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The Bull Ring uncovered : excavations at Edgbaston Street, Moor Street, Park Street and the Row, Birmingham, 1997-2001 / |
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The Coody Creek site, a late Caddo village in eastern Oklahoma / |
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The East European Plain on the eve of agriculture / |
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The Eastern Archaic, historicized / |
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The Egyptologist : a novel / |
Phillips, Arthur, 1969- |
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The First Egyptians : an exhibition / |
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The Giza death star deployed : the physics and engineering of the Great Pyramid / |
Farrell, Joseph P. |
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The Gravettian along the Danube : proceedings of the Mikulov Conference, 20.-21. November 2002 / |
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The Greek and Latin inscriptions in the Burdur Archaeological Museum / |
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The H.L. Hunley : the secret hope of the Confederacy / |
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The Hal-Saflieni Hypogeum, 4000 BC-2000 AD / |
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The Hebrew Bible reborn : from Holy Scripture to the Book of Books : a history of biblical culture and the battles over the Bible in modern Judaism / |
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The Hohokam millennium / |
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The Holy Land : archaeological guide to Israel, Sinai, and Jordan / |
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The Iceman and his natural environment : palaeobotanical results / |
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The Indonesia reader : history, culture, politics / |
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The Jesus family tomb : the discovery, the investigation, and the evidence that could change history / |
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The Kowoj : identity, migration, and geopolitics in late postclassic Petén, Guatemala / |
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The LMIII cemetery at Tourloti, Siteia : the 'Xanthoudidis Master' and the octopus style in east Crete / |
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The La Lomita excavations : 10th century Hohokam occupation in south-central Arizona / |
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The Late Archaic across the Borderlands : from foraging to farming / |
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The Late Cenozoic of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego / |
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The Libyan desert : natural resources and cultural heritage / |
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The London Guildhall : an archaeological history of a neighbourhood from early medieval to modern times / |
Bowsher, David, 1961- |
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The Maikop treasure / |
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The Manasseh hill country survey / |
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The Maya tropical forest : people, parks, & ancient cities / |
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The Maya vase conservation project / |
Grant, Lynn A. |
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The Mediterranean from 50 000 to 25 000 BP : turning points and new directions / |
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The Morocco maritime survey : an archaeological contribution to the history of the Tangier peninsula / |
Erbati, Elarbi. |
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The Mummy : dark resurrection / |
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The Naos of the Decades : from the observation of the sky to mythology and astrology / |
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The Navigator / |
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