
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Multimodal interface for human-machine communication / 2002. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Multimodal surveillance : sensors, algorithms, and systems / c2007. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Multiscale modeling : from atoms to devices / c2011. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Multiscale phenomena in plasticity : from experiments to phenomenology, modelling and materials engineering / c2000. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Multispectral image processing and pattern recognition / c2001. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Multivariate image analysis / Geladi, Paul. c1996. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Music and mind : philosophical essays on the cognition and meaning of music / Fiske, Harold E. c1990. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Musical imagery / c2001. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Myelin : chemistry and biology / c1980. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Nanobiophotonics and biomedical applications : 26-27 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA / c2004. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Nanobiophotonics and biomedical applications II : 24-27 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA / c2005. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Nanobiophotonics and biomedical applications III : 23-24 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA / c2006. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Nanoscale imaging, spectroscopy, sensing, and actuation for biomedical applications IV : 23-24 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA / c2007. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Nanotechnology at the leading edge / c2006. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Natural language processing technologies in artificial intelligence : the science and industry perspective / Obermeier, Klaus K., 1954- 1989. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Natural learning for a connected world : education, technology, and the human brain / Caine, Renate Nummela. c2011. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Natural vision improvement / Goodrich, Janet. 1990. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Natural-image statistics and the exploitation of local intrinsic dimensionality : DFG report Re337/7-3/ZeKr96 / Zetzsche, Christoph. 1997. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Nature's thumbprint : the new genetics of personality / Neubauer, Peter B. c1990. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Nature-inspired methods in chemometrics : genetic algorithms and artificial neural networks / 2003. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Navigation and robotics in total joint and spine surgery / c2004. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Near visual acuity tests and professional vision testing charts / Sachsenweger, Matthias. 1987. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Nerve cell biology : proceedings of the joint British Society for Cell Biology--British Society for Developmental Biology Symposium, Leeds, April 1991 / [1991] 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Nerve cell development / 1991. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Nerve growth and guidance / c1996. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Nervous system / Hughes, Mark. 2007. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Network simulation experiments manual / Aboelela, Emad. c2012. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Networks for learning and knowledge creation in biotechnology / Oliver, Amalya Lumerman. 2009. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Networks of the brain / Sporns, Olaf, author. [2011] 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Neural Coding : Action Potential, Parallel Processing, Neural Oscillation, Central Pattern Generator, Neural Coding, Neural Correlate ... 2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Neural Darwinism : the theory of neuronal group selection / Edelman, Gerald M. c1987. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Neural bases of motor behaviour / c1996. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Neural interfacing : forging the human-machine connection / Coates, Thomas D. c2008. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Neural nets and chaotic carriers / Whittle, Peter, 1927- c2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Neural network software : Neural network software, Goldengem, Neurosolutions, Peltarion Synapse, Neural Lab, Emergent, Edlut, Joone, Neuroph, Neuro Laboratory, Snns. 2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Neural networks and pattern recognition / c1998. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Neural networks approach to biocomposites analysis / Mondol, Joel-Ahmed. 2011. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Neural networks as cybernetic systems / Cruse, Holk. 1996. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Neural networks for robotic control : theory and applications / 1996. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Neural networks in business forecasting / c2004. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Neural networks in healthcare : potential and challenges / c2006. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Neural regulation in the vertebrate endocrine system : neuroendocrine regulation / c1999. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Neural signal processing with programmable cortical arrays : from reconfigurable spiking neural architectures, cortical columns to applications / Ghani, Arfan. 2009. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Neural signaling : opportunities for novel diagnostic approaches and therapies / 2008. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Neural stem cells and cellular therapy / Taupin, Philippe. c2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Neural-based orthogonal data fitting : the EXIN neural networks / Cirrincione, Giansalvo, 1959- c2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Neural-symbolic learning systems : foundations and applications / D'Avila Garcez, Artur S., 1970- c2002. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Neuro imaging / c2011. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Neuro-immune interactions in neurologic and psychiatric disorders / c2000. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book NeuroAnalysis : bridging the gap between neuroscience, psychoanalysis, and psychiatry / Peled, Avi, 1959- 2008. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧