
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Still making waves : creating a splash in midlife & beyond / Malone, Gracie. c2004. 科技考古學
Book Stolen fury / Naughton, Elisabeth. 2009. 科技考古學
Book Stone Age spear and arrow points of the Southwestern United States / Justice, Noel D. c2002. 科技考古學
Book Stone Age studies in post-glacial Europe / 2007. 科技考古學
Book Stonehenge : a new interpretation of prehistoric man and the cosmos / North, John David. c1996. 科技考古學
Book Stories in red and black : pictorial histories of the Aztecs and Mixtecs / Boone, Elizabeth Hill. 2010. 科技考古學
Book Strategic thinking and the new science : planning in the midst of chaos, complexity, and change / Sanders, T. Irene, 1951- c1998. 科技考古學
Book Studien an subfossilen Tierknochen aus Ägypten / Boessneck, Joachim. 1982. 科技考古學
Book Studies in maritime archaeology / McGrail, Sean. 1997. 科技考古學
Book Studies on patristic texts and archaeology : if these stones could speak...essays in honor of Dennis Edward Groh / c2009. 科技考古學
Book Summer of discovery / Herr, Melody. c2006. 科技考古學
Book Sunken realms : a complete catalog of underwater ruins / Mutton, Karen. c2009. 科技考古學
Book Sunken treasure / Phillips, Dee, 1967- 2004. 科技考古學
Book Suppressed history III : pummeling politically correct positions / Clayton, B. Forrest. c2007. 科技考古學
Book Sur quelques notices des arpenteurs romains / Guillaumin, Jean-Yves. 2007. 科技考古學
Book Surface erosion and disturbance at archeological sites : implications for site preservation / MacDonald, Anne. 1990] 科技考古學
Book Sutton Hoo : burial ground of kings? / Carver, M. O. H. 1998. 科技考古學
Book Sutton Hoo and its landscape : the context of monuments / Williamson, Tom, 1955- c2008. 科技考古學
Book Sydney Cove : the history and archaeology of an eighteenth-century shipwreck / Nash, Michael, 1959- c2009. 科技考古學
Book Symbols in clay : seeking artists' identities in Hopi yellow ware bowls / LeBlanc, Steven A. 2009. 科技考古學
Book Synopsis : an annual index of Greek studies, 1993 / c1998. 科技考古學
Book TRAC 2008 : proceedings of the eighteenth annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference which took place at The University of Amsterdam, 4-6 March 2008 / Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2008 : (18th : c2009. 科技考古學
Book TVA archaeology : seventy-five years of prehistoric site research / c2009. 科技考古學
Book Taking a stand for the Bible / Ankerberg, John, 1945- c2009. 科技考古學
Book Taphonomie, Zoologie, Chronologie, Technologie, Ökonomie : die Säugetierreste aus den jungsteinzeitlichen Grabenwerken in Bruchsal, Landkreis Karlsruhe / Steppan, Karlheinz. 2003. 科技考古學
Book Taphonomy and interpretation / c2000. 科技考古學
Book Te Kerikeri, 1770-1850 : the meeting pool / 2007. 科技考古學
Book Technical systems of lithic production in the lower and middle Pleistocene of the Iberian Peninsula : technological variability between northeastern sites and Sierra de Atapuerca sites. / Rodríguez, Xosé Pedro. 2004. 科技考古學
Book Technology through the ages : prehistory and the classical period / c2009. 科技考古學
Book Tell Beydar : environmental and technical studies / 2000. 科技考古學
Book Tell Hesban and vicinity in the Iron Age / Ray, Paul J. c2001. 科技考古學
Book Tell el-Dabʻa. 1975- 科技考古學
Book Tell es-Sultan--Jericho in the Context of the Jordan Valley : Site Management, Conservation, and Sustainable Development. : proceedings of the International Workshop held in Ariha 7th-11th February 2005 by the Department of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, UNESCO office-Ramallah, Rome "La Sapienza" University / International Workshop "Tell es-Sultan--Jericho in the Context of the Jordan Valley: Site Management, Conservation, and Sustainable Development" Jericho, West Bank) (2005 : 2006. 科技考古學
Book Tenor : history of a voice / Potter, John, tenor. c2009. 科技考古學
Book Terminal freeze : a novel / Child, Lincoln. c2009. 科技考古學
Book Terra cotta warriors : guardians of China's first emperor / Portal, Jane. 2008, c2007. 科技考古學
Book Terres cuites architecturales médiévales et modernes en Ile-de-France et dans les régions voisines / 2009. 科技考古學
Book Tesoros perdidos del mundo / Groushko, Michael. 1993. 科技考古學
Book Textiles in archaeology / Wild, John Peter. 1988. 科技考古學
Book The 1912 Yale Peruvian scientific expedition collections from Machu Picchu : human and animal remains / c2003. 科技考古學
Book The Aborigines of Puerto Rico and neighboring islands / Fewkes, Jesse Walter, 1850-1930. c2009. 科技考古學
Book The Aegean and its cultures : proceedings of the first Oxford-Athens graduate student workshop organized by the Greek Society and the University of Oxford Taylor Institution, 22-23 April 2005 / 2009. 科技考古學
Book The Alexander cipher / Adams, Will, 1963- 2009. 科技考古學
Book The Anglo-Saxon landscape : the kingdom of the Hwicce / Hooke, Della. 2009. 科技考古學
Book The Atlantis code / Brokaw, Charles. 2009. 科技考古學
Book The Augustinian priory of St. Mary Merton, Surrey : excavations 1976-90 / Miller, Pat, 1959- 2007. 科技考古學
Book The Berkeley Plato : from neglected relic to ancient treasure : an archaeological detective story / Miller, Stephen G. 1942- (Stephen Gaylord), c2009. 科技考古學
Book The Bible of Clay / Navarro, Julia, 1953- 2009, c2008. 科技考古學
Book The Bronze Age begins : the ceramics revolution of early Minoan I and the new forms of wealth that transformed prehistoric society / Betancourt, Philip P., 1936- 2008. 科技考古學
Book The Bronze Age landscapes of the Pipeline to the West : an integrated archaeological and environmental assessment / Grogan, Eoin. 2007. 科技考古學