
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Seianti Hanunia Tlesnasa : the story of an Etruscan noblewoman / c2002. 科技考古學
Book Selected writings of José Miguel de Barandiarán : Basque prehistory and ethnography / Barandiarán, José Miguel de. c2007. 科技考古學
Book Serpent's kiss / Archer, Alex. 2008. 科技考古學
Book Serçe Limanı : an eleventh-century shipwreck / 2004- 科技考古學
Book Settlement, industry and ritual : proceedings of a public seminar on archaeological discoveries on national road schemes, September 2005 / 2006. 科技考古學
Book Shadow hunters / Golden, Christie. c2007. 科技考古學
Book Shallale : ancient city of the Carmel / Dar, Shimʻon. 2009. 科技考古學
Book Shamans of the lost world : a cognitive approach to the prehistoric religion of the Ohio Hopewell / Romain, William F., 1948- c2009. 科技考古學
Book Sheri Khan Tarakai and early village life in the borderlands of north-west Pakistan : Bannu Archaeological Project Survey and Excavations, 1985-2001 / 2010. 科技考古學
Book Shifting sands : the archaeology of Sand Hollow / Talbot, Richard K. 2009. 科技考古學
Book Shipovskiĭ mogilʹnik v lesostepnom Priuralʹe / 2007. 科技考古學
Book Ships' graveyards : abandoned watercraft and the archaeological site formation process / Richards, Nathan. c2008. 科技考古學
Book Shipwreck archaeology in Australia / 2007. 科技考古學
Book Shipwreck at Madman's Corner / Lefroy, Mike. 2010. 科技考古學
Book Shipwrecks : exploring sunken cities beneath the sea / Cerullo, Mary M. c2009. 科技考古學
Book Shipwrecks along Lake Superior's North Shore : a diver's guide / Daniel, Stephen B., 1947- c2008. 科技考古學
Book Shipwrecks from the westward movement / Delgado, James P. c2000. 科技考古學
Book Shpol'skii spectroscopy and other site-selection methods : applications in environmental analysis, bioanalytical chemistry, and chemical physics / c2000. 科技考古學
Book Sicily before history : an archaeological survey from the Palaeolithic to the Iron Age / Leighton, Robert. 1999. 科技考古學
Book Significant others : Society of Museum Archaeologists, the Museum Archaeologist vol. 25 ; conference proceedings, Southampton 1998 / c2000. 科技考古學
Book Siliceous rocks and prehistory : bibliography on geo-archaeological approaches to chert sourcing and prehistoric exploitation / Delage, Christophe. 2003. 科技考古學
Book Sir John Evans 1823-1908 : antiquity, commerce and natural science in the age of Darwin / c2008. 科技考古學
Book Sir Samuel Hood and the Battle of the Chesapeake / Pengelly, Colin. c2009. 科技考古學
Book Siraf : history, topography and environment / Whitehouse, David, 1941- c2009. 科技考古學
Book Skullduggery / Hautman, Pete, 1952- c2007. 科技考古學
Book Smithsonian at the poles : contributions to International Polar Year science / 2009. 科技考古學
Book Smoke blackened thatch : a unique source of late medieval plant remains from Southern England / Letts, John B. 2000. 科技考古學
Book Social archaeologies of trade and exchange : exploring relationships among people, places, and things / c2010. 科技考古學
Book Social brain, distributed mind / 2010. 科技考古學
Book Social complexity in prehistoric Eurasia : monuments, metals, and mobility / 2009. 科技考古學
Book Social identities among archaic mobile hunters and gatherers of the American Southwest / McBrinn, Maxine. c2005. 科技考古學
Book Social relations in later prehistory : Wessex in the first millennium BC / Sharples, Niall M. 2010. 科技考古學
Book Socio-economic aspects of Chalcolithic (4500-3500 BC) societies in the Southern Levant : a lithic perspective / Hermon, Sorin. 2008. 科技考古學
Book Solar power, fuel cells, wind power and other important environmental studies for upper elementary and middle school gifted students and their teachers : a technology, problem-solving and invention guide / Roman, Harry T., 1949- 2008. 科技考古學
Book Solving the mysteries of Aztec cities / Croy, Anita. c2009. 科技考古學
Book Solving the mysteries of Pompeii / Samuel, Charlie. 2009. 科技考古學
Book Solving the mysteries of ancient Rome / Hanbury-Murphy, Trudy. 2009. 科技考古學
Book Solving the mysteries of the past / Aksomitis, Gerard. 2009. 科技考古學
Book Some postglacial forests in central and eastern New York State as determined by the method of pollen analysis. Cox, Donald D. 1959. 科技考古學
Book South-eastern Mediterranean peoples between 130,000 and 10,000 years ago / c2010. 科技考古學
Book Space and time : which diachronies, which synchronies, which scales? and Typology vs. technology. 2008. 科技考古學
Book Speaking with the ancestors : Mississippian stone statuary of the Tennessee-Cumberland region / Smith, Kevin E. c2009. 科技考古學
Book Spider star / Brotherton, Mike. 2008. 科技考古學
Book Spirit of the American Southwest : geology, ancient eras and prehistoric people, hiking through time / Prisciantelli, Tom, 1946- c2002. 科技考古學
Book Spirits of the air : birds & American Indians in the South / Krech, Shepard, 1944- c2009. 科技考古學
Book Spécialisation des tâches et société / c2006. 科技考古學
Book Stable isotopic analysis of carbon and nitrogen as an indicator of paleodietary change among pre-state metal age societies in northeast Thailand / King, Christopher A. 2008. 科技考古學
Book Stadt Zürich : Archäologie und Denkmalpflege, 2003-2006 / c2006. 科技考古學
Book Standing with stones : a photographic journey through megalithic Britain & Ireland / Soskin, Rupert. 2009. 科技考古學
Book Status of prehistoric studies in the twenty-first century in India = État de l'art d'études préhistoriques au XXIe siècle en Inde / International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences Lisbon, Portugal) 2006 : (15th : 2009. 科技考古學