
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Mathematics for neuroscientists / Gabbiani, Fabrizio. 2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Mathematics of bioinformatics : theory, practice, and applications / He, Matthew. c2011. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Mathematics under the microscope : notes on cognitive aspects of mathematical practice / Borovik, Alexandre. ©2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Matter matters? : on the material basis of the cognitive activity of mind : with 67 figures / c1997. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Maturation phenomenon in cerebral ischemia II : neuronal recovery and plasticity / c1997. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Meaning, form, and body / c2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Measurement and evaluation in human performance / c2011. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Measurement and manipulation of intracellular ions / c1995. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Measuring intelligence : facts and fallacies / Bartholomew, David J. 2004. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Mechanics of hearing : proceedings of the IUTAM/ICA symposium / 1983. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Mechanisms and mediators of neuropathic pain / c2002. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Mechanisms of cortical development / Price, David J., 1957 Nov. 20- 2000. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Mechanisms of memory / Sweatt, J. David. c2003. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Mechanisms of memory / Sweatt, J. David. c2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Mechanisms of secondary brain damage from trauma and ischemia : recent advances of our understanding : [proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Mechanisms of Secondary Brain Damage, Mauls, Italy] / International Symposium on Mechanisms of Secondary Brain Damage Mules, Italy) 2001 : (7th : c2004. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Mechanisms of secondary brain damage in cerebral ischemia and trauma / c1996. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Mechanisms of synaptic transmission : bridging the gaps (1890-1990) / Robinson, Joseph D. 2001. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Mechanisms of visual attention : a cognitive neuroscience perspective / Schneider, Werner X. c1998. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Mechanoreceptors, their functional organization / Akoev, G. N. (Georgiĭ Nikolaevich) c1988. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Medical biomethods handbook / c2005. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Medical data mining and knowledge discovery / c2001. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Medical image analysis / Dhawan, Atam P., author. 2011. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Medical management of the elderly stroke patient / c1989. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Medical neurobiology / Mason, Peggy, Ph.D. c2011. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Medical physics : fifth Mexican symposium, Juriquilla, Querétaro, México, 21-23 March 2001 / Mexican Symposium on Medical Physics Mexico City, Mexico) 2001 : (5th : 2001. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Medical speech pathology / Miller, Robert M. 1946- (Robert Michael), 1990. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Membrane Computing: Traces, Neural Inspired Models, Controls : Getting computational inspiration from biology / Ionescu, Armand Mihai. 2009. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Membrane microdomain regulation of neuron signaling / Wallace, Ron, Dr. c2008. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Memory : a very short introduction / Foster, Jonathan K. 2009. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Memory : from mind to molecules / Squire, Larry R. c2009. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Memory and migration : multidisciplinary approaches to memory studies / c2011. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Memory consolidation : essays in honor of James L. McGaugh / c2001. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Memory for action : a distinct form of episodic memory? / 2001. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Memory in the real world / Cohen, Gillian. 2008. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Memory prime / Reeves-Stevens, Garfield, 1953- 1988. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Memory search by a memorist / Thompson, Charles P. 1993. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Memory's ghost : the strange tale of Mr. M and the nature of memory / Hilts, Philip J. c1995. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Memory, consciousness, and temporality / Dalla Barba, Gianfranco, 1957- c2002. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Mental imagery / American Association for the Study of Mental Imagery. Conference Washington, D.C.) 1989 : (11th : c1991. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Mental processes in the human brain / 2008, c2007. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Meta-learning : strategies, implementations, and evaluations for algorithm selection / Köpf, Christian Rudolf. c2006. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Metacognition / Dunlosky, John. c2009. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Metacognition and theory of mind / Papaleontiou-Louca, Eleonora. 2008. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Metacreation of personal realities in space and time : breakthrough technology of how the brain and mind create realities for a prosperous and meaningful life / Gibbons, Victor J. c2000. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Metamagical themas : questing for the essence of mind and pattern / Hofstadter, Douglas R., 1945- 1986. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Metareasoning : thinking about thinking / c2011. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Methodological advancements in intelligent information technologies : evolutionary trends / c2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Methodological issues in neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation : a special issue of Neuropsychological rehabilitation / c1997. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Methodologies for intelligent systems : proceedings of the second international symposium, held October 14-17, 1987, in Charlotte, North Carolina / International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems Charlotte, N.C.) 1987 : (2nd : c1987. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Methods and applications of statistics in business, finance, and management science / Balakrishnan, N., 1956- c2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧