
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The Oxford India Kosambi : combined methods in indology and other writings / Kosambi, D. D. 1907-1966. (Damodar Dharmanand), 2009. 科技考古學
Book The Oxford handbook of papyrology / 2009. 科技考古學
Book The Patterned peatlands of Minnesota / c1992. 科技考古學
Book The Persian Gulf in history / 2009. 科技考古學
Book The Philistines and Aegean migration at the end of the late Bronze Age / Yasur-Landau, Assaf. 2010. 科技考古學
Book The Pueblo Revolt and the mythology of conquest : an indigenous archaeology of contact / Wilcox, Michael V. 1967- (Michael Vincent), c2009. 科技考古學
Book The Routledge handbook of the peoples and places of ancient western Asia : from the early Bronze Age to the fall of the Persian Empire / Bryce, Trevor, 1940- 2009. 科技考古學
Book The SAGE handbook of rhetorical studies / c2009. 科技考古學
Book The Sea of Galilee boat : a 2000 year old discovery from the sea of legends / Wachsmann, Shelley. c2000. 科技考古學
Book The Sea of Galilee boat : an extraordinary 2000-year-old discovery / Wachsmann, Shelley. c1995. 科技考古學
Book The Shroud of Turin : an adventure of discovery / Whanger, Mary. c1998. 科技考古學
Book The Shroud of Turin : the most up-to-date analysis of all the facts regarding the Church's controversial relic / Ruffin, Bernard, 1947- c1999. 科技考古學
Book The Spanish convoy of 1750 : heaven's hammer and international diplomacy / Lewis, James A. (James Allen) c2009. 科技考古學
Book The Thames through time : the archaeology of the gravel terraces of the upper and middle Thames : the Thames Valley in late prehistory, 1500 BC-AD 50 / Lambrick, George. 2009. 科技考古學
Book The Tlingit encounter with photography / Gmelch, Sharon. c2008. 科技考古學
Book The Tomb of Hercules : a novel / McDermott, Andy. 2009. 科技考古學
Book The Usborne book of treasure hunting / Claybourne, Anna. 1999, c1998. 科技考古學
Book The Usborne introduction to archaeology : internet-linked / Wheatley, Abigail, 1974- 2004. 科技考古學
Book The Vincent in the barn : great stories of motorcycle archaeology / Cotter, Tom, 1954- 2009. 科技考古學
Book The Xavánte in transition : health, ecology, and bioanthropology in central Brazil / 2004, c2002. 科技考古學
Book The acquisition and exhibition of classical antiquities : professional, legal, and ethical perspectives / c2007. 科技考古學
Book The ancient Andean village : Marcaya in prehispanic Nasca / Vaughn, Kevin J. c2009. 科技考古學
Book The ancient Indus : urbanism, economy, and society / Wright, Rita P. 2010. 科技考古學
Book The ancient Near Eastern world / Podany, Amanda H. c2005. 科技考古學
Book The ancient Southwest : Chaco Canyon, Bandelier, and Mesa Verde / Stuart, David E. 2009. 科技考古學
Book The ancient distribution of ungulate mammals in the Middle East : fauna and archaeological sites in Southwest Asia and Northeast Africa / Uerpmann, Hans-Peter, 1941- 1987. 科技考古學
Book The ancient world / c2007. 科技考古學
Book The archaeological adventures of I.V. Jones / Roberts, Heidi. c2010. 科技考古學
Book The archaeologist's book of quotations / c2010. 科技考古學
Book The archaeologist's field handbook / Burke, Heather, 1966- c2009. 科技考古學
Book The archaeology and geography of ancient transcaucasian societies. 2009- 科技考古學
Book The archaeology of American labor and working-class life / Shackel, Paul A. c2009. 科技考古學
Book The archaeology of Celtic art / Harding, D. W. (Dennis William) 2007. 科技考古學
Book The archaeology of Hindu ritual : temples and the establishment of the gods / Willis, Michael D., 1951- 2009. 科技考古學
Book The archaeology of Hong Kong / Meacham, William. c2009. 科技考古學
Book The archaeology of Lydia, from Gyges to Alexander / Roosevelt, Christopher H. 1972- (Christopher Havemeyer), 2009. 科技考古學
Book The archaeology of a Great Estate : Chatsworth and beyond / Barnatt, John. c2009. 科技考古學
Book The archaeology of class war : the Colorado Coalfield Strike of 1913-1914 / c2009. 科技考古學
Book The archaeology of destruction / 2008. 科技考古學
Book The archaeology of geological catastrophes / 2000. 科技考古學
Book The archaeology of human bones / Mays, Simon. 2010. 科技考古學
Book The archaeology of institutional life / c2009. 科技考古學
Book The archaeology of meaningful places / c2009. 科技考古學
Book The archaeology of measurement : comprehending Heaven, Earth and time in ancient societies / 2010. 科技考古學
Book The archaeology of religion : cultures and their beliefs in worldwide context / Steadman, Sharon R. c2009. 科技考古學
Book The archaeology of the A1 (M) : Darrington to Dishforth DBFO road scheme / 2007. 科技考古學
Book The archaeology of the dead : lectures in archaeothanatology / Duday, H. c2009. 科技考古學
Book The archaeology of the eastern Nevada paleoarchaic. 2009. 科技考古學
Book The archives of the peat bogs / Godwin, Harry, Sir, 1901- 1981. 科技考古學
Book The art and archaeology of Challuabamba, Ecuador / Grieder, Terence. 2009. 科技考古學