal history of James I, the Darnley murder, and the St. Bartholomew Massacre, and also of King Lear as symbolic mythology / |
Winstanley, Lilian, 1875- |
2004. |
戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究 |