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Himalaya : land of the snow lion : photographs / |
Baldeck, Andrea. |
c2009. |
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Histoire de l'énergie hydraulique : moulins, pompes, roues et turbines de l'antiquité au XXe siècle / |
Viollet, Pierre-Louis. |
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Histoire des paysages méditerranéens terrassés : aménagements et agriculture / |
Harfouche, Romana. |
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Histoire technique & tactique du projectile / |
Bongrain, Gilles. |
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Historic Govan : archaeology and development / |
Dalglish, Chris. |
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Historic Tain : archaeology and development / |
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Historicity of Rāma and K̥rṣṇa : literary, historical, archaeological and scientific perspectives / |
Singh, G. P. 1942- (Girish Prasad), |
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Histories of maize in Mesoamerica : multidisciplinary approaches / |
c2010. |
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History under the sea : a handbook for underwater exploration / |
Peterson, Mendel. |
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History, fiction or science? : Chronology / |
Fomenko, A. T. |
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Hoards from the Neolithic to the metal ages : technical and codified practices : session of the XIth Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists / |
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Holding it all together : ancient and modern approaches to joining, repair and consolidation / |
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Holocene hunter-gatherers of the lower Ohio River Valley / |
Jefferies, Richard W. |
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Holocene vegetation history in the territory of Sagalassos (Southwest Turkey) : a palynological approach / |
Vermoere, M. |
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Holt African American literature / |
c2009. |
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Homer and the Iliad. |
Blackie, John Stuart, 1809-1895. |
c2006. |
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Homo erectus : pleistocene evidence from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia / |
c2008. |
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Honor among thieves : a zooarchaeological study of Neandertal ecology / |
Stiner, Mary C., 1955- |
c1994. |
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Hopewell settlement patterns, subsistence, and symbolic landscapes / |
c2010. |
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Hot pursuit : integrating anthropology in search of ancient glass-blowers / |
Fischer, Alysia. |
c2008. |
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Houses and society in the later Roman Empire / |
Bowes, Kimberly Diane, 1970- |
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Houses in a landscape : memory and everyday life in Mesoamerica / |
Hendon, Julia A. (Julia Ann) |
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How sex works : why we look, smell, taste, feel, and act the way we do / |
Moalem, Sharon. |
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Human ecodynamics : proceedings of the Association for Environmental Archaeology conference 1998 held at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne / |
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Human remains : guide for museums and academic institutions / |
c2007. |
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Human remains in archaeology : a handbook / |
Roberts, Charlotte A. |
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Human-induced changes in the environment and landscape of the Maltese Islands from the Neolithic to the 15th century AD : as inferred from a scientific study of sediments from Marsa, Malta / |
Fenech, Katrin. |
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Hunter-gatherer archaeobotany : perspectives from the northern temperate zone / |
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Hunter-gatherer economy in prehistory : a European perspective / |
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Hunter-gatherer mortuary practices during the central Texas Archaic / |
Bement, Leland C. |
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Hunter-gatherer specialised subsistence strategies in Greece during the Upper Palaeolithic from the perspective of lithic technology / |
Elefanti, Paraskevi. |
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Hunters of the Golden Age : the mid Upper Palaeolithic of Eurasia, 30,000-20,000 BP / |
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Identification guide for Near Eastern grass seeds / |
Nesbitt, Mark. |
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Il libro manoscritto da Oriente a Occidente : per una codicologia comparata / |
Agati, Maria Luisa. |
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Image and audience : rethinking prehistoric art / |
Bradley, Richard, 1946- |
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Image and ritual in the Aztec world : selected papers of the 'Ritual Americas' conferences / |
Peperstraete, Sylvie. |
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Images of conflict : military aerial photography and archaeology / |
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In care of the Southern Ocean : an archaeological and historical survey of the Auckland Islands / |
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In cima alle stelle : l'universo tra arte, archeologia e scienza / |
c2007. |
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In search of Ice Age Americans / |
Tankersley, Kenneth B., 1955- |
c2002. |
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In search of ancient Ireland : the origins of the Irish, from neolithic times to the coming of the English / |
McCaffrey, Carmel. |
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In the shadow of Bennachie : a field archaeology of Donside, Aberdeenshire / |
Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. |
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In the valley of the kings : Howard Carter and the mystery of King Tutankhamun's tomb / |
Meyerson, Daniel. |
c2009. |
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Included in English studies : learning climates that cultivate racial and ethnic diversity / |
c2002. |
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Inconvenient heritage : erasure and global tourism in Luang Prabang / |
Dearborn, Lynne M. |
c2010. |
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Indigenous archaeology in India : prospects for an archaeology of the Subaltern / |
Pratap, Ajay. |
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Indo-Roman trade : from pots to pepper / |
Tomber, R. (Roberta) |
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Industrial Ireland 1750-1930 : an archaeology / |
Rynne, Colin. |
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Industrial chemistry case studies : industrial processes in the 1990s / |
c1998. |
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Infant milk or hardy nourishment? : the Bible for lay people and theologians in the early modern period / |
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