
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Racine et Shakespeare / Edwards, Michael, 1938- 2004. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Raising Milton's ghost : John Milton and the sublime of terror in the early Romantic Period / Crawford, Joseph, 1982- 2011. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Rape in art cinema / 2010. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Re-discovering Shakespeare : an Indian scrutiny / Kantak, V. Y., 1912- 2002. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Re-placing America : conversations and contestations : selected essays / c2000. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Re-viewing English / 1998. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Re-viewing fascism : Italian cinema, 1922-1943 / c2002. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Re/collecting early Asian America : essays in cultural history / 2002. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Reading Hamlet / Mellor, Bronwyn. c1999. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Reading Renaissance drama : a process approach / Geller, Lila, 1932- c1991. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Reading across the lines / 2000. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Reading masques : the English masque and public culture in the seventeenth century / Shohet, Lauren. 2010. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Readings in African popular culture / 1997. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Readings in language and literature / 2003. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Readings on Edgar Allan Poe / c1998. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Readings on Hamlet / c1999. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Readings on Macbeth / c1999. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Reality's dark light : the sensational Wilkie Collins / c2003. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Reassessing the theatre of the absurd : Camus, Beckett, Ionesco, Genet, and Pinter / Bennett, Michael Y., 1980- 2011. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Rebel women : staging ancient Greek drama today / 2005. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Reception and renewal in modern Spanish theatre, 1939-1963 / London, John. 1997. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Rechtsstaat Bundesrepublik -- wohin? : Christliches und humanistisches Menschenbild / Zimmermanns, Thomas, author. 2004. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Reclaiming the archive : feminism and film history / c2010. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Reconstructing a Chicano/a literary heritage : Hispanic colonial literature of the Southwest / c1993. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Recovered legacies : authority and identity in early Asian American literature / 2005. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Recovering the U.S. Hispanic literary heritage / 1993-<c2009> 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Red house (fire! fire!) : meta-village theatre ; also includes-- Mud! : a ritual in mud and percussion / Hall, Tony. 2004. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Red stars : personality and the Soviet popular song, 1955-1991 / MacFadyen, David, 1964- c2001. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Red, white & black : cinema and the structure of U.S. antagonisms / Wilderson, Frank B. 2010. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Refiguring mimesis : representation in early modern literature / 2005. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Reflecting the audience : London theatregoing, 1840-1880 / Davis, Jim, 1949- c2001. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Reframing 9/11 : film, popular culture and the "war on terror" / 2010. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Regional cuisines of medieval Europe : a book of essays / 2002. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Rehearsal from Shakespeare to Sheridan / Stern, Tiffany. 2007. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Reinventing public service television for the digital future / Debrett, Mary. 2010. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Remaking the classics : literature, genre and media in Britain 1800-2000 / 2007. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Rematerializing Shakespeare : authority and representation on the early modern English stage / 2005. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Renaissance and Baroque directors : theory and practice of play production in Italy / Migliarisi, Anna. c2003. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Renaissance and reform : the Italian contribution / Yates, Frances Amelia. [1999], c1983. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Renaissance drama / Clark, Sandra, 1941- 2007. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Renaissance tragicomedy : explorations in genre and politics / c1987. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Representations of Eve in antiquity and the English Middle Ages / Flood, John, 1973- 2011. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Representing France and the French in early modern English drama / c2008. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Representing Shakespearean tragedy : Garrick, the Kembles, and Kean / Oya, Reiko, 1965- 2007. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Representing the plague in early modern England / 2011. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book República y flamenquismo / Noel, Eugenio. c2007. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Research and inequality / 2000. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Resituating culture / c2004. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Restless spirits / Havis, Allan. c2006. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究
Book Rewriting classical mythology in the Hispanic Baroque / 2007. 戲劇學:跨國界、跨領域戲劇研究