
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Greens conveyancing, property, trusts and succession statutes 2005/2006 : reprinted from Division J (conveyancing, land tenure and registration) and Division M (succession, trusts, liferents, and judicial factors) of the Parliament House Book 2005. 土地管理與地政
Book Ground gas handbook / Wilson, Steve. c2009. 土地管理與地政
Book Growing better cities : urban agriculture for sustainable development / Mougeot, Luc J. A. c2006. 土地管理與地政
Book Growing cooler : evidence on urban development and climate change / c2008. 土地管理與地政
Book Growing greener : putting conservation into local plans and ordinances / Arendt, Randall. c1999. 土地管理與地政
Book Growing rural-urban disparity in Gujarat / Sharma, S. S. P. 1954- (Shyam Sunder Pd.), 2009. 土地管理與地政
Book Growing urban habitats : seeking a new housing development model / Morrish, William R., 1948- c2009. 土地管理與地政
Book Growth clusters in European metropolitan cities : a comparative analysis of cluster dynamics in the cities of Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Helsinki, Leipzig, Lyons, Manchester, Munich, Rotterdam and Vienna / Berg, Leo van den. c2001. 土地管理與地政
Book Growth management : the planning challenge of the 1990's / c1993. 土地管理與地政
Book Growth management and public land acquisition : balancing conservation and development / c2011. 土地管理與地政
Book Guide to ecstacity / Coates, Nigel. c2003. 土地管理與地政
Book Guide to foundation and support systems for manufactured homes : excellence in design, manufacturing, and installation series / [2003] 土地管理與地政
Book Guidelines for preparing urban plans / Anderson, Larz T. c1995. 土地管理與地政
Book HUD housing programs for persons with disabilities / c2009. 土地管理與地政
Book Habitat conservation planning : endangered species and urban growth / Beatley, Timothy, 1957- 1994. 土地管理與地政
Book Hamburg : parks and squares for the developing city : a guide to landscape architecture / c2008. 土地管理與地政
Book Handbook of Massachusetts land use and planning law : zoning, subdivision control, and nonzoning alternatives / Bobrowski, Mark. c2002. 土地管理與地政
Book Handbook of research on e-planning : ICTs for urban development and monitoring / c2010. 土地管理與地政
Book Happy : cities and public happiness in post-war Europe / c2004. 土地管理與地政
Book Harlem on our minds : place, race, and the literacies of urban youth / Kinloch, Valerie, 1974- c2010. 土地管理與地政
Book Harnessing the eastern Himalayan rivers : regional cooperation in South Asia / c1993. 土地管理與地政
Book Hearts of the city : the selected writings of Herbert Muschamp. Muschamp, Herbert. 2009. 土地管理與地政
Book Heritage sites and their contested meanings / 2006. 土地管理與地政
Book Heritage, culture and conservation : managing the urban renaissance / Madgin, Rebecca. 2009. 土地管理與地政
Book High court case summaries. c2006. 土地管理與地政
Book History and management of land grants for education in the Northwest territory (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin) / Knight, George W. 1858-1932. (George Wells), [2010?] 土地管理與地政
Book Holland Land Company : Phelps and Gorham purchase, the Holland purchase, Amsterdam, Wilhelm Willink, Nicolaas Van Staphorst, Theophilus Cazenove / 2010. 土地管理與地政
Book Home spaces, street styles : contesting power and identity in a South African city / Bank, Leslie John. 2011. 土地管理與地政
Book Home truths : property ownership and housing wealth in Australia / Badcock, Blair. 2000. 土地管理與地政
Book Homeland insecurity : the Arab American and Muslim American experience after 9/11 / Cainkar, Louise. c2009. 土地管理與地政
Book Homeland security and private sector business : corporations' role in critical infrastructure protection / Lee, Elsa. c2009. 土地管理與地政
Book Hong Kong mobile : making a global population / c2008. 土地管理與地政
Book Hope and despair in the American city : why there are no bad schools in Raleigh / Grant, Gerald. 2009. 土地管理與地政
Book Housing America : building out of a crisis / c2009. 土地管理與地政
Book Housing allocation and homelessness / Luba, Jan. c2010. 土地管理與地政
Book Housing and the Credit Crunch : follow-up : eighth Report of Session 2008-09 : report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Communities and Local Government Committee. (Session 2008-09). 2009. 土地管理與地政
Book Housing association law and practice / Alder, John. 2003. 土地管理與地政
Book Housing boom and bust : owner occupation, government regulation and the credit crunch / King, Peter, 1960- 2010. 土地管理與地政
Book Housing discrimination : discrimination, protected class, race (classification of human beings), gender, ethnic group, ageing / 2010. 土地管理與地政
Book Housing markets and housing institutions : an international comparison / c1991. 土地管理與地政
Book Housing markets and the economy : risk, regulation, and policy : essays in honor of Karl E. Case / c2009. 土地管理與地政
Book Housing renewal in Europe / 1999. 土地管理與地政
Book Housing strategies and the urban poor : coping with structural adjustment in Gweru, Zimbabwe / Rakodi, Carole. 1994. 土地管理與地政
Book How Newark became Newark : the rise, fall, and rebirth of an American city / Tuttle, Brad R. c2009. 土地管理與地政
Book How cities work / Gralla, Preston. c1995. 土地管理與地政
Book How cities work : suburbs, sprawl, and the roads not taken / Marshall, Alex, 1959- c2000. 土地管理與地政
Book How investing in commercial property really works / Roth, Martin. c2005. 土地管理與地政
Book How it works : recovering citizens in post-welfare Philadelphia / Fairbanks, Robert P., II, 1968- 2009. 土地管理與地政
Book How mineral-based industrial development marginalizes and displaces people in India : three case studies / Meher, Rajkishor. c2010. 土地管理與地政
Book How to buy a house in California / Warner, Ralph E. c2003. 土地管理與地政