
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book New perspectives on Etruria and early Rome : in honor of Richard Daniel De Puma / c2009. 科技考古學
Book New perspectives on the first Americans / c2004. 科技考古學
Book New routes to the past : proceedings of a public seminar on archaeological discoveries on national road schemes, August 2006 / 2007. 科技考古學
Book No bone unturned : inside the world of a top forensic scientist and his work on America's most notorious crimes and disasters / Benedict, Jeff. 2004. 科技考古學
Book Non-flint raw material use in prehistory : old prejudices and new directions = L'utilisation préhistorique de matières premières lithiques alternatives : anciens préjugés, nouvelles perspectives / 2009. 科技考古學
Book Noonie's masterpiece / Railsback, Lisa. 2010. 科技考古學
Book Nordic world : prehistory to medieval times / 2008. 科技考古學
Book North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles X / North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles Copenhagen, Denmark) 2008 : (10th : c2010. 科技考古學
Book Norwegian runes and runic inscriptions / Spurkland, Terje. 2005. 科技考古學
Book Nuclear analytical techniques in archaeological investigations. 2003. 科技考古學
Book O3A : optics for arts, architecture, and archaeology II : 17-18 June 2009, Munich, Germany / c2009. 科技考古學
Book Oahe Reservoir : archeology, geology, history / Caldwell, Warren W. (Warren Wendell) [1963] 科技考古學
Book Oceans odyssey : deep-sea shipwrecks in the English Channel, Straits of Gibraltar & Atlantic Ocean / ©2010. 科技考古學
Book Ocmulgee archaeology, 1936-1986 / c1994. 科技考古學
Book Of butchers & breeds : report on vertebrate remains from various sites in the City of Lincoln / Dobney, Keith. [1996?] 科技考古學
Book Okinawa : the rise of an Island Kingdom : archaeological and cultural perspectives : proceedings of a symposium, Kingdom of the Coral Seas, November 17, 2007, at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London / 2009. 科技考古學
Book Old and new worlds in Greek onomastics / 2007. 科技考古學
Book On site geoarchaeology on a Neolithic tell site in Greece : archaeological sediments, microartifacts and software development / c2009. 科技考古學
Book On the prairie of Palo Alto : historical archaeology of the U.S.-Mexican War Battlefield / Haecker, Charles M. c1997. 科技考古學
Book On the theory and practice of archaeological computing / 2000. 科技考古學
Book On the track of the Thule culture from Bering Strait to east Greenland : proceedings of the SILA conference "The Thule culture -- new perspectives in Inuit prehistory", Copenhagen, Oct. 26th-28th, 2006 : papers in honour of Hans Christian Gulløv / SILA Conference Copenhagen, Denmark) (2006 : 2009. 科技考古學
Book On the trail of the ancient opium poppy / Merlin, Mark David. c1984. 科技考古學
Book Opening archaeology : repatriation's impact on contemporary research and practice / 2008. 科技考古學
Book Opportunities in museum careers / Camenson, Blythe. c2007. 科技考古學
Book Organic mass spectrometry in art and archaeology / 2009. 科技考古學
Book Origins of the Ñuu : archaeology in the Mixteca Alta, Mexico / c2009. 科技考古學
Book Ostéo-archéologie et techniques médico-légales : tendances et perspectives : pour un "manuel pratique de paléopathologie humaine" / 2008. 科技考古學
Book Pacific landscapes : archaeological approaches / c2002. 科技考古學
Book Paleoamerican origins : beyond Clovis / c2005. 科技考古學
Book Paleoecology of two peat deposits on the Oregon coast, Hansen, Henry P. (Henry Paul) [1941] 科技考古學
Book Paleoethnobotany of the Koster site: the archaic horizons / Asch, Nancy B. 1972. 科技考古學
Book Paleoimaging : field applications for cultural remains and artifacts / Beckett, Ronald G. c2010. 科技考古學
Book Paleoindian archaeology : a hemispheric perspective / c2006. 科技考古學
Book Paleoindian geoarchaeology of the southern High Plains / Holliday, Vance T. 1997. 科技考古學
Book Paleoindian subsistence dynamics on the northwestern Great Plains : zooarchaeology of the Agate Basin and Clary Ranch sites / Hill, Matthew G. (Matthew Glenn) 2008. 科技考古學
Book Paleonutrition / Sutton, Mark Q. c2010. 科技考古學
Book Paleoshorelines and prehistory : an investigation of method / c1992. 科技考古學
Book Paléolithique inférieur du Bassin Côtier de Tarfaya (SW du Maroc) : analyse techno-typologique / Nocairi, Mohamed. 2000. 科技考古學
Book Parks in medieval England / Mileson, S. A. 1978- (Stephen Anthony), 2009. 科技考古學
Book Parure d'une princesse byzantine : tissus archéologiques de Sainte-Sophie de Mistra = To endyma mias Vyzantinēs prigkipissas : archaiologika uphasmata apo tēn Agia Sophia tou Mystra / 2000. 科技考古學
Book Past and present : ethnoarchaeology in India / National Seminar on "Ethnoarchaeology in India: Methodologies, Problems, and Prospects" Calcutta, India) (2002 : 2006. 科技考古學
Book Past and present : excavations at Broom, Bedfordshire 1996-2005 / Cooper, Anwen. c2007. 科技考古學
Book Past lives : unlocking the secrets of our ancestors / Wilson, Ian, 1941- 2001. 科技考古學
Book Pastoralist landscapes and social interaction in bronze age Eurasia / Frachetti, Michael D. c2008. 科技考古學
Book Pattern and process in cultural evolution / c2009. 科技考古學
Book Pattern recognition in nanoscience, environmental engineering and archeology / c2007. 科技考古學
Book Patterns and process : a festschrift in honor of Dr. Edward V. Sayre / 2003. 科技考古學
Book Pecos ruins : geology, archaeology, history, and prehistory / c1993. 科技考古學
Book Peninj : a research project on human origins, 1995-2005 / c2009. 科技考古學
Book People and plants in ancient eastern North America / c2003. 科技考古學