
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book What Christians can learn from Buddhism : rethinking salvation / Largen, Kristin Johnston, 1968- c2009. 抒情詩研究
Book What are big girls made of? : poems / Piercy, Marge. 1997. 抒情詩研究
Book What cinema is! : Bazin's quest and its charge / Andrew, Dudley, 1945- 2010. 抒情詩研究
Book What is Gnosticism? / King, Karen L., 1954- c2003. 抒情詩研究
Book What is film theory? : an introduction to contemporary debates / Rushton, Richard. 2010. 抒情詩研究
Book What women lose : exile and the construction of imaginary homelands in novels by Caribbean writers / Rodríguez, María Cristina. c2005. 抒情詩研究
Book What's the import? : nineteenth-century poems and contemporary critical practice / McSweeney, Kerry, 1941- c2007. 抒情詩研究
Book When dreams came true : classical fairy tales and their tradition / Zipes, Jack, 1937- c2007. 抒情詩研究
Book When our eyes no longer see : realism, science, and ecology in Japanese literary modernism / Golley, Gregory, 1964- 2008. 抒情詩研究
Book When wisdom speaks : living experiences with biblical women / Doucet, Lyn Holley, 1950- c2007. 抒情詩研究
Book Where ghosts walked : Munich's road to the Third Reich / Large, David Clay. c1997. 抒情詩研究
Book Where the ox does not plow : a Mexican American ballad / Peña, Manuel H., 1942- 2008. 抒情詩研究
Book Where two seas meet : imagination, the key to intercultural learning / Colpaert, Marc. [2009] 抒情詩研究
Book White feminists and contemporary maternity : purging matrophobia / Hallstein, D. Lynn O'Brien. 2010. 抒情詩研究
Book Whitehall Palace : an architectural history of the royal apartments, 1240-1698 / Thurley, Simon, 1962- c1999. 抒情詩研究
Book Who's who of Australian visual artists. 1991. 抒情詩研究
Book Why Jesus didn't marry Mary Magdalene : [a short history of esoteric Christianity] / Schaik, J. L. M. van, 1956- 2007. 抒情詩研究
Book Wildly romantic : the English Romantic poets--the mad, the bad, and the dangerous / Andronik, Catherine M. 2007. 抒情詩研究
Book Wilkie Collins, medicine and the gothic / Talairach-Vielmas, Laurence. 2009. 抒情詩研究
Book Willa Cather and the dance : "a most satisfying elegance" / Perriman, Wendy K. c2009. 抒情詩研究
Book William Blake / Burdett, Osbert, 1885-1936. c2009. 抒情詩研究
Book William Blake's commercial book illustrations : a catalogue and study of the plates engraved by Blake after designs by other artists / Essick, Robert N. 1991. 抒情詩研究
Book William Blake's recreation of gnostic myth : resolving the apparent incongruities / Sorensen, Peter J. 1995. 抒情詩研究
Book William Blake's theory of art / Eaves, Morris, 1944- c1982. 抒情詩研究
Book William Blake, printmaker / Essick, Robert N. c1980. 抒情詩研究
Book William Hazlitt : the first modern man / Wu, Duncan. 2008. 抒情詩研究
Book William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones : interlacings / Arscott, Caroline. 2008. 抒情詩研究
Book William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet / c2009. 抒情詩研究
Book Willow the Wednesday fairy / Meadows, Daisy. 2008, c2006. 抒情詩研究
Book Winds can wake up the dead : an Eric Walrond reader / Walrond, Eric, 1898-1966. c1998. 抒情詩研究
Book Wine, women and song : Hebrew and Arabic literature of medieval Iberia / c2004. 抒情詩研究
Book Winter dialogue : poems / Venclova, Tomas, 1937- c1997. 抒情詩研究
Book Witchcraft & the papacy : an account drawing on the formerly secret records of the Roman Inquisition / Decker, Rainer. 2008. 抒情詩研究
Book With roots and wings : Christianity in an age of ecology and dialogue / McDaniel, Jay B. 1949- (Jay Byrd), 2009. 抒情詩研究
Book Without a philosophy : poems / Morgan, Elizabeth Seydel, 1939- c2007. 抒情詩研究
Book Without education or encouragement : the literary legacy of Flora Thompson / Hoffman, Ruth Collette, 1951- c2009. 抒情詩研究
Book Wizards and witches / Hamilton, John, 1959- c2005. 抒情詩研究
Book Woman as design : before, behind, between, above, below / Bayley, Stephen. 2009. 抒情詩研究
Book Woman's songs in ancient Greece / Klinck, Anne Lingard, 1943- c2008. 抒情詩研究
Book Women and Christianity / c2010. 抒情詩研究
Book Women and Ireland as Beckett's lost others : beyond mourning and melancholia / Kim, Rina. 2010. 抒情詩研究
Book Women and Judaism : new insights and scholarship / c2009. 抒情詩研究
Book Women and death 2 : warlike women in the German literary and cultural imagination since 1500 / 2009. 抒情詩研究
Book Women and marriage in German medieval romance / Green, D. H. 1922-2008. (Dennis Howard), 2009. 抒情詩研究
Book Women and print culture in post-independence Buenos Aires / Macintyre, Iona. 2010. 抒情詩研究
Book Women and the politics of self-representation in seventeenth-century France / Cholakian, Patricia Francis. c2000. 抒情詩研究
Book Women and the press : the struggle for equality / Bradley, Patricia, 1941- 2005. 抒情詩研究
Book Women artists and the Pre-Raphaelite movement / Marsh, Jan, 1942- 1989. 抒情詩研究
Book Women constructing men : female novelists and their male characters, 1750-2000 / c2010. 抒情詩研究
Book Women in Robbe-Grillet : a study in thematics and diegetics / Roland, Lillian D. c1993. 抒情詩研究