
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Fundamentals of digital image processing : a practical approach with examples in Matlab / Solomon, Chris. 2011. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Fundamentals of electronics for speech-language pathologists and audiologists / Silverman, Franklin H., 1933- c1999. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Fundamentals of hearing : an introduction / Yost, William A. c2007. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Fundamentals of mechanics of robotic manipulation / c2004. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Fundamentals of motor behavior / Fairbrother, Jeffrey T., 1964- c2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Fundamentals of neuropathology : morphologic basis of neurologic disorders / Okazaki, Haruo. c1989. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Fundamentals of robotic grasping and fixturing / Xiong, Caihua. c2007. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Fundamentals of robotics : theory and applications / Heath, Larry. c1985. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Fundamentals of sensory perception / Chaudhuri, Avijit. 2011. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Future directions for intelligent systems and information sciences : the future of speech and image technologies, brain computers, WWW, and bioinformatics / c2000. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Future medical engineering based on bionanotechnology : proceedings of the final symposium of the Tohoku University 21st Century Center of Excellence Program, Sendai International Center, Japan 7-9 January 2007 / Symposium of the Tohoku University 21st Century Center of Excellence Program Tohoku University, Japan) (2007 : c2006. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Future mind : artificial intelligence : merging the mystical and the technological in the 21st century / Glenn, Jerome Clayton, 1945- c1989. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Fuzzy Neural Network for Pattern Recognition of Power System Events : Fuzzy Neural Network Pattern Recognition Algorithm for Classification of the events in Power System Networks / Vasilic, Slavko. 2009. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Fuzzy decision making in modeling and control / Sousa, Joao M. C. 2002. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Fuzzy image processing and applications with MATLAB / Chaira, Tamalika. c2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Fuzzy logic for beginners / Mukaidono, Masao, 1942- c2001. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Fuzzy logic techniques for autonomous vehicle navigation / c2001. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Fuzzy logic with engineering applications / Ross, Timothy J. 2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book G-protein coupled transmembrane signaling mechanisms / c1995. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Galvani's spark : the story of the nerve impulse / McComas, Alan J. 2011. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Gaming and cognition : theories and practice from the learning sciences / c2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Gearheads : the turbulent rise of robotic sports / Stone, Brad. c2003. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Gehirnforschung und rechtliche Verantwortung : Fachtagung der Schweizerischen Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, 19. und 20. Mai 2006, Universität Bern / Schweizerische Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie. Fachtagung Bern, Swizterland) (2006 : 2006. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Gene function analysis / c2007. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Gene transfer and therapy in the nervous system / c1992. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Gene worship : moving beyond the nature/nurture debate over genes, brain, and gender / Kaplan, Gisela T. c2003. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Generalized non convulsive epilepsy : focus on GABA-B receptors / c1992. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Generic Inference : a unifying theory for automated reasoning / Pouly, Marc, 1980- c2011. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Genes, cognition and neuropsychiatry / 2009. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Genesis machines : the new science of biocomputing / Amos, Martyn. 2006. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Genetic algorithm and variable feed-forward neural networks / Ling, Steve. 2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Genetic and evolutionary computation : medical applications / 2011. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Genetically engineered probes for biomedical applications : 24 January 2006, San Jose, CA, USA / c2006. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Genetics of human mentality / Karlsson, Jon L. 1922- (Jon Love), 1991. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Genetics of movement disorders / c2003. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Genius : a very short introduction / Robinson, Andrew, 1957- 2011. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Geometric computing with Clifford algebra : theoretical foundations and applications in computer vision and robotics / 2001. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Geometric data analysis : an empirical approach to dimensionality reduction and the study of patterns / Kirby, Michael, 1961- c2001. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Geometric methods in robotics and mechanism research : theory and applications / Lou, Yunjiang. 2011. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Glutamate, cell death, and memory / c1991. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book God from the machine : artificial intelligence models of religious cognition / Bainbridge, William Sims. c2006. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Going sane : maps of happiness / Phillips, Adam, 1954- c2005. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Golgi : a biography of the founder of modern neuroscience / Mazzarello, Paolo. 2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Grammatical inference : learning automata and grammars / De la Higuera, Colin. 2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Granular computing : an emerging paradigm / c2001. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Graph classification and clustering based on vector space embedding / Riesen, Kaspar. c2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Green vegetation fractionation technology / Singh, Narendra. c1996. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Group creativity : innovation through collaboration / c2003. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Growth factors and psychiatric disorders. 2008. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Guide to research techniques in neuroscience / Carter, Matt, 1978- c2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧