
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Proceedings, Twenty-second International Conference on Machine Learning / International Conference on Machine Learning Bonn, Germany) (22nd : 2005 : c2005. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Production scheduling / 2008. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Professional ethics for audiologists and speech-language pathologists / Resnick, David M. c1993. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Professional issues in speech-language pathology and audiology / c2001. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Prognosis in neurology / c1998. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Prognosis of neurological disorders / 2000. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Programmable automation technologies : an introduction to CNC, robotics and PLCs / Kandray, Daniel. c2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Programming environments for massively parallel distributed systems : working conference of the IFIP WG10.3, April 25-29, 1994 / 1994. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Programming erlang : software for a concurrent world / Armstrong, Joe. 2007. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Programming robot controllers / Predko, Michael. c2003. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Progress in brain mapping research / c2006. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Progress in modern psychology : the legacy of American functionalism / 1992. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Progress in robotics and intelligent systems / c1994-<c1996> 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Projects in machine intelligence for your home computer / Heiserman, David L., 1940- c1982. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Prolog : sophisticated applications in artificial intelligence / Bharath, Ramachandran. c1989. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Promoting creativity across the life span / c2001. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Promoting inquiry in undergraduate learning / 1989. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Propositional, probabilistic, and evidential reasoning : integrating numerical and symbolic approaches / Liu, Weiru, 1962- c2001. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Protein structure, prediction, and design / 1990. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Protocols by invariants / Schoone, Anneke A. 2004. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Protocols for gene transfer in neuroscience : towards gene therapy of neurological disorders / c1996. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Pseudoscience in biological psychiatry : blaming the body / c1995. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Psychiatry in learning disability / c1997. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Psycho-electronics, or, a guide in the form of a lexicon to the pseudo-science of cognitive mechanics / Tallis, Raymond. 1994. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Psychological disturbances in epilepsy / c1996. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Psychological qualitative research from a phenomenological perspective / Karlsson, Gunnar, 1955- [1993] 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Psychology underground : from politically correct orthodoxies to a new century of inquiry / Kroth, Jerry. c2001. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Psychophysics : a practical introduction / Kingdom, Frederick A. A. 2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Purely functional data structures / Okasaki, Chris. 1998. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Qualitative spatial reasoning : theory and practice : application to robot navigation / Escrig, M. Teresa. c1998. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Quality of communication-based systems : proceedings of an international workshop held at the TU Berlin, Germany, September 1994 / c1995. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Quality of parallel and distributed programs and systems / c2003. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Quantifying consciousness : an empirical approach / Pekala, Ronald J. c1991. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Quantitative analyses of behavior / 2009. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Quantitative and experimental linguistics / 2009. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Quantitative functional brain imaging with positron emission tomography / c1998. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Quantitative methods in parallel systems / 1995. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Quantitative models in psychology / McGrath, Robert E., 1956- c2011. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Quantitative neuroendocrinology / c1995. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Quantitative neurophysiology / Joseph V. Tranquillo. Tranquillo, Joseph Vincent, 1975- c2008. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Quantitative neuroscience : models, algorithms, diagnostics, and therapeutic applications / c2004. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Questions and information systems / 2009. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Radical embodied cognitive science / Chemero, Anthony, 1969- c2009. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Radical evolution : the promise and peril of enhancing our minds, our bodies--and what it means to be human / Garreau, Joel. c2005. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Randomized allocation of independent tasks / Berenbrink, Petra. c2000. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Rationality and the reflective mind / Stanovich, Keith E., 1950- 2011. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Reading EEGs : a practical approach / c2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Reading minds : a guide to the cognitive neuroscience revolution / Moskowitz, Michael. 2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Real-time and multi-agent systems / Attoui, Ammar, 1957- c2000. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧
Book Reason and resonance : a history of modern aurality / Erlmann, Veit. 2010. 心智模擬計算及人工智慧